Your Stage : WRITERS BLOCK MONTHLY ZOOM GATHERING plus SCREENWRITING AS A PRO taught by James Dalessandro by James Dalessandro

James Dalessandro


Offering a forum for writers and filmmakers to connect, as we did at UCLA WRITERS BLOCK, hosted by legendary Dean Lew Hunter of the Masters Screenwriting program. James Dalessandro, who Hunter called "One of the 4 or 5 best screenwriting teachers in the world" will host the monthly Zoom event. In consort, James will be rebooting his long-running "Screenwriting as a Pro," a 10 week, Zoom intensive, maximum 15 students, for $350. The goal will be writing or rewriting a saleable Feature or TV Pilot or Episode. Contact James at JD1906SF@GMAIL.COM about either or both.

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, James Dalessandro. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know I moved your post from the Screenwriting Lounge to the Your Stage Lounge because it’s promotion. Promotion can go in the Your Stage Lounge and on Your Wall.

You can post your promotion in one of the main Lounges (Screenwriting Lounge, Filmmaking/Directing Lounge, etc.) if your post starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational to the community.

Example: If you post about the monthly forum and "Screenwriting as a Pro" in the Screenwriting Lounge, within that post you could start a discussion by talking about how the forum and "Screenwriting as a Pro" will benefit writers, how they have helped writers in the past, etc. This doesn’t have to be long, just something that starts a conversation that’s helpful and educational.

You can also post your promotion in one of the main Lounges if you're asking for feedback.

Let me know if you have any questions.

James Dalessandro

THANKS, Maurice. I have sent quite a few people to Stage 32, have used it dozens of times myself and taught classes on story structure for you. I'll follow your directions, thank you. James

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, James Dalessandro. That's great. And I didn't know you taught on Stage 32. I just looked up your name in Education and saw your "Writing the Original One-Hour TV Series Pilot Based on IP" webinar. I'll keep your webinar, forum, and "Screenwriting as a Pro" in mind.

James Dalessandro

MAURICE: Send me an email at Would love to chat - I'm impressed by what you are doing. James

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, James Dalessandro. I'll send you an email.

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