Anything Goes : How do you collaborate with others during the ideation phase of a project? by Sandra Scott

Sandra Scott

How do you collaborate with others during the ideation phase of a project?

Morning everyone,

Let's talk about teamwork! When you're bouncing around ideas for a new screenplay, how do you involve others in the creative process? Do you prefer brainstorming sessions with a group, one-on-one discussions, or maybe even virtual collaboration tools?

I am also wondering how do you ensure that everyone's ideas are heard and valued while still maintaining focus and direction for the project? Do you have any tips or tricks for keeping the ideation phase productive and inspiring?


Maurice Vaughan

I usually brainstorm alone, Sandra Scott, but if I brainstorm with a producer, writer, etc., it's usually a one-on-one discussion. Over the phone or something like Zoom are the best options because you get to hear/see the person/people, and it's quicker to talk than type.

"I am also wondering how do you ensure that everyone's ideas are heard and valued while still maintaining focus and direction for the project?" I'd say give each person time to talk about their ideas and ask questions.

Dalen Flynn

I like to do separate brainstorming as well as doing that with the other person. I'm interested in knowing what we both come up with - seeing how different we each thought of a story - and taking note of any similarities and working from there. I feel that's a good way to have everyone's ideas valued and a good starting point for a collaboration

Debbie Croysdale

@Sandra I brainstorm alone and with others to gain feedback from both writing peers and the occidental ears of non industry audiences to test response. If an exec/sponsor/producer likes my idea then it becomes totally one on one. A Shangrila moment is if they say from now on this is not for public eyes.

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