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By Christian Seaborn

GENRE: Drama

One boy takes on a small town to make things better for millions of kids. Based upon the true Federal courtroom case, D.B. vs Tewksbury.


On February 2, 1982 in the Portland, Oregon Federal courtroom of united States Judge Helen J. Frye, the landmark two-week class action case began. Led by 16-year-old plaintiff Derek Bennett and his amazing young attorney, Susan Svetkey, they took on a small Oregon community jail and Sheriff where kids had been mentally abused and denied their due process under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution. In her Opening Statement, Svetkey described the conditions boys and girls were kept in as "modern-day dungeon". The 1982 resulting decision by the no-nonsense Judge Frye is still heralded across the internet 42-years-later as the landmark decision bettering the lives of millions of kids across the United States over the last four decades.

DEREK & ME is the story of one determined 16-year-old boy, Derek Bennett, and his 25-year-old legal guardian, Christian Seaborn. Written by Christian Benjamin Seaborn.

Tasha Lewis

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