Screenwriting : Script to Novel by Pedro Vasquez

Pedro Vasquez

Script to Novel

I've decided to turn my script -NAVY ONE- into a novel, and see what happens... I'm almost done! Just wanted to share that. :-)

Mark Souza

Good for you. I call that taking control. Good luck.

Marvin Willson

Playing devil's advocate here. Why turn a script into a novel? Is the strategy that if the book gets published it can then be turned into a script, which it already is? If the script isn't selling, what make people think that a novel will?

Pedro Vasquez

Yes, @Leon. That's exactly the idea. To get my story out there.

Pedro Vasquez

@Marvin. Thanks for playing the Devil. Don't tell anyone yet, but my script WILL sell. It just hasn't made it to someone with the right connections... Why turn a script into a novel? Easy. For as long as I can remember, I have always told myself that I would write a book one day. I guess I got "distracted" one day and wrote a script instead. But just a few days ago I told myself, why not? And began to turn NAVY ONE into what will be my first novel -or novel, because it's not that long. And no, I don't plan to "turn the novel into a script" once the novel sells. I'm not turning the script into a novel because it "isn't selling." I just finished the script, so I hasn't been out there that long. Just give it some time. I hope you not only buy the novel when it comes out, but will take all your friends to see NAVY ONE when it opens. ha ha ha. Take care.

Marvin Willson

We shall see. ;-P Next question... Isn't it just as hard to get a book published? The devil advocate..

Tim Burchett

Marvin, enough of this Devil's Advocate schtick. I mean no disrespect but you are not coming off well! I hope you are just being snarky with all that! I hope you are really not as clueless as you come across. So what if Pedro wants to turn his script into a novel? Lots of writers have done the same before to great success! Pedro, your novel sounds promising. I can't wait to read it myself.

Marvin Willson

I am merely asking the question. Is that not allowed? If your interpretation is that "I'm not coming off well" That is not my intention.

David Taylor

Actually doing it that way (Screenplay to novel), has merit. The STORY gets finished faster in screenplay format. That having been set the novel can be written. Either can then get the piece attention. (e.g. Big budget demands can prevent screenplay progression. In a novel it doesn't matter). Good Luck Pedro.

Pedro Vasquez

Thanks a lot, David. And thanks for the connect. Good luck to you too in all your endeavors.

Mark Souza

The other benefit is it can give the script a second life. If the script doesn't sell initially and the novel takes off, Hollywood will notice, and you may get a second chance to sell the script.

Rahul Himanti Pandey

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