Producing : Calling all Producers!! by Jon Pogioli

Jon Pogioli

Calling all Producers!!

Screenwriter here with a 3D animation feature script set inside the body looking for a good home! A non-self tolerant naïve B-cell on the run from the body's defences spots a virus plot to attack the broken heart and vanquish the Light. The script has done really well in Austin FF, Scriptapalooza, Nicholl Fellowship, BBC Writersroom.

Laurie Ashbourne

Jon, if it has done well in those venues, consider pitching it through the happy writers here on the site, just keep an eye out for those who are looking for family or animation. It is probably 3 times as difficult to sell an 'animation' project than a live action script and we all know how hard that is -- so don't get discouraged, that animation studios aren't biting -- they have their own backlog of material to develop internally. Just look for the most logical avenues and if it is a good story it will get attention. I do know of at least 2 other features that have similar premises so be aware also what else is in the pipeline when approaching anyone. Best of luck and congratulations on your success to date with the script.

Jon Pogioli

Hi Laurie, thank you so very much for your time out to respond and hope you had a fantastic Christmas. A new draft for the script is complete and the querying begins ... again!! This is the year ;)

Laurie Ashbourne

Best of luck to Jon! Happy 2015.

Laddie Ervin

There are a handful of companies who produce 3D animated features around the world. You can either query them directly or approach a producer who has worked with them on previous movies. Research the relevant people in the business via your favorite search engine and IMDB Pro, or get a copy of movies similar to yours and check the credits to find out who is active in the field. Many of these companies develop everything in-house. Their employees will not help you or champion your work because they want to get their own projects made. Find out who might possibly make your movie and find a way to contact them. Best of luck.

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