Screenwriting : How to Pitch a TV Show by Tammy Hunt

Tammy Hunt

How to Pitch a TV Show

Short answer: come prepared.

The pitch meeting is the culmination of all of the work you have done thus far: your treatment, character breakdown, pilot script, logline and show bible were all created for this moment. They are the most powerful tools that you have in your utility belt.

If you can create visuals for the presentation, that is a bonus. Why tell them what your show is about when you can show them. Don’t let their imaginations run wild—anticipate their questions and create a slick proof-of-concept that will blow their minds.

Lastly, know your audience and their core desires. Put yourself in their shoes and ask yourself what would you want in a show?

1. Origin

Briefly touch upon what inspired you to write this idea.

2. Human Hook

Why will the audience care?

3. Characters

Who is this about? Where are they in their lives?

4. Desires

What do they want... right now?

5. Obstacles

What’s in the way? What types of things will they have to encounter as they try to reach their goals.

6. Highlights

What are the funny / sad / crazy moments that will stand out as memorable?

7. The Open Road

What can we expect to see from the rest of the series?

Lastly, remember to be brief and to be confident. Have passion for your idea and believe in it. Your audience will feel it.

#pitch #tv

Richard "RB" Botto

Great info, Tammy Hunt. I would add -- Know your pilot. This sets the theme of the show. Be prepared to pitch 3 seasons. Have 4-5 characters in your pitch and define their arcs over 3 seasons.

And expanding on Tammy's #2, define why this show needs to be made right now.

Maurice Vaughan

Excellent advice, Tammy Hunt! Thanks for sharing!

Richard "RB" Botto

Having been through as many TV pitches as I've have, Maurice Vaughan, you learn a thing or two :)

Mark Deuce

Thank you so much for the info Tammy Hunt

Tammy Hunt

Yes Richard "RB" Botto you are so spot on and we so appreciate your expertise toward every aspect of pitching, whether it be TV or Film.

Richard "RB" Botto

Always happy to help Tammy Hunt. Appreciate all the knowledge you bring to this community day in and day out!

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