Hello. I do not know if "anyone" is getting this for three reasons. One, I am pretty new to this, two I'm not sure if anyone's interested and three, if they're not then so be it.
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hello John!
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hello Ray Martinez. Thank you for letting me know that at least someone got my message. Maybe there are a few decent people out there after all. At least "you" were respectable enough to let me know that you did recieve something. Thank you. And if you are interested in the follow up, then you can reach me at Johndoolan@rogers.com Have a good day. John Doolan
Hi John, you do have a wonderful story. You should tell it! Write it as a novel and then start approaching screenwriters to adapt it. :)
No problem John. Sometimes you have to try some of the other forums to get your message out!
Yep it definitively shows up, Hi! :)