Introduce Yourself : Joining in on Introduce Yourself - December Edition by Leonardo Ramirez

Leonardo Ramirez

Joining in on Introduce Yourself - December Edition

Hey Tribe!

Just thought I’d join in on December’s “Introduce Yourself”.

I had written some scripts before but didn’t fall in love with it in until I caught a severe case of COVID and was in quarantine for 3-4 months. After entering one of my projects into the action script contest, I focused on a kids animated pilot. I'm currently on the big finale scene. I have about 10-11 other treatments to work on after that.

I also grew up as a musician and singer (brass, guitar drums and now piano) and even tried a live improv which was a blast! I’d love to try acting someday. Outside of my creative side, I'm a 4th degree black belt in American Karate with multiple weapons training and a brown belt in katana (American Bushido Kenjutsu). I'm retired from teaching martial arts and passed that down to my daughter who is now also a 4th degree.

The absolute best title I've ever held ever, ever, ever held is "Dad".

Maurice Vaughan

Cool picture, Leonardo Ramirez. It feels great to be on the big finale scene in a script, huh?

Leonardo Ramirez

Maurice Vaughan It sure does, my friend. Trying my best not to agonize over it but instead have fun with it.

Kevin Jackson

Hey Leo, fellow martial artist myself with a Black Sash in Kung Fu. Absolutely great that you are writing so many projects. Can't wait to hear more about the kids series

Leonardo Ramirez

Kevin Jackson Honored to meet you! (bows). Stay in touch!

Maurice Vaughan

I know the feeling, Leonardo Ramirez ("Trying my best not to agonize over it but instead have fun with it"). Yeah, have fun with the big finale scene. You can fix it in rewrites.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Leonardo Ramirez - you have so many talents!!! Will there be a karate kickin' drum playin' character in your animated pilot?

Leonardo Ramirez

Shellie Schmals Haha! There wasn't. But there is now! Will you take a check or credit card? lol

GiGi Raines

Nice to meet you! Happy to hear you pulled through COVID writing scripts! Incredible dedication, and I hope fun!

Brimo Morales

Nice to meet you

Leonardo Ramirez

GiGi Raines It made me feel alive again!

Leonardo Ramirez

Brimo Morales Very nice to meet you as well!

Geoff Hall

Kudos to you Leonardo Ramirez. When I had Covid I could do nothing, just lie around the place with no energy. Then along came Long Covid. And strangely, but gradually I got back into writing. I guess I was happy to lose my mojo for 10 days, but definitely not 10 months.

Leonardo Ramirez

@Geoff Hall I hear you, my friend. It was surreal. I could do absolutely nothing with my body...move or even take two steps without collapsing. I remember trying to walk to the bedroom door to close it and collapsing on the floor so I had to crawl back to my bed while telling my wife she couldn't come in to help me. Despite that, my mind was alert and fully coherent. And this was in March of '20 before we understood it.

Geoff Hall

Thank you, Leonardo Ramirez I just couldn’t focus. My mind was like glue. It’s the first time my health had stopped me writing. Glad to hear you are on the end and being productive.

Leonardo Ramirez

Thanks Geoff. So glad you're ok now.

Leonardo Ramirez

@Robert Muyuwa Mulundika Very nice to meet you, kind sir. I hope that you're sore throat isn't "that which shall not be named" as well. Take care of yourself and get plenty of rest and listen to some of that funky jazz! Nothing better in this world than being a dad is there? All the best. And yes, that blockbuster of yours is coming!

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez I am a Dad, but what tops that - don’t tell my kids - is being a grandfather. My grandson, Alexander and I have such a tight relationship. It’s just amazing to see an outpouring of love from a three year old again! He swoons and falls, Stage Right…

Leonardo Ramirez

@Geoff Hall - You know I've heard that it does top it! And although I want to enjoy every moment with my daughter, she's now 21 so I miss having a two-year old version of her to play with so I'm looking forward to that!

Maurice Vaughan

Hope you feel better, Robert, and hope it's only a sore throat.

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez I’ve just heard from my wife and she said my grandson, Alexander, was using the TV remote as a phone and said he was talking to Paw Patrol and Granda! Wow, how cool is that? He’s happy that I’m returning home tomorrow too. Can’t wait to see him again.

Leonardo Ramirez

@Geoff Hall What a joy that is! I bet you're just chomping at the bit to see him. So beautiful.

Maurice Vaughan

That's funny, Geoff! :D

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez yes, a true joy! Apparently, tomorrow is the big reunion is tomorrow.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan funny/beautiful.

Leonardo Ramirez

@Geoff Hall I'll bet he's had some influence over some of your stories. I know my daughter certainly do all good things.

Geoff Hall

Indeed, Leonardo Ramirez There is a dedication to him on the “Breathe” script, imploring him to ‘Catch the Light’…

Leonardo Ramirez

@Geoff Hall That is perfect. That's a dedication he will carry with him for the rest of his days. So inspiring.

Maurice Vaughan

Exactly, Geoff. Funny/beautiful.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan and all at once!

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez thanks again, I hope it will be made and inspire him in his life. Be a kind of legacy.

Leonardo Ramirez

@Geoff Hall Of that, I have no doubt!

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