⭐️ It's here! The prestigious Rocaberti Writer's Retreat's (what American Express calls, 'One of 8 Unmissable Writers' Retreats Worldwide') annual Scholarship Contest is now open, and we're offering one FULL SCHOLARSHIP, as well as several partial ones, to be mentored, in person, at a medieval castle in France or Italy, by Academy Award and BAFTA-winning producers, directors and writers, amongst them:
⭐️ Simon Egan, British Academy Award-winning producer of THE KING’S SPEECH
⭐️ Margaret French Isaac, President of Di Novi Pictures and former Executive Vice President of Johnny Depp’s production company
⭐️ Andrew Lazar, Academy Award-Nominated Producer (AMERICAN SNIPER, I LOVE YOU PHILLIP MORRIS, NYAD)
⭐️ Richard "RB" Botto, CEO & Founder of Stage 32
⭐️ Stan Zimmerman, writer of Emmy-winning TV shows, THE GOLDEN GIRLS, ROSEANNE, GILMORE GIRLS
⭐️ Diane Drake, Multi-million dollar screenwriter (WHAT WOMEN WANT, ONLY YOU).
⭐️ Michael Alden, producer of the Academy Award-winning THE HOURS.
We're also proud to announce that several writers who attended the 2023 retreats now have their projects in development with a mentor who they met at Rocaberti!
⭐️ TO APPLY (FREE TO ENTER): Go to: https://rocabertiwriters.com/scholarships/ (FINAL DEADLINE: 12 midnight, West Coast time, Sunday, December 10th, 2023.)
Good luck and Happy Holidays!