Screenwriting : First timer by Lani Aisida

Lani Aisida

First timer

Hi I just wrote my first movie script and in negotiations with a buyer. I need tips on what terms to emphasize regarding rights. Any advice is welcome Thanks

Kerry Douglas Dye

Hire an entertainment lawyer. There's more that you need to consider about the contract than can be communicated here.

Pj McIlvaine

Consult an entertainment attorney.

Lani Aisida

will do. thanks

D Marcus

Selling your first script is a major accomplishment! Well done.

Danny Manus

Get a lawyer!!

Kerry Douglas Dye

If that seemed terse, Lani, don't take it personally. Danny shouts that at everyone. Cashiers, fellow drivers at stoplights...

Geoff Webb

There's a book called 'The Writer Got Screwed (But Didn't Have To)' which will help with your general knowledge.

Lani Aisida

will go get the book, Geoff not taking it personal, Kerry.

Geoff Webb

I've read it and it's very insightful, if you're getting screwed at least you know it hee hee

Danny Manus

Haha! Definitely don't take it personal, I didn't mean it to be terse. But I'm just not sure this is the best place to ask that question as it depends on a million things, and since a majority of the people who will be responding are writers who don't have experience with contracts yet, I wouldn't want you to take any BAD advice.

Kate Callaghan

Absolutely get a lawyer. Not only does it protect your interests, a lawyer can handle the negotiating and allow you to remain on friendly terms with the person buying.

Shane M Wheeler

Get a lawyer. Entertainment preferable, but take what you can get. Even a lawyer inexperienced with the film world gives you more CYA then doing it yourself.

Dave McCrea

So wait, y'all are saying she should get a lawyer? because it's a little unclear with all the conflicting advice :)

Diane Gowing

When it comes to the contract, make sure you agree what you've agreed to! Great that you got a buyer first time. How did you meet them?

Lani Aisida

I have gotten a lawyer. thanks all. I met him through a friend.

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