Introduce Yourself : Producer and Cinematographer by Mike Schreurs

Mike Schreurs

Producer and Cinematographer

Hey All, My name is Mike Schreurs, I am a Cinematographer and Producer in Salt Lake City Utah. You can see my reel here(!/reel/). Currently I am in Post- Production on a short film called Cannoli and tomorrow I leave for Italy to produce a travel film called Italian For A Month. I love filming commercials and working on short films and soon features. I own all my own equipment, helps keep me agile ;) Currently shooting on a Sony FS100 with MTF Nikon Adapter and Nikon lenses. Nice to meet you all!

Viquii Johannesson (Vicki Johnson)

Nice to meet you as well Mike.. How's that FS100 working for you? Check out my projects, I could use a cinematographer once I get the budget for the Different Flags project. I'd like to know more about the nuts n bolts of how you found the travel funds..etc... look forward to checking out your short film.

Tanja Crouch

Hi Mike, Would like to hear more about your film Cannoli and the travel film. I used to live in Utah (met my husband at BYU). We handed color correction for the American Ride series and are doing post sound for the upcoming series Granite Flats, the first is produced out of Utah but shot all over the country, the second is all shot in Utah. Tanja

Mike Schreurs

Wow, I just now noticed how long ago I received comments! Sorry for responding late.

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