I'm Michelle and I'm a long-time aspiring screenwriter. Currently working on my 8th script, but so far, I've only been able to option one. :p I joined Stage 32 with the hopes of networking, meeting cool people, and learning the current industry trends and career paths of successful screenwriters. Nice to meet everyone!
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Happy Holidays to you as well, good luck and nice to meet you
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Nice to meet you too! Congrats on getting one of your scripts optioned. That's a win!
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Best of luck in 2014!!! I'm excited to hear about your future successes!
Thanks, but meh, it isn't that impressive LOL...the film co. didn't pick up the option, and they only paid me $50 for it. Long spent LOL. Oh well, at least it's something eh?
Cool Web site, Art--thanks for sharing. Looks like you have a really together, active company there. :) It looks like you have affiliates all over the world--very cool! My previously-optioned script, "The Guinness," is a 5-page short, shot exclusively in a bar, with only four speaking actors. I'm not very good at assessing/estimating budget, but I can imagine it could be pretty shoestring. The difficulty would be getting permission to use Guinness (the beer company) in the film, but if that is something people don't want to deal with, the script can be retitled to "The Beer" and references to any corporate entity can be scrubbed out. :)
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Great post, Michelle! Congratulations on your option. The screenwriting community here is the most vibrant on the web. Thrilled to have you in the mix.
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Hi Michelle, Nice to meet you! Let me know if there's any way I can help... Susan
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Thanks! :) Hope you two are having a happy holiday season.