Introduce Yourself : New Ways To Fund Films And Make Films That Make Money by Eugene Mandelcorn

Eugene Mandelcorn

New Ways To Fund Films And Make Films That Make Money

I have seen so many aspiring filmmakers make horror movies. I was one of them. Trying to scare up the same audience puts us in competition with ourselves. Are there other kinds of films that don't need a lot of money to make and don't need name actors. Yes, there is a new type of film that can be made on a minuscule budget with no names attached.

Most aspiring filmmakers make short films and go the festival route, before they ever make a feature. Again, it's not necessary. Shorts very seldom make any money. I made my first short and my first feature at the same time and it is, to this day, streaming around the world.

We have come up with a new way to fund films, so easy, that I am surprised no-one else has used it before. Or maybe they have, but don't want to give away their secret.

Then there is a way to make a film where the investors are almost guaranteed to make money. I want my investors to make money, because they will invest again, and again.

Maurice Vaughan

It's great to see you again, Eugene Mandelcorn. Aspiring filmmakers making short films is a great idea! I watch a lot of indie short films. If I like the short, I watch a filmmaker's other work, which could be features, shows, etc.

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