Introduce Yourself : Actor, VO Actor, Screen/RadioDrama/Playwriter by Dave Corey

Dave Corey

Actor, VO Actor, Screen/RadioDrama/Playwriter

Hi, all! I'm a film and TV actor going way back to Miami Vice. As a rather tall and imposing guy I usually end up getting 'whacked' (Analyze This, Walker Texas Ranger, etc.) My true joy these days is writing and producing projects that catch my attention. What does that mean? Well, for instance...I was visiting an elderly friend who just so happened to have a stack of letters sitting on her dining room table. She invited me to pore through them. Well, I did and found myself going through just about every emotion I have. The letters were from the years 1942-1946 and were back-and-forth from a young Jewish Marine ("Hymie") and his Coney Island family. They covered his Basic Officer Training at Parris Island to the bloody sands of Iwo Jima. Every single letter from Hymie ended with "Kisses for Ellen". That was the lady I was visiting! She was a baby when her Uncle Hymie joined the Marines like so many young men did in those WW2 years. Hymie carried her picture in his shirt pocket for the duration. Her little spirit gave him the strength - mental and physical - to carry on. Believe me, the letters are spectacular. For example, here's Hymie writing from a trench on Iwo Jima while he's surrounded by corpses of his comrades and enemy alike. One letter to his brother-in-law (his 'confidant') details the horror. An hour later he writes to his Mom and Pop that everything is great, the chow is terrific, and he's doing swell. Incredible. Well, after reading the letters I was bound and determined to share the story. I got a Grant from Broward County, FL to present a multimedia/Readers Theatre production of the story of Hymie and his family. I would LOVE to be able to see this story get the attention it so deserves...especially while Ellen is still with us! I have a promotional video posted on my Stage32 site. I'd love you to watch if you have an hour to spare! You can also avail yourself of a couple of international award winning audio plays I've written and produced - "Frankenstein's Demon" and "Blood Moon Over Miami". The latter could easily become a video series as it chronicles the fictional character of "Martina Van Helsing", granddaughter of Abraham Van Helsing, the renowned vampire hunter. What would happen if Count Dracula visited modern day South Florida? While the story is fictional, some of the characters (i.e. - a necrophile) are real! You'll find links to both! Thanks SO much for your time, and may good fortune pay us ALL a visit!

Dave Corey

"Kisses for Ellen" photo

Maurice Vaughan

Wow, that sounds like an incredible story, Dave Corey! I thought about "Schindler's List," "Saving Private Ryan," and "The Survivor" when I read your post.

Dave Corey

Right?! Just have to get it seen by the right people! Thanks, Maurice!

David Abrookin

Thanks for the intro, Dave Corey! I laughed when I read that your character often gets whacked. Also, Hymie sounds like a fascinating person.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Dave Corey. I can definitely see "Kisses for Ellen" as a mini-series. Hope you find the right home for the story. I'm looking forward to seeing it!

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