Screenwriting : Question about ghostwriting/polish jobs by Susan Kelejian

Susan Kelejian

Question about ghostwriting/polish jobs


I got my first polish/ghost writing job today in a while and would like weigh ins on the process as Im cutting terms today. I asked for a flat fee for a dialogue polish which they are giving me. How many passes do people do before they charge again? For instance can someone say "each pass is x amount of dollars," or included in the polish fee is 1 or two back and forths? Just looking at common terms that people do. Thanks ahead of time!

Maureen Mahon

Good question. I'd like to hear what others say. I include one set of revisions in my flat fee, but usually will do some additional tweaks "on the house."

Maurice Vaughan

It's been a while since I've done a polish job, Susan Kelejian, but I include the number of rewrites in the contract when I do a ghostwriting job. Maybe two or three rewrites for a feature. The rewrites are part of a flat fee. If the producer, director, etc. wants more rewrites, I'll ask for a certain amount of money for each rewrite, which depends on how much work needs to be done.

Mike Childress

Susan Kelejian Congratulations! Also "polish job"? Is this akin to "script doctoring"?

Stephen Folker

Polish is different than ghostwriting. Are you cleaning up what's already written or doing a complete rewrite? I think a flat rate is more enticing to a client. Just make sure it's enough that if you do a secound round of cleanups it's worth your time.

Dan Guardino

I think two times would be my limit and then I might not even want to do a thrird one for money. That is just me.

Ewan Dunbar

In lots of creative sectors a client is often billed for one overhaul job followed by two rounds of adjustments from the client's notes and feedback. But everyone is different.

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