Hey Everyone! I was just talking to RB on Twitter and he suggested that I post in here about what myself and my crew were able to provide for an up and coming Vancouver Based indie fiIm-maker. I don't know if many of you know, but I am not only a filmmaker but I also work in Public Relations. Recently, we teamed up with an indie filmmaker and created and orchestrated a social media and content marketing campaign to help her win a $10,000 film grant! I recently wrote a blog outlining what we did and explored how and why social media and content marketing have become the 'right hand' of successful indie filmmakers! I hope you find the blog informative and I would really love your feedback and or what your experiences have been in using social media for your own film-making ventures! Have an awesome day!! http://acueconsulting.com/filmmaking-social-media-age/
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Thanks for sharing, Dina!
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thank u for sharing . will definitely look at ur links. It got me interested in what u offer, and what u advice others. :)
You are very welcome RB!
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Yes please do Kimite! Our website is www.acueconsulting.com please click on the link and check out all that we offer! Would love to connect!