Your Stage : Film Finance Webinar by John W. Cones

John W. Cones

Film Finance Webinar

NEW RULES FOR ADVERTISING TO FILM INVESTORS ~ HOW TO FINANCE INDEPENDENT FILMS IN RELIANCE ON THE JOBS ACT REG. D, RULE 506(c) EXEMPTION Veteran Los Angeles Securities/Entertainment attorney John Cones offers a one-hour Webinar regarding compliance with the SEC’s final rules on the new Regulation D, 506(c) exemption from the traditional securities registration requirement. Who Should Attend? Any independent filmmaker threatening to make a film and seeking investor financing. Date: Wednesday, October 8, 2014 Time: 3:00 PM East Coast, 2:00 PM Central, 12 Noon West Coast Cost: $54.00 To Register: Click on the following link: What You Will Learn: • How to know you are selling a security and must comply with the securities laws • When the pre-existing relationship with prospective investors is no longer required • When it’s ok to advertise to or generally solicit people you do not know • What information must be provided to prospective investors in the disclosure document • Minimum disclosure obligations per the SEC’s anti-fraud rule • What steps need to be taken to verify the status of accredited investors • Who is disqualified from participating in any Reg. D, Rule 506 offering • The issuer’s burden of proof file ~ how to prevent investor lawsuits • Necessary revisions to the Rule 506(c) offering subscription agreement • Additional SEC proposed rules for implementing the new Rule 506(c) exemption Program Materials: A 50 page PowerPoint presentation outline accompanied by several related articles are provided as program materials. Questions about the Webinar to: (310)477-6842 or As a courtesy, this will be your only notice. A recorded version will be available later. Future webinar topic: Investment Crowdfunding. FEEL FREE TO FORWARD THIS INVITATION TO ANY INDEPENDENT FILMMAKER OR FILM GROUP THAT YOU FEEL MAY BENEFIT FROM THIS WEBINAR.

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