Screenwriting : Pitchslam 2014 by David M Hyde

David M Hyde

Pitchslam 2014

I am planning on attending the 2014 Screenwriters World Conference as well as Pitchslam. Does anyone have some worlds of wisdom or past experiences (good or bad) from previous years that they would be willing to share?

Mark Souza

Sure, make eye contact and read the reactions of the person across from you and don't be afraid to switch up and adjust on the fly if they begin to glaze over. Ultimately, you want it to turn into a conversation. You'll want your pitch to take less than half your allotted time so you have time for questions and to talk. Stay loose and affable no matter what happens. The guy who blows you off this time may buy your next project. Good luck.

David S Cuellar

Hello David, The one I attended, the 2012 GAP, we were told we would be only able to see about 10 to 12 companies on the day. I was given a list of all the companies the night before and was able to make a list of 25 I was wanting to see, then picked the shortest lines to get in so I was able to see 15 companies. One thing I did to shake the nerves was, your first company to talk to, don't be afraid to fail the pitch, learn from it then you can enjoy the others.

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