Success Stories: JAN'12 D.T. Yang hired as Screenwriter | Writer Fantasy Graphic Novel Wanted (REMOTE)

Stage 32 Job Alert

Screenwriter hired through Stage 32 Jobs

D.T. Yang, a Screenwriter from New York City, New York was just hired for the project titled "Writer Fantasy Graphic Novel Wanted (REMOTE)". Congratulations!

Asmaa Jamil


D.T. Yang

Thank you so much. Great news! I appreciate your kind words! Thank you again Asmaa Jamil

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations, D.T. Yang!

Scarlett Fox

Thank You It was great being a Speech Pathologist! I really enjoyed writing a series. Its under my name. I put them in order last night Thanks, Scarlett Fox

Kerson Raymond

Always gives me great pleasure to hear people win. Great way to start off the new year D.T. Yang. Congrats and best of luck..!

Sam Rivera

Congrats D.T. Yang

Emily J


D.T. Yang

Thank you all so much, I appreciate the kind words.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, D.T. Yang.

Richard "RB" Botto

Big time congratulations, D.T.

Scarlett Fox

My Pleasure!

David Abrookin

Congrats, D.T. Yang! So awesome!

Sydney S

Congrats D.T.!!

Zackary Goncz


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