Introduce Yourself : Healing Cinema by Mariluz Guerra

Mariluz Guerra

Healing Cinema

Dear Stage 32 Community,

I'm Mariluz Guerra, indigenous kankuama woman and independent film director originated from Colombia. My focus as an artist is to create diverse and inclusive communities of talents to learn, explore and co-create movies for inner peace, also known as healing cinema.

At the moment I've been working with more than 20 artists from different parts of the world and founded a nonprofit called Body Stories Project Inc. Our vision is to expand the power of storytelling to heal our communities and encourage those who resonate to join this movement for change, one movie at a time.

I invite you to visit our website Let's connect :)

Warm regards,


Body Stories Project | Healing Cinema
Body Stories Project | Healing Cinema
Our focus as filmmakers at Body Stories Project is to bring movies for inner peace. That's the power of healing cinema.
Sam Rivera

Wow what a great share Mariluz Guerra

Mariluz Guerra

Thank you Sam Rivera :)

Emily J

Thanks for sharing Mariluz Guerra! Your nonprofit sounds awesome! Are you working on any personal projects/stories of your own right now?

Maurice Vaughan

Body Stories Project Inc. sounds great, Mariluz Guerra. I just subscribed to your YouTube channel. I'll check out your videos.

Mariluz Guerra

Hi Emily J Thanks for your kind comment. Yes, I'm working on my next movie that also goes with the concept of healing cinema. Its name is 'Body Stories: Marta & Fidel.' It is a about the power of music to change lives for the better. Let's connect!

Mariluz Guerra

Hello Maurice Vaughan Thank you very much for your support! I'm glad you resonate with our collective vision :)

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Mariluz Guerra.

Mariluz Guerra

Hello John Michael German, thank you for the sweetness of your words :) God bless you too.

Dustin Richardson

Nice to meet you, Mariluz Guerra!

Miquiel Banks

Nice to meet you Mariluz! Keep pushing in this area because in mid-200s there was a company specializing in these films - Spiritual Cinema Circle. We got a DVD once a month with several shorts and one feature. Those movies were so unique and powerful! However, they changed their direction and I have no clue what happened to them. Good Luck and Keep Turning Up!!!! I can only help with Storytelling, Story Analysis, and Screenwriting. Reach out and let us know what you need.

Mariluz Guerra

Hi Dustin Richardson Nice to meet you too :)

Mariluz Guerra

Hello Miquiel Banks. I didn’t know about the company you’ve mentioned. I would like to know more about them. Thank you for the good wishes! I’ll definitely connect with you.

Mariluz Guerra

Thanks Mark Deuce! :)

John January Noble

Mariluz Guerra Welcome ! That is great !

Jessie Spillman

Welcome Mariluz Guerra , nice to meet you.

Mariluz Guerra

Thanks Jessie Spillman! :)

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