Introduce Yourself : Greetings Writers! by Demian Cuthbertson

Greetings Writers!

Happy Friday! Well I don’t know about your summer so far but I just finished my darkest script yet. Huzzah!

Demian Cuthbertson

Thank you for asking! It’s called Garden Snakes and it’s about the devil moving in next door to a traumatized couple. Sorta Arlington Road meets Devil’s Advocate. Was considering sending it one of the managers listed in the script services but with the strike, I’m kinda nervous about doing that.

Maurice Vaughan

Happy Friday and congratulations on finishing your script, Demian Cuthbertson! My summer's going great. It's busier than I thought it'd be with projects.

Maurice Vaughan

It's fine to send your script to a manager on Stage 32's Script Services list, Demian Cuthbertson. Here's Stage 32's statement on the WGA strike (

Richard "RB" Botto

That sounds very intriguing, Demian Cuthbertson. Like the comps. As Maurice said, seeking representation during this time is absolutely allowed and even encouraged. Your rep will, of course, not be able to send out your material until the strike ends, but they can work with you on developing your material and getting it market ready when everything settles.

Demian Cuthbertson

Extremely appreciated, Maurice. As always, thanks for looking out for your fellow creatives.

Tom Kubrak

Demian! Thank you for sharing and congratulations man! Love the sound of "your darkest script yet' too. Sounds awesome!

David Abrookin

Very cool script concept, Demian Cuthbertson! We have a horror contest launching next month that this sounds like a fit for!

Demian Cuthbertson

Thank you David!! I’m keeping my eyes open for that’n.

Demian Cuthbertson

Thanks so much Tom Kubrak! For it’s worth, my autocorrect REALLY wanted me to call you Kubrick.

Demian Cuthbertson

Really appreciate it Richard. I’m on it. Also, you guys are GREAT on here!

Tom Kubrak

Haha no relation to Stanley Demian, but I feel very connected to his films for some reason. His style is definitely one I've tried to emulate thus far in my extremely green and young filmmaking career.

Brigitte Millar

Hi Demian, that sounds really great.

Demian Cuthbertson

Thank you so much, Brigitte!! I hope your weekend is off to a great start. Can’t wait for people to start reading it.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Demian Cuthbertson. Glad to help.

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