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By Robin Alexander

GENRE: Action, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Experimental, Thriller
LOGLINE: The death of a prominent businessman sets off what could be seen as separate random events, but they are not. This action thriller explores international money laundering, corruption, betrayal, corporate politics, and illegal arms dealing, all set against the backdrop of modern day South Africa. Strong characters cross each other in a dynamic multi-ethnic post Apartheid South Africa. It is thought provoking, sometimes dark, sometimes shocking with some dry humor sprinkled in-between.


The story starts out drawing a stark contrast between two cell phone networks at a handset manufacturer's prize giving. Here we meet Stan Goldsmith and David Keys (Champion Cellular). David Key's from Champion is charged with protecting Champions interests, he is also Stan's best friend. It's complicated by the fact that this client, Stan Goldsmith is laundering money for Alfie Morgan. David does not know. The smaller network (IDOT Cellular) wants the business of the larger network’s (Champion Cellular) best client Stan. Aaron Leitner is the point man for IDOT Cellular who dies amidst this business conflict. We are quickly introduced to Alfie Morgan, a gangster long before he became a businessman. Alfie has an argument with Stan over the missing money at Stan’s house. Stan dies from a heart attack after Alfie leaves and his untimely death sets a number of events in motion resulting in violence and death. Alfie Morgan is a gangster but has legitimized himself through business’s that make him well connected and complicated to deal with. Stan has “stolen” R100m ($11 m) which is the average amount he launders every month. Alfie wants his money as he needs to pass it on to a bigger organization (The LFI) that entrusted him with it. It has more power and influence than Alfie realizes. Alfie gets two big brawler drug dealer/bouncer types, complete boneheads to find out about the missing money. Things go terribly wrong; they kill two people they are not supposed to. They kill two of Stan’s employees, Shane. Shane is also Sharon Goldsmith’s lover. Sharon is Stan’s younger sultry wife. They also kill Adam Jensen, Stan’s accountant. Adam is supposed to be Alfie’s inside man and the nephew of Avi Immelman. These killings cannot be taken lightly. The two gangsters are arrested and taken into custody. Alfie’s two goons are in turn coolly murdered by Jurgen Hammer Schmidt, a L.F.I (Alfie's East European business partners) consultant who then visits Alfie about the missing funds. Their strong influence cannot be under estimated as it is clearly shown when a dirty cop in Alfie’s pocket turns over Alfie’s men to Jurgen Hammer Schmidt. While this happens we follow the subsequent events in each of the rival company’s offices again showing the stark differences in management styles and quality of staff. Alfie then changes tact and tries to negotiate with Stan's wife who now owns the entire business. He wants to know if she knows where the money is. There is some definite sexual tension between Alfie and Sharon even though it's very one sided. Alfie then uses his mysterious contact and partner, the Chief of Police, Joe Maladzi, to raise the R100m that he now owes L.F.I. (Lichtenstein Financial Investments) The Police Chief stages a huge drug bust to raise the funds and then use the favor as leverage to force Alfie into a bigger criminal circle. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt is also linked to the Chief of Police later through a telephone conversation about Alfie, things become more transparent to the viewer. Alfie Morgan is not privy to what is in his future, an indication of his current poor standing, even though he is a formidable criminal force in South Africa and responsible for a relative large sum of money changing hands. He will eat humble pie today because a great weight has been lifted off his shoulders but he’s a proud Irishman. David Keys, Stan’s business associate and friend walks into his bedroom to find his wife having sex with his boss, Paul. His work crisis becomes a life crisis. He is a man down on his luck with few options. In a twist Aaron Leitner is also ironically responsible for the death of a young girl. She is one of the prize winners of a 4x4 co-sponsored by IDOT Cellular. Sandra Kemp is negligently allowed to drive home drunk in her new 4x4 by management of IDOT Cellular. Aaron was partially responsible for allowing this. Again this is an example of poor management and planning. Vaughn MacDonald is the Sales Director of IDOT. He is an excellent example of bad management. His people skills are nonexistent. Chesaire Ambrosini is the CEO of Champion Cellular, he is smart and arrogant. He hates men like Vaughn, and openly despises him. The situation concludes with a news bulletin switching from character to character and revealing how this cash is raised, who the mystery contact is, it also reveals the nature Jurgen's relationship with Chief Maladzi. The power of the L.F.I is also expressed through a news clip about a rebel uprising in Liberia and Jurgen's consultation on weapons with another client. We reminded how fragile life is and how ignoring small details can affect people for a lifetime as we watch Sandra Kemp's family mourn her loss on television. We also switch to senior management in conflict at IDOT Cellular as basic instructions are not followed. The story briefly touches on affirmative action and racism in corporate South Africa. We left questioning a few things: Where is the money? Who is Adam Jenson's (one of our unfortunate victims) Uncle? What has an unrelated bank robbery reported on the news got to do with this story? This event signals the emergence of our hero. How truly corrupt are the powers that be? Do you really know whose money you dealing with when it's invested and what is it really used for? Alfie Morgan is our protagonist, being kept in check by Jurgen Hammer Schmidt and Chief Joseph Maladzi. In Bingo Bango Part 2, A Winter’s Day (written as a book) we delve deeper into what is in store for Alfie Morgan. We explore sex slavery; learn about Transnistria and the part this undefined country is playing in arms dealing and slavery around the world. We meet an Israeli arms dealer, Avi Immelman. We learn about our hero, Robert Winter and get to know Adrianna, the woman of his dreams. David Keys and Sharon Goldsmith form an irresistible bond. David has a plan to help Sharon with her problem with Alfie. He must first deal with Ambrosini and MacDonald. The two then set off trying to find the LFI’s millions. Robert’s new found fame puts him under the spotlight and he is quickly recruited by Alfie in order to legitimize his new criminal undertaking. Robert has no clue who Alfie really is. Before reality sets in, Robert meets Svetlana, a sex slave recruited by Alfie. Robert being the man who he is has no option but to stay and help her.


Bingo Bango By Robin Alexander Bingo Bango Bingo Bango This story is set in present day South Africa. The story plays out in a business environment using various locations mainly in and around Johannesburg. The definition of Bingo Bango appears in white print over a black screen. Insert definition: Bingo Bango: A phrase that can be used to express all emotions: anger, happiness, excitement and even confusion. However the phrase is most commonly used as a sign of acknowledgement and approval. SCENE 1 – INT – Night CLUB IN JOHANNESBURG – NIGHT Hundreds of people dressed smart casual clothes sitting and dancing in a huge club. There’s music, cellular network and handset sponsor banners, lots of food and drink is to be had. It’s about 10h30pm and most people are getting drunk and enjoying themselves. We focus on two men at the bar area. Vincent Who’s that guy again, remind me. Mehindra Isn’t that Johno Wheeler from idiot? Why? Vincent He’s talking to Juliet. I’ve been working on her up for three weeks now with phone calls and text messages with tonight in mind. I invested all that time softening her up so I just move in tonight get the business. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Mehindra Vinnie, the guy’s pushing his luck. I don’t think he’s a threat. Just go over there and scare him off. Vincent No, too caveman for Juliet. She’s a bit more refined…sophisticated…this requires something a bit more subtle. I agree he’s not going to score but its still 0-0. He’s running my shot clock down. I think she’s going to go soon if player over there keeps her cornered. Mehindra You want me to run interference on your cock blocker brother? Vincent Nah, its okay I got this. I think I have a game plan scenario for this benign but time wasting situation. Mehindra Good. I’m going home now. I think enough people saw the only Indian guy in Sales at Champion here tonight. Vincent No I think one more walk around this place with those pearly whites sticking out will be good and a burn out in the parking lot just to make sure everyone knows a Chara (derogatory for Indian) was here. Mehindra Goodbye and fuck you. Vincent Take care brother. Vincent looks around for his favourite waitress. He frequents this club a lot and is familiar with the staff. He flags her down. Vincent Hi babes you looking fantastic. Why don’t you ever take me up on my offers Jessica? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Jessica You forget I know you Vinnie. I see you track and attack your defenseless prey here all the time. Why would I get involved with you? Vincent Who said anything about getting involved? We haven’t even gotten naked yet and you want a commitment. Jessica You know what I’m saying Vinnie. I like you but if we ever tangled I’d see you here again trying to crawl up someone’s dress. That’s why I don’t fraternize with guests no matter how charming they are. Vincent Now I’m an insect. Jessica I was thinking something between a rat and dog actually. I need to get to my tables Vinnie, what do you want? Vincent I need two double tequilas. One must be a double zero. I want you to repeat that at least twice at 5 minute intervals compliments of Stan Goldsmith. I’ll be over there in the corner. Jessica Sure. Is it a him or a her? Vincent A him of course! I don’t resort to getting chicks drunk to get laid. I resent that. Jessica Good. Vincent walks over to Juliet and Johno’s table. Johno’s a bit uneasy, he adjusts he’s posture. Juliet smiles at Vincent. Vincent Guys do mind if I sit down. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Juliet Sure Vincent. How are you? Johno No probs here… Vincent ultra friendly to Johno. Vincent Thanks guys. I think we have met. My name is Vincent. I think your name is Johno isn’t it? Johno Ja, that’s right. Juliet So what do you think about our prize giving Vinnie? Johno looks at Juliet; he’s picking up a vibe that she’s into Vincent. Before he can say anything to break Vincent’s charm. Jessica arrives with two double shot glasses. Vincent acting surprised. Jessica Hi Vincent, these are compliments of Stan Goldsmith. Jessica carefully places the shots in front of Johno and Vincent. Vincent Stan the man, he knows how to party. He looks around to spot Stan. He spots him quickly. Stan’s a big man you can’t miss him. Stan’s busy walking past the bar upstairs. Shouting at Stan. Vincent Shot Stan! We’ll have one together later? Yes? He looks at his party. Jessica is still standing at the table. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vincent I think other one was meant for Mehindra but he’s gone. Shit Juliet, you a tequila lady. Can I get you one since we one shy…or anything else. Juliet Just water thanks. Vincent looks at Jessica. Vincent A water and can I get some salt and a slice of lemon please! Jessica sneaks a look at Vincent like “are you kidding” while no one’s looking. Jessica Sure, no problem. Vincent To another great event put on by the beautiful Juliet. Bottoms up guys! Vincent, Juliet, Johno Cheers Johno and Vincent down their shots and Juliet takes a sip of her cocktail. Vincent pretends he’s also drinking Tequila and goes through motions. Vincent carries on with small talk waiting for the next surprise from Stan. Vincent Damn that just knocked the wind out my. Whoo! I don’t think I can take another one. Johno Juliet sure knows how to put a party together. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Juliet Thanks Johno Vincent looking straight into Juliet’s eyes Vincent You are the best Juliet. You can organize peace in the Middle East if they just let you! But seriously when you going give us some demo’s again. Juliet You guys get way too much free stuff from us Vinnie. Johno I’ll say. We never get anything. Vincent (sarcastically) I think your company has to a sell a phone first. Juliet laughs but cuts it short as it’s insensitive towards Johno. Vincent gives Johno a look like “are you still here” but Johno doesn’t notice. Juliet sees it and smiles. The 2ndnd order of “complimentary” drinks arrive. Jessica puts them carefully down again in front of each male. Jessica Here you go guys, another round on Mr. Goldsmith. Vincent This is ridiculous. Another double! Whoa! Shit! Lets do this! To no politics! Lets just party for once people. Juliet I’ll drink to that. Johno getting drunk. Johno Fuck yeah. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vincent Cheers They all cheers and the two men down their drinks. Vincent again pretends he is drinking Tequila. Juliet takes her sip of her cocktail. We fast forward to Jessica bring the 3rdrd lot of “complimentary” drinks. Jessica puts them down carefully again and leaves. Vincent saying something with no sound. (No sound but everybody is having a good time and smiling) Johno is fuck drunk now. This is the death blow. He’s not walking to his car after 3 quick fire double tequilas on top of whatever else he drank. Vincent Cheers Vincent pretends he is drinking tequila again. They down their shots again. Johno is sliding out of his seat. He pushes his himself up as if nothing happened. He realizes he’s in trouble, he’s woozy and the room is spinning. Johno Guys, I’m going to go to the men’s. I’ll be back. He gets up and staggers to the bathroom. Vincent Okay Johno, see you now. Johno is out of earshot. Some guys just can’t hold their liquor. I can’t understand why someone would drink like that. One should know their limits. Juliet Laughing Juliet Do you think I don’t know what’s going on? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vincent You have to admit. That was a lot nicer than telling him to fuck off. Besides now he thinks we friends and he had a good party. Juliet You sick you know that. Vincent And you like it. Who’s the sicko now? Juliet Did you enjoy it? Vincent I get rid of him, I get you to myself, and it’s one more up on the competition. Fuck Yeah! Juliet You know? If you said you did it just for me it would have been kind of romantic and maybe a turn on. Vincent I’m in sales baby cakes. You shine the light on everything that shines and hide the shit. In this case it’s Johno. Juliet What am I buying? Vincent (Smiling) I have various subscription packages. The choice is yours. I must warn you though. My customers always come first. Juliet (Laughing) That’s quite a pitch you have there. Use it often. Vincent Are you done organizing for tonight? Can’t we go somewhere a bit smaller, cozier? There too many distractions here. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Juliet Champion’s 4x4 winner is gone. You guys got a driver, she had a glass of champagne. Mehindra got more photo’s and then she was gone. IDOT’s winner is still over drinking wine coolers and no has told me who’s taking her home. Johno’s not gonna do it. You made sure of that and I can’t find Vaughn or Aaron. Vincent Who’s responsibility is she. Juliet IDOT. They were briefed two weeks ago about how this is going down. Vincent Let’s get out of here. God knows when I’m going to see you again. Juliet What about Johno? Vincent What about Johno? CONTINUED: SCENE 2 – EXT – NIGHT CLUB – Night Stan walks onto an area overlooking the dance floor and stands next to David who’s holding a short tumbler glass with whisky and ice in it. Stan I think Vinnie is pulling a double zero on Johno from idiot. David How do know? Stan He was thanking me for drinks I didn’t order again. David (Laughing) What he’ll do to get a shag. It’s admirable though. Stan I’m surprised you still here? David Of course I’m still here. It’s my job! Stan Oh yes…I forgot. Socializing, drinking and fraternizing with beautiful women is your job. David No. It’s my job to make sure you are comfortable. So if that means holding your hand, stroking your ego, laughing at your shitty poor jokes, getting you cigarettes, cigars and drinks; I’m responsible for your happiness Stan. Stan Well, you doing a pretty kak (shit) job Dave. I’m fucking unhappy. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: David Jesus Stan. No one knows more about your life than I do and I can honestly say it’s fucked up. We spend so much time together I don’t know whether we getting you into trouble or out of trouble any more. It’s just a fucking haze. Stan That’s why I like you Davey boy. Your brutal honesty is a god dam blessing and an affliction. Mostly affliction though. But why you still here Dave? David Let’s not fuck around Stan. These events are potential disasters waiting to happen. You know I can’t leave till you leave and if you were a sticky piece of shit I would have to be a fly. Those cunts still don’t have what they want and now they are circling like sharks at a 30m radius. This is their last opportunity to get distribution through you. Tomorrow, please God, you will resign exclusively with us for another two years. Until then if these fuckers try so much as make eye contact with you I’m going to shoot them in the face. Stan (Laughing) Well I don’t think it will come to that. David So why aren’t you going home? Stan Soon! I just wanted to say thanks. I’m not good with these things but you know our friendship…business relationship means a lot to me. I know the last few months have been tough on you and the boys but it’s just business. You know that. I feel bad but I’ll make up to you. You never doubted me for a second. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: David I knew 18 months ago your ass was burning for that extra 2% ongoing and an increase in annual target bonuses. Ever since that fucking dickhead spouted shit about his new contract which co-incidentally got renewed a few weeks after his daughter married Ambrosini’s son. And after your prepaid jumped by over a R100 million a month it put us in a difficult position to negotiate. I still can’t believe it grew so much but I can’t complain. Personally I’m glad you got it. You the biggest dealer we have and you doing the business. But do you know who I really feel bad for…Vaughn Macdonald. You strung him along like a cheap 50 buck whore. He sucked your cock so good he deserves an AVN award. Stan (Laughing) He never had a fucking clue. He still thinks I’m thinking about it. I needed this. No one becomes King without making enemies. He knew the price of failure. His ego wouldn’t allow him to consider all the facts. Dave But you staged it. That scene you pulled at the SA Open (golf) in front him with Ambrosini was enough to convince him that you were “sincere” in getting dual distribution. Stan I know Ambrosini is your CEO but he had that coming after that shit he pulled with his son in law’s father. That was a dick move. David Hey, I still have you, I had about a dozen heart attacks but I still have something to show for it. (Laughing) That poor bastard just has jizz in his face. Stan (Laughing) And in his hair, in his mouth, fuck him! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Pointing at Dave’s drink You having another? David Nah. My wife is going to divorce me if I don’t get home soon. She’s always complaining I’m never home. Stan shaking David’s hand. Stan I guess we’re having a big one tomorrow so maybe you right. Give her a lekker (nice) kiss for me. Dave Will do Stan. You kissing your wife for me? Stan busy walking slowly away. Stan Not a fuck. I don’t who’s cocks been in her foul dirty mouth. She’s fucking Shane you know. Dave Glass houses Stan. Glass houses… Walking away with his back turned. Stan 10am Sign, sign, steak and wine Davey boy. Someone approaches Stan from a dark corner. It appears he’s been there a while. He has listened to everything that has been said. Aaron You mother fucker. You two faced son of a bitch. People are going to lose their fucking jobs because of you. The deal make makes sense, you make money, and we all make money! Everybody get’s a slice! It’s a bigger cake! What more do you want you cunt? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Stan If you were listening a King does not remain a King without making enemies Aaron. I didn’t need another set of friends or a bigger cake with a new set of problems. I got my cake! I get more of my cake now and everyone get’s less. Do you know what two networks will do to my business? Double the meetings, double the admin, every rental agreement, every poster frame, every counter gets re-arranged when a rep walks into one my stores. You have inferior products, shitty service and no fucking repair program to speak of. I sign my life away to a network that has 7% market share? Are you fucking kidding me? I’ll rather sign with those sharks at S.A.M. At least they have market share! Aaron tries to hold Stan’s shoulder. Aaron You’re making a mistake Stan. We grow you grow. Stan pushes his arm away. Then he pushes Aaron and starts walking. Stan No! You are making a mistake son. Don’t touch me! I will klap (punch) you. Go home Aaron. You’re drunk. Your time will come. You can’t catch a big fish on your first day out on the boat boy! Life just isn’t that easy when you work for IDOT Cellular. You gave it your best shot. If you stick it out and grow your market, maybe we can talk but my business model will bankrupt your company right now. I did you a favour. David walks closer, he’s ready to get physical if he has to. David Okay! You said your say now fuck off! Sneering at David Aaron (Mr.Leitner) Stay out of this! It’s got nothing to do with you. He’s making a mistake. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: David I don’t know… You trying to persuade my meal ticket to grow legs and walk away from me. You doing a pretty kak (shit) job at it as well but isn’t that what you’d expect from an Idiot Cellular employee. Aaron You guys are a bunch of pricks that can’t match us on offer. So now you’re abusing this man’s trust. David and Stan look at each other and start laughing. Stan Have you been listening to a thing I’ve said? You deaf and dumb motherfucker? I used your company to get what I wanted! Now be good lad and fuck off. A private security guard walks by and inquires. Security guard (Alistair) Is everything okay Mr. Keys? David looks at Stan, then at Aaron and finally at the security guard. David We fine Alistair. Mr. Leitner was telling us how drunk he is but he’s just about finished. I think he is finished saying what he wanted to say. Aaron Fuck you Dave! Aaron Leitner leaves. Not before glaring at David Keys and spitting on the ground before turning to go. David just grins like a Cheshire cat knowing it’s a rare face to face victory/encounter with the competition. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Stan I don’t why handset manufacturers insist on inviting all you cunts to the same events. God knows it’s entertaining! They both laugh. David Home! Go home. I’ll see you tomorrow. Stan At least I saw you work tonight. Cheers Davey boy. Sleep tight. SCENE 3 – EXT – NIGHT CLUB’S PARKING LOT - NIGHT Aaron is hanging back. He still not satisfied. He wants to confront Stan again. He follows Stan but gets held up by a handset manufacturing rep. He speaks to her as she explains she’s worried that the winner of the new 4x4 she won is too drunk to drive. He’s pre-occupied as he follows Stan with his eyes. Stan gets into his car and drives away unaware that Aaron is trying to follow him. Lucinda Aaron doll, your 4x4 winner is a bit tipsy. Looks like she’s celebrated a bit too much. Champion Cellular got a driver for their winner. What we going to with IDOT’s winner? Aaron Lucinda I’m sorry sweetie. You know I’d like to help but I have my own emergency right now. Get some press shots of her in the 4x4 and let her drive it out the parking lot. We can have someone drive her from outside the premises. Ask one of motor company reps. I have to go. Sorry. I’m sorry. Aaron jumps in his car and follows after Stan. He’s hoping Stan is going straight home. He knows where Stan lives. SCENE 4 – EXT – DOWN THE STREET FROM STAN’S HOUSE - NIGHT He sits in his car about a block down the road from Stan’s house. He’s contemplating what he’s going to say. He takes a long draw on his cigarette and gets out the car. He drops his keys. He’s very drunk. He picks them up and starts walking to the house. The front gate is still open. Stan’s luxury Mercedes is standing in the pebble stone driveway. The driver’s side door is still open. Front door of the house is also open. Aaron can hear shouting. It’s two male voices but it’s still too faint to make out. Aaron is walking really slowly not sure who is shouting and if he’s doing the right thing. SCENE 5 – INT – STAN’S LUXURY HOUSE - NIGHT He steps inside and sees alleged gangster and self proclaimed legit businessman Alfie Morgan shouting at Stan. They about three meters apart and Alfie is sticking his index finger at Stan. One the camera shot gives the perspective of a third person watching all of this go down, almost voyeur. Alfie Morgan Stan, I fucking swear if you sign an exclusivity contract with Champion Cellular tomorrow I’ll fucking kill you myself. I don’t do those kinds of things any more but I’ve had enough of your shenanigans. I’ll cut your fucking head off you fat fuck. Stan looks perfectly calm. Unperturbed, he has taken a cocktail of drugs. He’s holding a glass of whiskey that’s poured to the brim. No ice, No chaser (mix). Stan It’s going to be okay Alfie. I got it all worked out. Alfie Morgan explodes and bursts out in anger louder than before. He realizes Stan is on drugs. Aaron’s listening but he’s confused. What’s a gangster/businessman doing past midnight in Stan’s house arguing? He knows he has to leave or he’ll get caught but he needs more info. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Alfie Morgan Are you….What the fuck?... Are you on? You useless pinhead! Do you go out like this? I’m going to have start dealing with your stupid potty mouthed wife the way things are going. Stan I’m not kidding. One, I want my fucking money and two you better not sign tomorrow; we have a sweet deal and if you fuck it up you our “friendship” will come to an end making you a loose end my friend. Stan is now slouched in a chair in half coma. The remains of the drugs he has consumed are lying in his car’s console and foot well. There’s still some coke on his pants. It is very difficult sniffing coke while you driving. He is really struggling to talk now. He’s slurring. Stan You need to leave Alfie. My wife is here and I don’t want to upset her. It will all be sorted out tomorrow. You’ll see. Have I ever let you down? Aaron is backing out the house slowly. He’s still listening. He’s still drunk and shocked by what he is hearing. Alfie I came here in person. Remember that. If you see me tomorrow night I’ll will be the last thing you ever see. Alfie pulls his jacket straight in the front, pulling his suit jacket tight over his shoulders. He’s looking down at his tie with his hands still on his lapels when he sees Stan’s wife in the corner of his eye standing in her short low cut night dress that puts emphasis on her c cups in a doorway leading to the bedrooms. He makes full eye contact but looks her up from her feet to her face first like a lion sizing up a juicy gazelle. He still has a stern look on his face but he is impressed. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Sharon So do you like what you see? Tasty…aren’t I? Now get the fuck out! I don’t know what you got my husband into and god knows our what you doing with our business. Yes, it’s our business! Not just Stan’s, ours! What’s going on? Alfie You shut your pie hole bitch. It stays here! You make sure your husband plays the game and everybody wins. It would be a shame to make such a beautiful woman a widow so early in life, then again you too much TNT for him anyway... Just keep your filthy trap shut. Alfie turns to go. Sharon raising her hand palm up and gesturing to Stan lying almost blacking out. Sharon If you didn’t notice, I’ve been a widow a while now, probably no thanks to you. Alfie ignores her and walks out slamming the front door. Fade out. SCENE 6 – INT – STAN’S LUXURY HOUSE II - NIGHT A few seconds later, Alfie is gone. Sharon is slapping Stan in the face. Sharon Wake up Stan, you stupid pile of shit. You fat bastard! What have you done? What have you brought on us? This guy is serious, he’s desperately serious. Wake up! Stan is semi conscious; he spills his drink over himself. He gets up. He wants to go somewhere but Sharon is not sure what he’s doing. He is slurring. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Stan Get me a towel babe. We can relax now that the doos (cunt) is gone. Come join me in the Jacuzzi. Sharon Are you crazy? Tell me what’s going on Stan. I deserve to know. Stan… SCENE 7 – INT – CHAMPION CELLULARS HEAD OFFICE – DAY It’s almost 10am in the morning. It’s bright and sunny outside. David Keys is looking out the window and admiring the view. He is an hour away from securing Stan’s business exclusively for another two years. It will cement his climb up the corporate ladder. He is almost relieved. In the same boardroom are Vincent Van Zyl, Mehindra Singh and Philip Waskanski. They are all on the same management level. None of them have to be there but they all friends with Stan. They are expecting to see their senior executive manager (boss) to arrive for a morning briefing. They’re having coffee and discussing the events of last night’s prize giving event sponsored by a handset manufacturer. They’re going through the paper to see any cellular adverts and related news. Philip These clowns from idiot cellular never learn. No one wants a new handset that’s two years old; lying in some god forsaken warehouse with outdated software and a fucked up dead battery. Vincent Shut up Philip! Find something interesting and read it for us. Why isn’t there any photo’s from last night in the paper? Mehindra For a white man you quite stupid, you know that Vincent? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vincent For an Indian you quite lucky to be here, token! One million coolies and your blue ass hit the A.A lotto. Somewhere in Durban, a café is missing a chaiwalla (tea boy). Mehindra As one of the lucky few then may I remind what started this conversation my man? The point in fact is most of the social pictures take a few days to make it to print but if you smart like me you would get all 20 contestants together the day before and take photo’s during the day thus allowing time enough to just print the winners photo for promotional advertising the very next day. That’s why we had to be there by six last night because the paper went to print at 2am giving marketing enough time to interview the winner and send an article detailing the joyfulness of the event. Coming back to you about what you said, at least I didn’t fuck my way into this department! Looking at Mehindra over his reading glasses. Philip There aren’t any women senior enough in this division to make that happen… Mehindra Did I say it was a woman? This piece of racist white trash will suck your tiny cock for anything my friend. You be careful when you going about your daily business dealings. If you have something he wants, his brain is only evolved to be able to do two things. Provide a steaming hot sexual favour or stab you in the back while you picking up a R100-00 note he conveniently dropped on the floor earlier. That’s what happened last week when he connived his way to steal my 20 000 V9777’s I forecast and booked weeks before they landed. Taking another sip of his coffee. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Philip Well you not dead so who did he fuck? Mehindra Unfortunately it was a man again. A black man so he can’t be completely racist. Unconfirmed, I think it’s Wiseman Zonde. Philip Don’t talk kak now Mehindra. Wiseman is a player with two wives in the KZN and a bunch of girlfriends in Joburg between Centurion and Soweto. Vincent That’s right Phil, tell that coolie his fortune. Besides it wasn’t Wiseman, it was the sexy Patricia, his stock manager. God her skin is so smooth… like velvet…umh. That’s why we had Apartheid, there wouldn’t be any white people left if they allowed white men near black, I mean African woman. The coloureds would outnumber us whiteys 10 to 1. She’s Zulu you know. Phil Tasting some previously forbidden fruit there Vinnie boy? I myself have wondered many a time but never touched. Mehindra Well she might still be forbidden Vinnie. You might be fucking Wiseman’s chick bro. Then see your stock dry up faster than a river in an Egyptian parable. Talking about the bible, the Torah says if you stick your wiener outside the tribe you won’t go to Jewish heaven my man. You just scared Jewish hell is like being the only white man trying to take the people’s vuvuzela’s away at an Orlando Pirates/Kaiser Chiefs soccer derby. David Where the fuck is Stan? He’s fucking late. He’s never late for shit like this. Phil Calm down Dave. He’ll be here. He won’t let us down. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Just then Paul Wilson, their Senior Executive Manager walks in. He’s carrying another news paper. Paul Hello, Howzit everybody. Where’s Stan? Phil , Dave, Vincent, Mehindra Morning Paul, Hi Paul, What’s up? Top of the morning to you. Paul Okay, big day today guys. One, where’s Stan. Two where’s Stan. Three, did anyone see the advertorial on page 5. Pretty good hey? Make sure that car is registered and the paper work is done. I know it’s not our baby but fuckups don’t discriminate. Mehindra We almost got there but Vincent’s a bit slow and racist this morning. Paul I wasn’t finished…and by the way guys please I can’t have another “racial” issue in this office. I know it’s just banter but we a bit thin on colour here with Vindaloo Blue and Black Label Able, so don’t give people a reason to fuck me…again. We are getting another slot to color up so put your feelers out for good fit. We are going internal. Where is Able anyway? Phil I think his uncle is getting married again. Wife number 8 I think. Vincent Don’t talk kak Phil. One of his cousins died of AIDS. It’s her funeral today. Mehindra That’s enough guys. It’s not fair, he’s not here. He can’t defend himself. No seriously. My goodness, he told me that both those events were occurring today… (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul’s P.A, Gwen walks in with some serious news. Gwen Hi guys, have you heard what’s happened. Paul What Gwen, what’s happened? Gwen You guys know Aaron Leitner over at idiot? David, Paul, Philip, Vincent, Mehindra Yes! Gwen He’s dead. He died in a traffic collision last night. Ellen over at IDOT told me. They are really taking it hard over there. He’s got a wife and two young kids. They thought he’d quarterback Stan into going dual. Where is Stan any way? David That’s fucked up. I had to tell him to piss off last night. He started giving Stan a hard time about not going dual. He knew last night was his last chance to pull it back. He was really drunk though. Vinnie Who wasn’t? Rather him than one of us. Paul Okay we “all” feel bad but there is nothing we can do to change it. I think we should maybe send some flowers to the family and his team. I think that would be fitting given the situation we’re in. Gwen please take care of it. Nothing to too cold but not too touchy feely either. We don’t want to look insincere. Gwen Got it. See you later. Phil Bye Gwen babes, thanks for the bad news. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul It’s 10h15 Dave. Where the fuck is he? He knows this is important. Dave I’ve tried calling him a dozen times this morning. He’s not at the office and no one is answering his cell phone. Paul We need to find him. I’ll clear what I have to when he can tell us what time he’s going to grace us with his significant presence. I know Dave’s got an excuse but what the fuck are the rest of you still doing here? Don’t you have work to do? Phil and Vincent No! SCENE 8 – INT – INNOVATING DIVISION OF TELECOMS (IDOT) HEAD OFFICE - DAY There’s a cloud of mourning hanging over IDOT’s sales office. Everybody is running around like headless chickens trying to pick up the pieces and sort out the details from last night. The Sales Director is having a meeting with his sales staff and trying come up with a plan. Vaughn McDonald As you’ve heard by now Aaron died in a car accident last night. I was the last person to talk to him. I thought he was shouting because his battery was going flat. It turns out he was screaming because he was burning to death. He didn’t say much actually. We just started talking and then he had his accident I suppose. He sounded really excited though like he had a breakthrough on Stan’s account. I’m not looking forward to speaking to his wife. You guys better make sure you at the funeral. We need to show our support. Does anyone know if Stan re-signed by the way. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Johno No boss but we’re trying to get some info on that situation. We also need to get hold of last night’s winner. She missed her press shots last night. Vaughn MacDonald You guys need to get on top of this Stan situation. If he signs we might as well look for new jobs. Warren you need to handle Ted Phillips at 13h00. I can’t make it. He wants us to mark down his stock. Just say no. Then you need write a report on why he still has so much old stock. I need it by 5pm. I need a solution to his problem for Mohammed. As far as that chick’s concerned, we thru two million at a promotion and we don’t have a picture of the winner. Are you monkeys fucking kidding me? Find that bitch fast and get a photo before anything else happens. Francis Vaughn we need an okay on the display counters in the Fosters stores. They wanted an answer last week. Vaughn MacDonald Tell them to fuck off. You tell them. That Arvin Pillay pisses me off. I can’t stand his cocky attitude. Don’t bother me with trivial things now. We have a crisis if you haven’t noticed. Francis Vaughn we’ll lose their business if we say no. Vaughn MacDonald Then they won’t get paid will they. Francis We are behind on payments already. They are not kidding. Vaughn Macdonald Neither am I Francis. Tell them today and get them to buy 1000 V9777’s. We need to get rid of the first 5000 coming in next week. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Francis Tell them off and then sell in 1000 V9777’s? That’s going to be impossible Vaughn. Vaughn MacDonald Nothing is impossible Francis! Why do we go on team building exercises? To teach that? Have I taught you nothing? Now just do it! I don’t tolerate losers Francis. Are You a loser? Francis No Vaughn. I’m not. Vaughn MacDonald That’s what you say. Prove it! Let’s get things under control guys I have a lot of work to do today. Veronica when is my personal trainer coming? Veronica He’s coming at 1pm Vaughn. Vaughn Excellent, we can have lunch afterwards. SCENE 9 – INT – IDOT HEAD OFFICE II - DAY Francis, Johno Wheeler and Warren Masters are standing at the lift waiting to go down. Warren is frustrated at Francis’s attitude towards Vaughn. Francis detects his frustration. Johno Wheeler I drank so much last night I think I killed enough brain cells to be classified as retarded. Francis Duncan You are retarded. Juliet couldn’t find you last night when she looked for you. Neither could Lucinda. Where the fuck where you? You and Aaron were supposed to have taken care of things. Warren is pacing getting agitated. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Warren Hey! Who are you to be calling the shots here? Francis Duncan What? What the fuck is your case? Warren Masters No! What is your problem? That man, our boss, is a Trojan and you show him no respect. You don’t question a man of his ilk; he knows what he’s doing? Francis Duncan By surrounding himself by idiots like you, that’s why the whole of Champion refers to us as idiots you fool. Trojan, you should start a fan club for little blind cocksuckers like yourself. The man, sorry soldier, no excuse me, Trojan, can’t do confrontation. You are going to a meeting without advice or anything to negotiate with. Warren Masters I’ll work a super duper sales plan for those aging handsets. Vaughn wants something done he asks me! Francis Duncan Really you fucking moron. I can also wrap shit in Xmas paper. It’s still shit Warren! I know it! So do you and so does Ted. Vaughn is sending you to buy time. The only thing we’ll achieve is a frustrated client, a waste of time and a bigger expense later. Next month Ted will hunt Vaughn down and get three times the markdown more than if Vaughn gave him the cash when he first asked for it. Who’s the hero now? He delegates work without empowering and folds at the first sign of asking when he’s in the hot seat. But the cocksucker club never questions their Trojan. He makes us look unprofessional. So that’s my problem. He knows that I know he’s weak. But you are right about one thing. When he wants something “done” he does send you because you good at doing nothing. SCENE 10 – EXT – DAVID IS DRIVING – DAY It’s about 11am. Dave has left the office he is driving down to Stan’s house. He can’t contact Sharon or Stan. He’s worried. Aaron’s accident wasn’t far from Stan’s house he’s wondering if Aaron didn’t do anything stupid before he died. He gets a phone call while driving there. David David hello. Gwen Hi Dave, Paul asked me to give you a call. Frank Parsons is buying out an independent SAM franchise with 5 regional stores in Cape Town. Paul needs you to go down there tomorrow to negotiate a few things. Paul wants you to handle it so that we don’t have pay Frank more than we need to get these stores up and running. He says the leases must be looked at carefully. You might have to... stay over Dave. He wants to know why these stores are worth buying because they weren’t profitable for SAM. David Jesus Gwen, don’t you think I have a big enough fire here in Joburg. For fuck sakes! Gwen Whoa Dave, I’m just passing it on. I figure he asked me to ask you for a reason. David Sorry, sorry, you right. I’m sorry I should be mad at him. I’m angry Gwen, you know I’m not mad at you. It’s just the timing couldn’t be worse. I can’t figure out what’s going on with Stan. It doesn’t make sense. I keep thinking Aaron had something to do with this. You know he died like around the corner from Stan’s house. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Gwen Well, I’m not sure about what Aaron did but no one deserves to die like that. Apparently he was burnt alive. You okay Dave? David I have to be. I’ll be real okay once Stan signs this contract. I have it with me I’m not coming back to the office till I find him and he signs this piece of paper. I’m sorry about the shouting Gwen. The stress is killing me. Speak soon. Gwen One more thing I booked you on B.A for 06h30 flight tomorrow. Just show your I.D at the check-in like usual. Bye! David Cheers SCENE 11 – EXT – DAVID FINDS STAN - DAY David’s car pulls up in the driveway. Stan’s car is still outside with driver side door still open. David is relieved as he gets out of his car. He is worried why Stan isn’t answering the phone though. He rings the bell. He waits a while. He rings again. He paces up and down. He is worried again. He dials Stan’s number. He can hear it ring inside. It’s faint but he can hear it. He tries to find a way around the house to get inside. There’s side gate. It’s open. He starts walking. His heart rate starts to climb as he gets closer to the sound of a ringing phone. He gets around the back of the house. He stops. He sees Sharon. She is sitting in the same place Aaron left her. Her arms are wrapped around her bare legs. Her ass has been sitting on an ice cold tiled floor for over 10 hours. She’s still in her skimpy night dress. She looks terrible but she’s still very attractive. She has goose bumps and a serious nipple stands, David can’t help to notice. She’s staring into space. She has not registered that he is there. He calls out. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: David Sharon. Sharon. David walks slowly towards her. He notices just then that the Jacuzzi is running. He stops; he turns his head and looks at the Jacuzzi. He sees Stan’s lifeless body bobbing up and down face down in the Jacuzzi. Instinctively he tries to pull Stan’s dead weight from the Jacuzzi. He pulls his head out the water and realizes he’s been dead for sometime. He lets him go again. David Sharon. What happened? Look at me. Sharon. Common you need to get off this floor. Here, take my hand. David bends down. He moves her face and directs her chin up so she’s looking at him. David For god’s sake you need to get up now. Sharon looks at him. David can now see she knows he’s there. She looks at him intensely with her guilt filled eyes. She starts to get up slowly, she gets terrible cramp. She’s standing but she can’t move much. They stand there. David is supporting her weight. Sharon I killed him Dave. I killed him with my own hand. David Okay, tell me what happened. I want to know everything. Step by step. What happened? Sharon I woke up. Alfie Morgan was standing in the living room. David Alfie Morgan? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Sharon Yes, Alfie Morgan, that bastard was shouting at my Stan. He warned Stan about not signing another exclusivity contract. He wanted him to go dual I think. He told me to shut up about him being here and left. David And then what? How did this happen? (Pointing at Stan) Sharon Wait, he wanted his money as well. David What the fuck was Stan doing? Sharon I think he laundered money for Alfie. He died before I could find out anymore? David We need to get you inside. We need to get you warmed up. Sharon you need to tell me everything. We also need to call the police and an ambulance. We need to work this out Sharon. Sharon I need to take a shower. David No you can’t. Get a gown. It might look like you tried to get rid of evidence or wash a substance off your body. Sharon You not going take his body out of there? David No. It’s a crime scene till we get told otherwise. Sharon There was someone else here. He was spying on us. I don’t know how long he was here listening to us. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: David Do you know him? Sharon No but I’ve seen him at some network events. He works for IDOT. David I’m cold. David Don’t worry sweetie. We’ll get you something warm to wear. David has been very patient till now but he needs some answers. He figures Aaron was spying on them and that is why his accident happened so close by. David Sharon you have to tell what happened? How did Stan die? Sharon We started arguing. He said something nasty and I cracked. I push his head under the water for a while and then he pushed me back. He swallowed some water and started coughing; he was already out of breath. Then he had a fit and made gurgling sounds. His face was all tight and twisted. His mouth started foaming and fell head first back into the water. That’s when that guy fell in the corner over there. And when I looked at Stan, he was still. He wasn’t moving. David What did you do next? Sharon Nothing! I figured that that guy would report Stan’s murder and the police would come and arrest me. I was waiting. I didn’t think things would end like this. David Did the police come? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Sharon No. David Then let’s think about it. Stan was drunk. He did some coke? He’s overweight. He’s due a heart attack. It happens after you have a fight. Sharon it could have been a flight of stairs, a fat piece of steak. It was bad timing. Sharon But I kept his head under water. I killed him. David You only held him under water for 10 seconds. Most people can deal with that easily. He ate, drank and snarfed coke a life time. Last night was no different. You might have to live with the memory but not the guilt Sharon. I loved him like a brother. This is tragic but we have to be rational about this. I don’t think he’d want you to feel like this Sharon. I don’t think you drowned him. David has realized that he has to make the best of a bad situation and he wasn’t only talking to Stan’s wife but also Stan’s business partner. He needed her on his side and she most definitely must think he’s on hers. That contract is not going to sign it self. Sharon Do we need to call the police? David Yes and an ambulance. Do you need to call anyone? Sharon His mother. And oh my god, his kids. What am I going to tell them? David I thought they were Sylvia’s kids from her first marriage. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Sharon Yes, but he is the only father they’ve known. He loved them like a father. You know that. David Christ SCENE 12 – INT – ALFIE’S HEAD OFFICE I - DAY After finding out that Stan is now dead, Alfie panics and gets Archie and Fayez to rough up Stan’s staff to find his money. He’s frustrated and desperate to get to the bottom of this. Alfie Hi Archie. Archie What’s up Mr. Morgan? What can I do for you? Alfie I need you to find Shane Williams and Adam Jenson. They some of Stan’s employees. They “might” have something of mine. Archie “Might”? How exactly do you want us to handle this possibility? Isn’t Stan dead? Alfie Nothing gets past you hey Archie? Stan’s dead but these two might know something. Do it quietly. I’m not sure how much they know so see what you can find out. Use your discretion. You know when someone’s lying, don’t you? Find them, rattle their cages and see what falls. Archie I’ve got Fayez with me. Must I take him along? Alfie Sure. Just don’t make a mess. SCENE 13 - INT– ALFIE’S OFFICE II – Day Alfie makes a call to an unknown person. He’s reaching out for help. His request is sincere. Alfie Hi Joe, it’s Alfie. You got a minute. We need to talk. Joe Hi Alfie, what’s so urgent? Is this line secure? Alfie Fuck I don’t know. Shouldn’t you? Joe Spit it out, I can’t talk long. I have a presentation on human resources that I need to get back to. Alfie I need to raise R100m… Joe What? What do you want me to do? Alfie I want you to get out your fucking cheque book and write a fucking cheque Joe! Joe Don’t be stupid Alfie, I don’t have time for your shit. This is not the time to be foolish. Alfie Of course I don’t expect you to write a cheque. You know Stan’s dead? Joe Yes. Alfie He stole R100m of my client’s money. My cash flow is R100m short and the client is going to find out soon when I’m 100 bar (million) short. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Joe How? How did Stan steal your client’s cash? Alfie I don’t know what rock he hid it under or where he invested it but I have my best men working on it, well they were. He didn’t transfer the full amount this month. Joe I thought we had an inside man? You must be able to find R100m, it’s a lot of money. Alfie That accountant you sent me was useless. He’s only an inside man if he actually has inside information. I actually have him on my people of interest list. My boys are going to play 20 questions with him. Joe Hey Alfie, seriously I was doing his uncle a favour when I got him that job. Don’t let nothing happen to him. Alfie Seriously, you weren’t doing me the favour. That’s no god damn lie. Don’t worry I told my boys to interrogate a little nothing to grievous. Joe So how do you propose I raise this cash? It’s not exactly something you can do overnight. Alfie We need to do it. We need to do it soon. I have an idea but I need your help. Joe My help, I think I’ll be doing most of the work somehow? Alfie You have as much to lose as me here Joe, sometimes you have to stretch a little. I stretch my neck out everyday for your daily bread. Now I need you to butter it. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Joe You such a martyr Alfie. Remember all the things I make possible for you. Alfie Sure and I show my appreciation every month with a friendly gesture. We are friends aren’t we? I wonder if we’d still be friends if I couldn’t show my appreciation because the client suddenly didn’t need our services anymore. Joe I suspect they wouldn’t need you either? Alfie What you doing tonight? I reckon a quick meeting at my private bar. I’ll elaborate on my thoughts a bit later on. Joe That’s the one you told the weekend papers you don’t own? Alfie Yes, that one. Joe I have a meeting at seven so I can get there after eleven. Alfie Eleven? Joe I have to go. Alfie Okay. See you then. SCENE 14 – INT – SHANE’S APARTMENT – DAY Archie and Fayez are standing in the hallway of Shane’s apartment. Their taste in style needs work; they stand out as poorly dressed. Expensive clothes but poorly matched none the less. The picture freezes and the voice over starts. Voice Over Archie and Fayez are basically bouncers that think they could be professional bodyguards or hit men. They are not very intelligent but consider themselves smarter than most. Their main stream of income is the sale of coke, acid and ecstasy. They run their own bouncing/security companies and control the distribution of illegal substances in dance and rave clubs. Their distribution is all based on how many night clubs they can control. Disputes are mostly resolved with violence. Their ties to corrupt policemen are essential to ensure success. They have a client list but nothing beats the 96 hours between Thursday night and Monday morning’s trade in the clubs. Alfie is the wholesaler to these muscle men. END VOICE OVER The picture unfreezes. Archie Alfie said rough him up but nothing to serious. We need to know if he knows. So let’s be cool about it. If he wants to be hero, I’ll get Alfie on the phone. Fayez Hey, I get it. Good cop bad cop. You’re the good cop. I’ll give him a few minutes to consider his options. Archie knocks on the door. They wait. They hear someone shouting from inside but they can’t make out. The door unlocks, it’s opened but it’s still on a security chain. A tallish thin man answers the door. He is bare chested and wearing a tracksuit pants. He looks out the door and immediately slams it back closed. Fayez recognizes Shane in a flash. He is fuming. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: INSERT FLASHBACK Shane walks into a busy bar in Ravonia. He recognizes Fayez from a club he frequented the previous weekend. He has no money but he wants to impress a girl he’s with. He comes up with a plan and goes up to Fayez. Shane Hi Fayez, you the owner of Mega Rave aren’t you? Before Fayez can correct him. Shane That place is the craziest jol (party) I’ve ever been to my life bru (brother). You keep that place rocking and I’ll keep coming. The babes are fucking hot man, just like these lovelies…Hi (gives a little wave). Anyway, you must be busy. I won’t keep you. I just thought I must tell you. Fayez is caught of guard. The girls he is with believe Shane about Fayez being the owner. Girls Fayez, why didn’t you tell us? You have to comp us babe. We love Mega Rave, no wonder you there all the time. You so modest. Common, comps for a comp (one of them wink at him) what do you say? Fayez decides to roll with it after the girls confirm their ignorance. Fayez Pleasure my man. Always good to hear my club’s on top. You take care now brother. Maybe you can join me for a drink later. Cheers High on coke Shane arrogantly puts his plan in motion. He goes to a part of the bar where he is in Fayez’s line of sight orders and then waves at Fayez. Fayez waves back. Shane does this 25 minutes later again and Fayez responds reluctantly. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Fayez asks for his bill about an hour later. To his surprise there’s a bottle of champagne and two cocktails he did not order. He doesn’t even query the bill for fear of embarrassment. He realizes he’s been had by Shane. He pretends everything is okay but inside he is fuming. END OF FLASHBACK Back to real time in the scene. Fayez is shouting and kicking the door down. Archie can’t understand why Fayez is so crazy; he’s trying to talk to Fayez. Fayez is like a bull in China shop. Whatever he previously understood about the situation is nullified by the face he just saw. Archie What the fuck? Fayez what the fuck you doing? You going bananas over a nobody. Fayez is still hitting and kicking the door. He’s making progress. Fayez No one makes a poes (cunt) of me. (He shoulders the door) This tief (bitch) fuckin conned me in front of a couple of babes. Left me with a bill for his date.(He shoulders the door again) He busts the door open. He charges into to a small lounge area and falls over a small coffee table which splits as he falls on it. Shane is panicking in the kitchen. He’s nervously going through the knives in his kitchen door and grabbing at pots and pans but he can’t choose in his panicked state. He wants to escape but he’s on the 4th floor and he can only get out if he can get past Archie and Fayez who is closing in on him. The sliding door which opens onto a fake balcony looks like the only option. Fayez Come here you fuck. Not so easy running away now hey. You cornered like a dirty rat. I’m gunna crush your throat and look into your eyes while you suffocate to death. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Archie Fayez, think about this. He’s nothing. We need to speak to him first. Fayez is on auto pilot. This aggressive attitude is what started his career in inter personal management (bouncing). Archie knows he should let this fight run it’s course or it could damage his business relationship with Fayez. Fayez is closing in on Shane. Shane has a pan in his hand. He throws it at Fayez. Fayez swipes it against the wall with his huge right hand. Shane throws a knife. Fayez instinctively swipes forgetting it was a knife. It hit’s him in his upper arm. Fayez Eina! (ouch) Jou ma se poes! (Your mother’s cunt) Nou’s jy fokken vrek! (Now you fuckin dead) Nou moet jy bid broer. (Now you must pray brother) Fayez pulls the knife out his bicep. Shane is mortified. He still has not said a word. Fayez is now face to face with a shaking Shane. Fayez What? Cat got your tongue? You were pretty smooth the last time we spoke you little cocksucker. I believe this is yours…brother. Fayez stabs Shane with a downward action in the chest. It looks as if he’s been stabbed in heart. Shane goes into shock. He turns to run for the sliding door. Fayez grabs his pants. He pulls it down trying to pull Shane back. Fayez puts his mouth to Shane’s ear while holding him firmly. Shane starts breathing really short breaths and starts squirming as he tries to wrestle free. Fayez You want to go. You want to leave. I’ll help you leave. You smug bastard. Let’s go! Fayez launches Shane face first into the sliding door. Archie Fayez! Stop it! We can’t clean it up if he’s lying dead in the parking lot! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Fayez It’s going to be a bad accident then isn’t it. Fayez picks up a semi conscious Shane that is now bleeding profusely from his head. Fayez Leave if you must. I’m finishing what I started mate. Common Shane lets see if you can open sliding door with your head. Common player. Fayez pulls Shane back and forth like wrestler timing when he’s going to throw his opponent thru the ropes. In this case it’s Shane through a sliding door. Fayez makes a huge effort and launches Shane into the air. Shane’s head hits the glass, it (the glass) smashes into pieces. His body follows. It’s a Juliet balcony (no real area to stand outside just a rail) so the only thing that can save him is the guard rail. His head and torso clears the rail, he hits the rail with his legs and tries to grab hold but misses. His weight pivots and he falls four floors to his death with a knife in his chest. Everything in the flat goes quiet a few seconds. Archie How you going to explain this now? Fayez Accident? He fell out the balcony. Archie With a knife in his chest and fuckin glorious the mess up here? You an animal you know that? We have to get the fuck out of here. SCENE 15 – EXT – OUTSIDE ADAM JENSON’S HOUSE - DAY They make their way to Adam Jenson’s house. They ring the bell. No one answers the bell. He’s not home. They wait outside in their car. Archie When you going to call Alfie and tell him what you did? Fayez Ag stop worrying. Let’s get this over with then I’ll tell Alfie. No one is going to worry about Shane. He got what he deserved. Archie He’s dead Fayez. For a couple of hundred bucks? You dragged me into this shit because you can keep your head. Fayez He dissed me okay! I can’t let people think they can take for a poes (cunt) any time they feel like it. A car pulls up. It’s the accountant. He’s alone. He parks his car in front of the garage. The remote control door activates and the door starts opening slowly. Archie That’s our man. Did you look at him? Has he ever pissed you off Fayez? Let’s see if we can get him to talk first before you kill him. Fayez Fuck off. Let’s get him before the garage door closes. They get out of the car and briskly walk to the car. SCENE 16 – INT – ADAM JENSONS GARAGE - DAY The car slowly moves into the garage. Fayez and Archie slip in on either side. Adam Jenson sees them. He thinks he’s being car jacked by thieves. He pushes the security alarm for armed response on his key ring. This also activates the house alarm to let people in the neighborhood know that something’s wrong. Archie and Fayez pull their guns as to intimidate Adam. The garage door is now closed. Archie grabs Adam who’s trying to get out the car and escape into the house via an internal door. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Archie Switch the alarm off you little prick or I’ll blow your fuckin brains out. They won’t have to dress you cos your coffin will be closed bitch. Archie puts his 9mm to Adams head and pulls back the hair trigger. (Close up camera shot) Adam Go fuck your self! Do you know I am? If Alfie Morgan hears about this you guys will be valet-ing cars till you rot in hell. Fayez Put the siren off bitch. Archie cool it. Archie Valet cars? Who do you think sent us bitch! We got your fuckin number. (looks at Fayez) Don’t you tell me to cool it. Who already fucking killed someone today? Fayez Let’s get this bitch inside so he can de-activate the alarm. Adam I already called armed response assholes. They’ll be here in two fuckin minutes. I timed them last week just to see. Fayez Rent a cop? What with rape whistles and what what? Adam Bigger guns than yours you moron. Archie Let’s get him inside for fuck sakes. The entrance is raised as you need to climb steps to get to the door. Just as they start moving towards the house entrance the door flies open. A young woman steps into frame standing above them with what looks like a shot gun. Archie pulls Adam back and uses him as a shield. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Archie muttering to himself under his voice. Archie I thought there was no one home (softly). Adam’s wife Let him go and I’ll let you go. I’m not afraid to use this. Fayez You can’t handle that thing. That’s to much kick for you princess. Adam She’s a Springbok skeet shooter dickheads. Blow his fuckin head off Clarissa! Archie Shut the fuck up Adam! Do you want your father to eat lead? Adam She’s my wife asshole! Adam’s wife cocks the gun and shoots the garage roof damaging the garage motor. Fayez ducks on the other side of the car. Alfie falls back with Adam on top of him. His hair trigger moves another millimeter. The gun goes off. The shot blows Adams brains against the driver’s side and into the car. Adam’s distraught wife cocks the gun again and fires, missing. She blows the cars front window screen out. Adam’s wife You bastards! She cocks the gun and fires but she’s out. Both barrels are smoking. She goes back inside and locks the door. Fayez jumps from cover and shoots, he hits the door three times. Fayez You fucking bitch. I’ll kill you. She shout’s through the door while she’s reloading. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Adam’s wife You both going to die like fuckin dogs. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow but you are going regret the day you ever touched my Adam assholes. You don’t know who you messing with. The police will be here soon. You come through this door I’ll blow your fuckin balls off. You better fucking stay in there. You fuckin dead anyway. Finally realizing Adam is dead. Fayez What the fuck Archie? You blew his head off. Archie We need to get out of here. Where’s the garage remote? Fayez looks in the car frantically. Fayez Here. I got it. Common! Common! It won’t fuckin work. Archie grabs the remote out of Fayez’s hand. Archie Don’t fuckin.. give me that! Archie grabs the remote. Fayez looks around and finally up. Archie is frantically clicking. Fayez That fucking bitch, she shot the motor in it’s moer in (fucked up). Adam’s wife That’s right you fuckers. You gotta come through me bitches. Then I’m gonna shoot your balls off. I’m gonna fuckin kill you! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Archie tries to unhook the motor, panicking Fayez shoots the door. The sirens of the police and security cars get louder and louder. The cars arrive. You can hear feet at the front door and talking. There’s people outside, sirens blaring, people shouting, guns cocking and dogs barking. The situation is useless for Archie and Fayez. A voice comes through on a loud speaker: Police Voice Drop your weapons and come out with your hands up. (Repeated in Afrikaans)Sit neer julle wapens en kom uit met julle hande op. Fayez and Archie look at each other. They have the same look of hopelessness on their faces. SCENE 17 – INT – POLICE STATION IN ROODEPOORT - DAY They both in handcuffs locked in a cell with other criminals. They still being tough but they know things don’t look good. Fayez This started out as a normal fucking day. I was in your lounge. If Alfie didn’t call you right then I would be in the gym now probably. Archie Don’t ass around Fayez, could have, would have, should have! We need to work with what’s the facts here. We need Alfie to get us out. I don’t see us getting bail bru (brother). We let things get out hand way too much. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Fayez I can’t do time again Arch. This shit must go away. That docket must disappear with that fucking bitch that cornered us. She came from fucking nowhere. Archie If it wasn’t for her we be drinking a cold one now. We need to get our call in to Alfie. Alfie turns to the constable on duty shouts. Hey! Where’s my free phone call? This is against my universal rights! You better that in the docket (file). Constable It’s human rights asshole. Your lawyer is here already. Bad news travels real quick in these parts it seems. He’s organizing a transfer to Brixton Police Station. I don’t know why but apparently that’s where you’ll be processed. Archie and Fayez look at each other and smile. They know something is happening. Fayez Alfie’s the man with a plan! Jy wiet mos! (You know) Archie Well let’s get a move on then. Constable Easy fellas we’ll get to you as soon as the paper work is sorted out. Fayez Get that lawyer down here. I want to tell him how disrespectful you are. Ha ha, the shoes on the other foot now. Constable It doesn’t matter where you get processed you stupid animal, you going to rot in hell you sick bastard. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Another more senior police officer comes into the office. Fayez and Archie are smiling even broader now. They know this policeman very well. He’s there kind of policeman. A dirty one! Constable Good afternoon Captain De Bruyn. Captain De Bruyn. Hello, hello manne (men). Afternoon Constable. Are prisoners Kamaldien and Rodriguez ready for transportation. Captain De Bruyn winks at them as if to say they going to be okay. Constable I wouldn’t have put you on being Potché (Portuguese) with a name like Archibald Archie. There’s a bit of everything inside you hey. A real little mongrel. Don’t worry there’s going to be about six inches more inside you a little later tonight. Archie Fuck you! Fuck you! It’s my mother’s surname asshole. I never knew my father. I’ll be just fine tonight by the look of things. Looks like my hardest decision tonight is going to be whether I have cheese or pepper sauce with my steak asshole. Archie and Fayez both laugh at the constable. They think he’s an idiot because they positive they getting out tonight. All the signals are there. The constable retorts. He starts out all funny gesturing tears and then he gets really serious shouting at Archie through the bars. Constable I never knew my father. Boo Hoo! I never knew my father. Now I gotta get all mean and tough and become a gangster. I gotta get a gat(gun) and become a psychopath murderer. You sick shit. You think other people don’t have issues. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Captain De Bruyn is not completely focused. He gets his resolve back breaks this slanging match up. Captain De Bruyn Okay genoeg nou! (Enough now!) Enough now! Let’s go guys. Unlock this cell constable. Fayez Hey Cappie. Can we not have these bracelets this time? It hurts my wrists man. Captain De Bruyn You know I can’t do that. This isn’t Club Med Fayez. Let’s just get you transferred. I’ll take it from here Constable. The Constable takes great delight in putting handcuffs on both prisoners, especially Archie’s. He makes Archie’s cuffs especially tight and grins. Archie makes an effort not to wince as the cuffs pinch his skin. Once the constable puts the cuffs on Archie turns and looks at the Constable. Archie Yah, let’s just get going. I’m tired of this pencil neck. The Captain leads them down a few long passages. Fayez Cappie is this the way to the exit. I’ve left here a couple times but never this way. Captain De Bruyn That’s because this is the way to freedom my friend. You know I’m the one that can get a pickle out of a pickle. Fayez aye aye Captain. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Archie You got a getaway car Cappie. Captain De Bruyn I’ve got better. I have a getaway driver too. But we must keep the cuffs on until we out of plain sight okay. Archie You a star Cappie! We owe you a boatload of shit. You need something you call me. I won’t forget this. Fayez No, you call me first. I can’t have words to express my gratitude boss. Captain De Bruyn Guys please promise me one thing. Get the fuck out of dodge and I don’t mean go to Pretoria. Just go somewhere further and lie low; you got guys to keep tabs on things here. They find you, its nag. (its over) Fayez I hear you loud and clear Cappie. I need a holiday as well with the stress of these events and all. SCENE 18 – EXT – JUST DESSERTS - DAY A roller door opens. The sunlight is bright and the two prisoners try to shield their eyes but can’t because they are handcuffed. Their handcuffs are tied behind their backs. Captain de Bruyn Boys because this is such a high profile case I need to take one more precaution. There’s quite a bit of press out there. They know you here so I’m going to ask you wear these covers for your heads just till you get out of camera view and into normal traffic. Nothing serious but it might be a bit difficult to breathe for a while. Archie Is this really necessary Cappie? We can just duck. Captain De Bruyn No Archie, the press is like sharks. They snap everything in site. Especially vehicles coming out of the yard. Fayez The man got us this far. I say if it’s going to make it safe. Why not? Who’s the driver, JC? Archie I just not comfortable man. I’m not use to this. I got no control, I trust nobody, nobody man. Are you sure Cappie? The Captain looks straight into Archie’s eyes. Captain De Bruyn Archie, how long have we known each other. I’ve stuck my head out this far. If you get caught what do you think Constable Viljoen is going say? I’m in this as well. Every precaution makes this escape safer. Are you with me? Archie Okay. Okay. Let’s get this over with. Fayez It’s small sacrifice for a lot of freedom. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Archie Okay. Okay! Let’s go. Let’s get this done. I want to get out of here and get a beer and a steak. The Captain opens the police van’s back door open and helps them in. Each man sits on a seat that is built on top of the rear wheel arch. (Note 1 – picture of SA Police Van) The Captain puts a linen bag over each man’s head. Archie Sorry Cappie, I know you trying to help. Thanks, I know you mean well. Fayez Really Cappie, I won’t forget what you did today. Captain De Bruyn I’m sure you won’t Fayez. The driver throws two wire type lassos through the opening(sliding window) that divides the prisoner section from the drivers cab. Archie JC, brother is that you? There is no answer. The mood changes. Captain De Bruyn realizes they suspect there’s something. Fayez JC broer se iets. (JC brother say something) Archie No, No there’s something wrong. Captain De Bruyn grabs the lassos’ and nervously thread them through the hand grips on the top of the canopy of the van. Archie Fayez kick this poes in his moer (face). Fayez No Cappie, what you doing to us? What you doing? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: As the Captain puts the lassos around their necks he begs their forgiveness. He closes the back doors and hits the van signaling it’s time to go. Captain De Bruyn I’m sorry boys. I didn’t have a choice in this one. I tried to help but you killed the son of a very important man. Even I can’t call a favour on this one. You know rules boys. I’m sorry. I wish it wasn’t me. The doors have just been closed. Fayez Cappie, we been pals forever brew. You can’t do us like this. The lassos are around their necks and running up through the handles on the inside of the van’s canopy. From there they run into the driver’s cab through a small window. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt peers backwards for the first time. His victims are secure. The ends of the lassos are around the gear shift. There is no way out. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Go afternoon gentleman. I hope you comfortable. If not I’m sure it won’t be for long. Fayez and Archie start trying to negotiate for their lives. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt just turns the radio up and hums to the tune playing. They make more noise. They shouting, begging. Nothing registers in Jurgen’s mind. He’s on a mission. Fayez, Archie What do you what? Tell us? I got cash. Common there must be something. You don’t want to do this. We got cash. How much? Tell us! What do you want? Who are you? You poes (cunt)? You coward? We connected tief(bitch). Let’s talk. I’m sure we can make an arrangement. Common! You fucker! (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: The shouting, begging and cursing goes on for as long as Jurgen drives. Jurgen stops in an abandoned warehouse. He pulls both lassoes off the gear lever and starts pulling both. Archie and Fayez starting gurgling, they want to pull back the lassoes with their hands but they in handcuffs. They are kicking writhing for their lives. The odd swearword comes out but generally they just trying leverage their necks to breathe. They’re trying to use their feet but the keep kicking each other instead of getting firm foothold. Jurgen realizes that trying to strangle both of them at once is not working. He puts Fayez lasso back on the gear lever giver Fayez a short but false respite. From the outside the white security vehicle is rocking back and forth as the gangsters fight for their lives. There is blood coming from their necks now because of the wire cutting through their skin. Jurgen is now fully focused on killing Archie. Fayez is listening to Archie die. He can hear and smell Archie shitting and pissing himself as he is being slowly strangled to death. Fayez is slowly coming to terms with his fate. Only a miracle can save him now as Archie’s body ceases to struggle any more with kick and occasional sound here and there. He’s dead. Fayez’s turn has come. His number is up. As he starts to scream, swear, shit and piss himself the shot fades out. SCENE 19 – INT – DAY – RACE RELATIONS – DAY Its early morning. Paul’s in his office getting some work done before the phones start ringing and people start bothering him. He’s shit out of luck. Another executive walks into the sales department. He knocks on Paul’s door. Paul Come in. Alan Hi Paul, you got a sec. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul Sure. Alan Uh, I want to run something past you. Paul Fire away. Alan Look you know the quota numbers are coming up. I’m light on a two black employees and a coloured employee. I need your help. Paul I’m listening… Alan I can get one black guy, but I’m short another. I don’t want to internal on the other one. Paul There’s no one you can employ out of 6000 employees? Alan No, there’s no one. No one black any way. Paul puts his pen down and sits up. Paul You kidding me! Have you interviewed any one? Alan No. You know, half these guys maybe have a fake high school diploma. Some are “studying” but you don’t know what you getting. I’m not comfortable giving handouts. Paul Have you got a degree Alan? Alan No but I’m old school. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul So you will employ an old school sales guy but not someone studying towards a degree or someone with potential. How many black guys you know with our experience? Alan Personally, none. Paul You know why? Alan Of I know why? Paul I’ve promoted at least 10 AA employees since I’ve been here. We go looking for talent in customer care, call centers, wherever we can promote from inside we do. They already know the culture in the company. We socialize with them to see they can stay the pace and fit in the team. The training is on the job. 8 employees have been promoted out of this office because they proved themselves and hold senior positions. Alan So do you want a medal? Paul Fuck yes, because cunts like you keep sucking this department dry. You need to get your arse into those departments and find your own staff. Alan My clients aren’t black Paul! Paul This company is an industry leader Alan. We set the trends. If your clients can’t deal with a person of colour doing the same or better job then maybe the problem is with them and if you agree with them, you too. Alan The floppies are taking over man. We have to protect our interests. What about my son who can’t get a job because he’s white. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul Those “floppies” are 85% of the population. This country is fucked up that way but now it’s time to give it back. Do you want it taken from you rather? I say give it back. It’s happening now to your son like it happened to millions of other people years ago. Yes, it’s shit but your son isn’t living in a shack is he? The sooner we get to grips with this the sooner we can restore some sort of balance and put everyone on a more equal footing. Your son is suffering but if you don’t change your attitude and get onboard your grandson and great grandson will also suffer. Open your fuckin eyes Alan. You going to start looking like a dinosaur. My staff stays; I’m not trading them to you for a piece ass or anything else. They deserve better. I’m not talking about this again. Get out! SCENE 20 – INT – JURGEN HAMMER SCHMIDT - DAY ALFIE has a high profile office in a prominent area. His office is well finished. It’s modern and peaceful. It smells like success. There are many pictures of Alfie and famous sport stars and celebrities on the walls. There are also awards from various Charities. Alfie’s heard that Stan is not at Champion Cellular signing. He’s pleased but he still wants his money. He’s got his secretary calling Stan’s cellphone and office. A very smartly dressed tall gentleman walks in. He signs in at security and gets in a lift. Alfie has no idea he is coming. He walks up to Alfie’s P.A. She’s young and very pretty. She’s eye candy for his business associates and friends but deceivingly capable. He pulls a card out of his expensive suit jacket pocket and presents it to her. He has a German accent. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Good Morning, please give this card to your employer. Annabelle (P.A) I’m sorry do you have an appointment? Jurgen Hammer Schmidt No I don’t. Please give this card to Mr. Morgan. He will give me an audience. I’m sure of it. He offers it down on the table with both hands. Annabelle takes the card and looks at it. Annabelle Your name is not on this card? Jurgen Hammer Schmidt I know you are trained to protect Mr. Morgan’s interests but right now you aren’t doing any of us any favors. There is no need to be alarmed. She looks at him, then at the card tapping it on her other hand. She’s worried. She knows people. It’s her job to screen phone calls and uninvited visitors. She looks up at him again. Annabelle Okay. Just wait hear a minute while I take it to him. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Thank you. SCENE 21 – INT – JURGEN HAMMER SCHMIDT II – DAY Annabelle knocks on the door. Alfie’s on the phone. He finishes his call while Annabelle waits to talk to him. The office is a fair size. It has many products lying in a corner. The rest is framed photos, expensive furniture a bar and more awards and lots of sport memorabilia. Alfie Uhhh, come in... Okay Jeff I have to go. Speak soon. Annabelle Sorry, Alfie I have a walk in. He’s very strange. He’s talking like he knows you. I think he’s German. Alfie What’s his name? Annabelle He didn’t want to give it but he gave this card. He said you would want to see him. She hands it to him. He looks at it. His head pulls up in disbelief. He’s shocked. This is unexpected. He is clearly not ready to meet this man. Annabelle is also scared now. Alfie doesn’t scare for just anyone. This man doesn’t even have a name but the name of the company is enough to scare Alfie is worrying. Alfie Oh shit! They’re here. How the fuck did they get here so soon. Get Archie or Fayez on the phone. I need to speak to them ASAP. Put that man in a boardroom and get him some coffee. I need time to think. Get those guys on the phone Annabelle. Annabelle Okay? I’ll put him in the boardroom, call Archie and get him coffee afterwards. Are you okay Alfie? Alfie Fuck! Of course yes. Why do I look worried? SCENE 22 – INT – JURGEN HAMMER SCHMIDT III - DAY Annabelle leads the well dressed stranger into Alfie’s office after about a ten minute wait in the boardroom. She couldn’t raise Archie or Fayez. Alfie is worried. Alfie Morning, I wasn’t expecting anybody from L.F.I. What’s so important that you had to come all the way from Lichtenstein to see me? What’s your name anyway? Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Is it safe to speak in here? Alfie Yes, yes, we sweep everyday. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Where’s your security? Alfie I’m a businessman here. They around but I don’t need to look like someone I’m accused of being. That would give credence to some of the things that has been said. What’s your name? Jurgen Hammer Schmidt My name isn’t important. What is is the mess you making to find my companies money. Alfie We just about finished sorting it out. I’m trying to contact two of my guys right now. That’s why you had to wait. I thought we could get some more information… (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Let me stop you there. I had to neutralize your two employees. They won’t be making or taking anymore calls. They were drawing too much attention to themselves which means attention to you which could lead to me. They also killed the nephew of a high ranking associate of ours which could not be overlooked. I felt it would be better if I dealt with the situation myself and excluded you. Alfie Neutralize? Jurgen Hammer Schmidt They are dead Alfred. I use the word Neutralize because it’s clinical; cuts out the idea of human blood and guts, less emotion. I did you a favour. You have two bodies. It’s unnecessary. Alfie We have fucking four now. You here to “neutralize” me? What do you want? Besides your money? Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Don’t worry Alfred. We don’t want you dead. Alfie Well that’s a fuckin relief. What do you want then? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Jurgen Hammer Schmidt Only what’s due to us. As I was saying… Men like you are hard to replace. Just look at the lie you have built around you. All this, the building, the furniture, the paintings, photo’s, the beautiful woman. I’m impressed. No, we need you but you getting careless. There’s no control Alfred. R100m (100 million South African Rand, approx. $13.5 million) is paltry if you want go to war but it can easily get you and me into a lot of trouble if it goes missing. Our strength is our ability to keep our peoples hands clean. It’s very hard to wash someone’s hands if your hands are dirty and who wants someone with even dirtier hands to wash their hands. You follow. Alfie You preaching to the choir, if Adam was on top of things we wouldn’t be in this shit now. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt We have entrusted you with a few hundred million dollars. We expect value for our risk. Since the cold war ended many markets have opened up. Opportunities one couldn’t even dream of have found their way to us. South Africa is not important politically but we can buy weapons and small arms in Africa from war torn countries or countries carrying arms from previous conflicts without being noticed and help continue a war or conflict somewhere else. We get them easily and cheaply, corruption is like a cancer in a poor country. When the conflict is over we become bankers to the end users of our various products and services. This isn’t Casino Royal, we don’t gamble with a warlord’s money. We’re professionals. We want to be able to trust you Alfred but you making it very difficult. We don’t want to make a withdrawal and be forced to liquidate any assets… you follow. We need that money back soon, very soon. We’ll be halving your commission fee till you can come up with our money. Think of it as interest on a loan you have to repay. Don’t get me wrong Alfred. This is a serious breach of trust. It needs urgent attention. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Alfie That’s ridiculous. Why aren’t you going after Stan’s people? Someone he knows has the money. You know that. Why you needling me for god sakes. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt What’s ridiculous is we pay you to be our hands and feet. We only want to be eyes and ears. We don’t want to be identifiable. That’s your job. It’s that whoever launders money for us at street level must think its income from drugs and prostitution. If they knew a bunch of East Europeans were running guns to any one who will pay the right price, we sell to opposing terrorist groups. We have Jewish people washing money for Muslim terrorist groups and vice versa. Imagine if they knew? Imagine if their own people knew they were facilitating mortars and machine gun rounds that were going to kill little children of their race or religion? You just made a bad situation worse. I had to step in. I hope you don’t have any serious links to those two I dealt with this morning. Your violent enquiry ends here. Whatever is done from now on to find that money must be done quietly behind closed doors. Ultimately the responsibility to replace the money is yours. Alfie Well at least with Stan out the way I can expand distribution into other networks. I’ll speak to his wife. I should just buy the business from her now. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt You’ll do no such thing. It will look like you killed him to get to his business. Just get the business going again. She’s not completely in the dark and explain the implications of not continuing the partnership Stan enjoyed with us. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Alfie No one knows I was there. We leave the present conversation, freeze frame and go back to the early hours of Thursday morning. Flash Back – EXT - Night – Thursday morning - Stan’s Luxury house Alfie has just walked out of Stan’s front door, right past Aaron. Aaron is standing in the shadows. He can still hear what is going on inside. Sharon is arguing with Stan inside. It’s hard to make out what Stan is saying. He tries to get closer to what is going on. He tries the side gate, maybe he can hear them arguing a bit better. He finds it’s unlocked. He sneaks down the paved walk way on the side of the house. The voices get louder. They start moving away from him. You can hear Sharon shouting at Stan as in scene 5. He makes visual contact as Stan asks Sharon to get him a towel as per in scene 5. There is a third person view on Aaron watching Stan and Sharon. Stan has started walking to an under cover Jacuzzi outside. Stan gets in with what is left of his drink. Sharon follows him outside. She’s angry. Aaron moves around the house to maintain audio and visual. Stan is being very coy in the face of Sharon’s anger. He’s speech is slurred. Sharon Just tell me what’s going on Stanley. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong. You’re pissing me off. You making this worse than what it is. I don’t have a clue how much you already fucked this mess up. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Stan Sharon babe…it’s pretty simple. I got given the opportunity to make the easiest money you’ve ever spent. All I had to do was sell some stock to one of Alfie’s companies. If you haven’t noticed our prepaid receipts have jumped over R100 million in the last few months. I get paid to help Alfie wash some drug money. If it’s not me than it would be someone else so why not? You know if you actually took interest in what’s happening instead of fucking and sucking Shane’s dick all the time we’d both be on the same page ages ago. Sharon Fuck you! Like you don’t have your dirty secrets! What about your whore in Morningside? How long have I turned a blind eye to all the tarts you’ve had, some in our fucking bed. It doesn’t matter how much those sheets get cleaned I still feel dirty when I get in bed. At least Shane notices me and treats like a woman. Stan You not even going to try and deny it. Sharon No. Why? We not even close to even if we have count all the skank you’ve been with. Stan Wow! We making real progress here. He works for us you embarrassing bitch. Couldn’t you take your filthy cunt somewhere a bit more remote than that? Next you going to tell me you in love with the fucking wimp. Look I’m tired… Sharon You tired? You coked up, God knows what else you’ve put up your arse and you washing it down with Whiskey, neat I might add. You stupid fat fuck! You think that’s going to take care of this shit…make you feel better does it? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Stan Come here. Give me a kiss. I forgot why I fell in love with you. Let’s see if you still the hottie I married. Common Sharon, give daddy some sugar. Sharon You motherfucker, you want some sugar? You want some sugar? Here, here… here you go daddy. Big daddy, big fat daddy. Sharon walks up to Stan, she puts her right palm on top of his head and pushes his head below the bubbling water. Sharon was sexually abused by her father and Stan knows this. She warned him never to use the word “daddy” in reference to himself. Stan has intentionally provoked her as if he needed to get her even more angrier. Stan tries to pull his head up. Sharon is really mad, she holds him under. He struggles for leverage. He eventually drops his drink in the Jacuzzi and puts his right hand on the edge of the Jacuzzi. He gets the leverage to raise his head above the water. His head breaches the water. He pushes Sharon back with his left arm and takes a huge breath and immediately starts coughing and choking. Aaron is relieved. For that short time that seemed an eternity he thought he might have to expose himself and intercede. This information he is getting is amazing. He can’t wait to tell Vaughn. Stan has inhaled some water while breathing in. He has a coughing fit. His face goes red and his eyes are more blood shot than they already are. He catches his breath. He is still breathing deeply. Stan You crazy bitch! Are you trying to kill me? Sharon No shit! I should do it right here. I can’t take your shit any more. What have you done? Stan is still breathing heavily. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Stan God you know how to spoil a party. Sharon You still haven’t told me what’s going on. Why is that Irish Italian mongrel threatening you? What money is he talking about? Stan Just give me a sekun…arr…arrg…grugh…arr Stan goes into cardiac arrest. Sharon Stan, Stan, what’s wrong? Stan, Stan. Aaron bumps the pool net over, he falls into the light. Sharon makes eye contact with him. She’s scared. She screams and she thinks he looks familiar. Aaron bolts. He’s out the side gate, out the front gate. Stan is still fighting for his life but he’s starting to swallow water. Sharon is frozen stunned by Aaron’s intrusion and also partly wanting Stan to die. A few seconds pass and Stan lying face down in the water blows his last bubble. He’s dead. Sharon is sitting awkwardly on the tiled floor. Aaron’s surprise appearance through her off balance and she fell. She’s still barefoot in her skimpy night dress. She still doesn’t know exactly what is going on with Alfie and the money. We return to the conversation between Jurgen and Alfie. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt I saw you there? So Did Mr. Leitner but his death was somewhat fortuitous. The drunken driving culture is really bad here in South Africa. Alfie Who the fuck is Aaron Leitner? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Jurgen Hammer Schmidt That’s good Alfred. Denial is a good angle. Unfortunately it’s true. Ignorant bliss… Look I need to go. Alfie When do I see you again? Can’t we discuss my cut in commission? I don’t even know your name. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt You want me to leave…hopefully never, unless you have another indiscretion. The cut stays until you pay us back in full. It’s only R100m. You can give me a name if it makes you feel more comfortable. Alfie Well for a gun runner you not a bad bloke. I think our “meeting” went quite well. Jurgen Hammer Schmidt It went “well” for you. I’m an investment banker Alfred. Don’t ever use those filthy words again. Scene 23 – INT – ALFIE SEES SHARON - DAY There’s a ring at the door. Sharon is scantly dressed; she’s not wearing any footwear. She’s shocked and surprised to see Alfie. He’s also responsible for the death of her lover Shane Williams. Sharon I had a feeling you’d wanna come around here. I got something for you. She pulls a small revolver out from a pocket in her silk gown and starts raising it from hip height. Alfie acts quickly. He grabs the gun and forces it away from both of them towards the floor. It goes off. Alfie Easy lassie, you a real fire cracker aren’t you. Alfie’s chin is locked against Sharon soft neck and his face is touching hers. He breathes in heavily into hear ear. He gets full control of the gun. He opens the barrel and turns the gun so the bullets fall out. He puts the empty gun in the back of his pants. He breathes in heavily again. Sharon twitches. Sharon says softly – not really knowing Alfie’s purpose of the visit because Alfie has not killed her. Sharon Get the fuck off me. You slimy sack of shit. Alfie I’m not here to kill you. Fortunately you more valuable alive than dead. Sharon If you going to try and fuck me you better kill me. Alfie adjusts his stance. He uses his free hand to grab Sharon’s hair and turn her so that his groin is now up against her ass and his chest is against her back. Her arm is forced behind her back in a tight grip. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Alfie If I wanted to fuck you, I’d be doing it now. You such feisty bitch. Maybe in time I’ll tame you. For now I’ll smell that sweet sent poor old Shane got to smell when muffin needed a buttering. He pushes her up against the mirror. He presses his body harder against hers. Sharon You have a hard on Alfie? Because I can’t feel it. I know that whatever it is, it must be important. You want to fuck me so bad; your eyes burn my pretty soft smooth skin every time you look at me. It’s real intense isn’t it? I know that look. Men have been looking at me like that ever since my titties popped out. I don’t count the one’s that looked at me before that. Those are just sick paedo’s. You know what that look equals? Alfie No. I don’t you foul mouthed whore. Sharon It equals anything you have that I want. It’s not your strength Alfie, it’s weakness. I’m betting you can taste my pussy. It’s so sweet. Isn’t it? Should I stop talking or do want to blow your load in your pants. Alfie Shut the fuck up. Shut your pretty filthy mouth. Sharon If you not going to try and fuck me you better let me go. Alfie Okay. I’ll let you go. Just be calm now. Remember who had the gun. I never meant for anybody to die. I didn’t come here to harm you love. Do you think I’d come knock on your front door bell if I wanted you dead. Alfie backs away and they face each at a safe distance. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Sharon (shouting) You fucking killed my husband! Alfie I didn’t kill him. I made him a lot of money. I if I added to his untimely demise I probably did you a favour and now I’m going to do another one. Sharon I still loved him despite his flaws. He actually loved me for not this (points at her tits and body) but who I was. Everybody else just wanted a slice and then moved on. He actually made a place in his life for me without any lies or secret agenda’s. We weren’t perfect but we loved each other. Alfie What you couldn’t find a fatter fuck to waste that cracker body on? Sharon He wasn’t always that fat you know? Alfie Whatever now you can love the other halve of his shit. Sharon What about Shane? What did he ever do to you? Alfie The cocksucker just got unlucky. It just got out of hand, same with Adam. I never intended for any of this, the two fuck nuts I sent are also dead now. Not my doing. Anyway your dumb fuck husband started this. Sharon Don’t you blame him? He was dead before all this started. Alfie I he didn’t steal my money all this shit would not have happened. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Sharon I don’t know about the money. I don’t have it. If Stan took it I don’t know where he put it. Alfie How much have you noticed in the last 9 months. Stan said you had no clue what kind numbers were running through the business. Sharon He was right. We argued over everything so I let him do it and when he got Adam I thought well he’s got help now so I’ll leave it at that. I would go in to the office but no really complained so I figured things were going good. Alfie Going good? We are pumping just over R100 million a month more through his accounts. Do you know what kind of benefits that brings just from the network let alone commissions he’d get from us? Sharon That’s why you didn’t want Stan to sign another exclusivity contract. You want wider distribution to wash more money without being noticed. That’s one reason I’m not dead. The other one of course is I might help find your cash. What’s the next reason Alfie? Alfie You know…the show must go on. I’ll make you a real sweet deal but you have to go with both networks. Sharon SAM and Champion…I’m going to need help if I do this. Alfie You can get the best people in the business but they’ll have to come through me. I do not trust any outsiders. Sharon What numbers are we talking? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Alfie It’s about R500 000 on R100m If you add another network it could be a cool million a month. Sharon That’s a lot of money. What are doing here? Alfie We just legitimizing some drug money. Get it nice and clean. It’s easy money for you. Sharon Something doesn’t add up though. Alfie Why prepaid? Smaller amounts are safer to transfer and it would take a while to pick up if you really looking. By then we could close shop. Your books won’t show your commission. That’s all cash. Sharon Cash? Alfie You don’t think I’m going write you a cheque or make a transfer. Sharon Where’s Stan’s cash? Alfie What the R4,5 million? I don’t know but technically you owe me R100 million. Sharon I told you, I don’t know? Alfie You better not hold out on me Sharon. Sharon I didn’t say I was going to do this? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Alfie How’s it going to make you and your deceased husband look if you just stopped ordering over R100 million in prepaid stock every month? Stan pissed off a lot of people. We drove down the margins for every other dealer out there. We created a market that doesn’t exist. Sharon I had nothing to do with it. Alfie You still his partner on paper. I go down you go down. And then there’s a small some of R4.5 million lying around somewhere. You already up if find it. Sharon I need a fall guy and a water tight legal argument. Alfie I know the best in the business. We had a fall guy but he’s dead now. Sharon Who? Adam? Alfie Fuck no. Shane. Stan hated him for fucking your sweet ass. SCENE 24 – INT – SANN CALLS IDOT - DAY News has just reached IDOT about the fate of the Sandra Kemp. They couldn’t find out themselves what happened because they didn’t have enough background info on Sandra. The office is a sprawling disaster. Phones ringing off the hook. People shouting at each other. Just crazy. The phone rings at Veronica’s desk. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Veronica IDOT Cellular Veronica speaking, how may I help you. Her total attitude reflects the boredom with her job and she’s taking her frustration out on the little people. TV Station lady Wow! That’s a long greeting. Veronica It’s the official corporate policy to answer the phone that way here. How can I help you? TV Station lady You sound like a call centre operator…anyway I was told to contact Vaughn MacDonald. Am I in the right place? Veronica Yes, I’m his P.A. (emphasis on P.A) TV Station lady Cool, we breaking the story on the 8pm news later tonight that Sandra Kemp was the second victim in the traffic accident that was caused by your employee Aaron Leitner. Flashback Scene – ext – night – Thursday morning 01h00 Aaron runs to his car. He swearing at himself because he let himself get caught. He can’t wait to tell Vaughn MacDonald what he knows. This information is priceless. He unlocks his car and gets in. He’s nervous; he thinks Sharon might chase after him. Someone is following him though. An unknown vehicle is following at a fair distance. Aaron is driving quite recklessly, it’s late and the roads are quiet. He pulls his cell phone out of his jacket. He dials Vaughn’s number. He looks at his car kit cellphone cradle. The phone is busy dialing. It’s a good idea to put it in. He’s drunk and his driving is questionable. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: He put’s it in. It’s not inserted properly and falls in the passenger’s side foot well. Aaron bends over to look for his cell phone keeping one hand on the steering wheel. He is approaching a four way traffic double lane intersection. (Cars drive on the left side of the road in SA) The traffic light turns amber. He is still travelling quite fast. Vaughn MacDonald Aaron, Aaron…is that you? What the fuck you doing calling me uh, one o’clock in the morning. I’m trying to get some sleep. Aaron Leitner Vaughn just a second, I dropped my phone. Vaughn MacDonald You drunk boy? Aaron finally gets his phone. He pulls it up to his ear as he raises his body above the dash board. He’s relieved. He can see the road again. In a split second he realizes he’s over the front of the intersection. In the corner of his left eye he sees the light is red. He is going too fast. He can make it. But that thought is short lived as another object catches his left eye. He tries to break. It’s another vehicle it’s crossing his driving line. It’s too late. He starts to scream. Everything goes into super slow motion. He’s going to hit this vehicle. As he realizes he has not put his seat belt on he looks at the other vehicle while still screaming. He’s thinking to himself this is a brand new 4x4 I’m sure I’ve seen it…and then he looks at the driver who has turned their head in abject fear. It’s the young girl who won the 4x4 from the handset manufacturer earlier that night. And as they crash Aaron realizes the irony of his death. There’s a huge crash. An explosion. Glass and metal is everywhere. Vaughn can hear Aaron’s screams over the cellphone which hasn’t melted yet. Aaron is pinned behind the steering wheel and burning to death. He’ll die from his injuries anyway. The young girl is luckier. She dies on impact but her fuel tank is fully loaded and bursts into flames creating an inferno. She burns beyond recognition. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vaughn MacDonald Aaron…talked to me, stop fucking around… The call drops. Return to scene where Veronica is speaking to TV Station lady. Veronica Oh my God! It can’t be. TV Station lady Oh yes but it is. Her dentist can prove it. We need a statement from you guys and Vaughn is apparently his manager and also involved in the 4x4 promotion as well. So he knows both people involved. Veronica He’s not going to like this? TV Station lady We all have to do things we don’t want to do but here I am speaking to you a customer care agent when what I really want to do is interview people on TV. I suppose Oprah had to start somewhere as well? Veronica I’m Vaughn’s P.A and not a customer care agent! I’ll see if he’s available. TV station lady thinking Veronica put the phone down already. TV Station lady Potato, potato, tomato, tomato (differently pronounced of course) Veronica I think you have issues. (CONTINUED) TV Station lady You think? Just put him on before I call your supervisor! Veronica puts the phone on the desk. As she leaves the desk she vents. She is furious. Veronica Bitch! The TV station lady hears and you can hear a her voice faintly on the receiver. TV Station lady I heard that! Camera follows Veronica into Vaughn’s office. From Veronica’s POV. She knocks and opens the door. Vaughn MacDonald What? Veronica It’s just me. A very rude lady from SANN wants to speak to you. Vaughn What about? Veronica is too shit scared to tell him. She’s thinking it’s just too much for her. She can’t bear another blow up. Veronica She didn’t say, but it sounds serious… Vaughn Don’t we have PR people to deal with this kind of stuff? Veronica Yes but she said they said you must speak to her. Vaughn Who the fuck is she to tell anyone anything? Veronica What must I tell her? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vaughn Tell her I’m busy. All this time TV Station lady can hear all this. She’s calling out. TV Station lady Hello…heeello…you stupid fucks. Veronica gets back to the phone; she takes a deep breath and picks it up. Veronica I’m sorry his busy. TV Station lady Don’t fucking lie! I heard your whole pathetic conversation. Put him on! I haven’t got the whole fucking day you stupid phone jockey. I still have 15 more statements to… Veronica (jumps in firmly) I think you just said about just enough now that our corporate policy on abusive callers allows me to do this! Veronica slams the phone down. Vaughn’s door is still open. He sees what she did. Vaughn Now that’s what I’m talking about. Don’t take her shit V. Veronica looks at him and smiles, enjoying her moment and the acknowledgement from her boss. Fade Out Fade back in. On the screen: 5 minutes later appears on the screen against the backdrop of Veronica doing an online Sudoku game. There’s a cellphone ringing. It’s not Veronica’s. We pan to Vaughn. He looks at the caller ID. He mutters under his voice. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vaughn Oh no, not this cunt again. I’m tired of this sand monkey. He answers the call. His voice goes into the positive suck up mode Vaughn loves to hear but hates doing. Vaughn Mohammed! How you doing man? Mohammed I’m good Vaughn. You? Mohammed doesn’t give Vaughn a chance to answer. They both hate each other. Look I just got a call from SANN, Tanya Smith says you put a phone down on one her subordinates… Vaughn That’s not exactly… Mohammed I don’t care if it’s true or not, that’s semantics but we got strict policies on how to deal with the press. The fact that she called me again to get this done is the issue. I don’t have to remind you. We need them more than they need us. I told PR you should deal with it. You can say something nice about Sandra Kemp, the poor girl. You did meet her didn’t you? Vaughn Well not really? I was busy… Mohammed (getting louder) A two million rand promotion and the Sales Director is not even there to hand over the car keys? What is so much more important other than getting new business? Where were you? (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vaughn Uh, Aaron was working on it… Mohammed Aaron’s dead and you dropped the ball again! It’s your hot tamale now. PR prepped something for you. They sent you an email with an approved statement. Zoleka said she called you at least twice this morning but you didn’t answer. In fact you cancelled the call twice! You still don’t have voice mail either. We are in the communications industry. You are a director Vaughn. What must I do with you? It’s your employee and your winner that died in the same fucking crash. It’s a PR nightmare. What are the chances but it is what it is. I want it contained. Poor Sarah, she just put out a press statement about Sandra Kemp winning a fucking 4x4. Your people let a drunken girl get in a SUV and drive home without taking any fucking press pictures. You deal with it! And while I got you on the phone why is Ted Phillips still calling me I thought you met him yesterday and sorted his stock issue out? It’s a sales issue Vaughn. Make sure you call him and sort it out. Vaughn is livid. He thinks the call is over which it is but Mohammed hasn’t cancelled the call yet. He hears the following as Mohammed is ending his call. Mohammed Sorry gents. If anything Vaughn MacDonald has taught me one thing. Never underestimate the power of stupidity…Eish (ouch) You guys know what you want to order? I’m starving like Marvin. He finally terminates the call. Vaughn is gob smacked. He thought he knew how much Mohammed hated him but hearing it was enough to get violently angry. He shouts into a cellphone with no one on the other end. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Vaughn MacDonald Mohammed! You fucking raghead! I’m going to cut your fucking heart out. Curry eating cunt! I’m going to break you in half. Everybody stops. Vaughn’s anger can be heard over everything else. For a brief moment all eyes are on him, then out of fear and the shit rolling downhill everybody gets back to work. SCENE 26 – INT – DAVID’S HOUSE - DAY It’s late in the afternoon. The house is dark inside. We go through an empty house. The TV is on. No one is watching. There are two adult voices laughing and talking. They are coming from the bedroom. We go down the hallway. The sounds get louder. We open the door. The two people are laughing and having fun, they are getting undressed. We can only see Rebecca. She’s standing in front of a huge wardrobe mirror that runs against the side of the room. We see her and her reflection in the mirror. The second, person a male is not in view yet. Rebecca Stop watching me like that. Paul (OS) I love watching you. You so sexsee. Rebecca You such a perve. You make me feel so dirty. I’m your little stripper now. Paul (OS) Slowly, I want to enjoy this. Besides I think you love feeling dirty. You are my dirty, dirty little stripper. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Rebecca I can see your face, you like a little boy on Xmas morning. Does everybody at Teasers (strip club) look at the girls like you doing now? Paul (OS) No. Those girls are young and pretty but I want what other people aren’t allowed to see, they can’t see. They can wonder but only a privileged few, sometimes only one can enjoy them exclusively; like a rare painting locked in a private viewing room. Rebecca I’m flattered. I’m also standing almost naked in front of you and you still fully dressed, just like Teasers? Paul (OS) Hang on. Shake your tits just a little. You so beautiful babes. I don’t want to share you. Rebecca drops her arms and rests her hands on her well shaped mature thighs and swivels her shoulders slowly let the momentum of stopping move her ample breasts from side to side. Rebecca Is that good for you? Paul (OS) Perfect. Panty…slowly and don’t forget to bend and look at me. Rebecca Are you saying you’ll pay an obscene amount of money to deprive other men and maybe a few woman of seeing me naked? Paul (OS) Isn’t that what people refer as marriage? Paul (OS) Okay, I’m ready. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Rebecca slowly pulls her small tight panty down. We follow her head as it goes down, tightening the shot. We switch to her POV. She’s looking at Paul. Paul is right behind her. Paul puts his hand on her back. She lifts her head and turns around. Paul God you’re gorgeous. Rebecca looks him in the face as she unties his belt. Rebecca (POV) What have you got for me today? Paul You are so deprived, I know what you want. Rebecca is pulling his pants down. Paul is already shirtless. Rebecca Tell me, remind what a slut I am. Paul Sometimes it’s easier to show. Rebecca (excited) Oh, we playing that game today. Paul (stern voice) Are you ready. Rebecca (smiling) I need to get into character and lube up. Paul Good. You do that. You want some more bubbly while you do that. Rebecca Sure babes. You pour some lube for my throat. SCENE 27 – INT – DAVID’S HOUSE II - DAY We switch from bedroom to lounge tracking simultaneous events David walks into the house. He looks around with the mail in his one hand and his coat over his other arm with his keys and brief case in the other hand. No one appears to be home. The television is still and drowning out any other sounds. He’s standing in the kitchen. His wife and boss are in the bedroom. He has no idea. David (Almost shouting) Anybody home? No answer. He’s not used to coming home so early to an empty house. He walks slowly into the living room. He hangs up his coat and puts his keys and suitcase down in the same place he usually does. He turns his head to the TV. It’s popular music channel but definitely not his taste. David No one is even watching this shit. He looks for the remote to switch the channel or turn it off. He can’t find it. His eyes search. He gets a lock on it. He moves towards the remote. Meanwhile in the bedroom. Paul Rebecca, you done? I can’t wait anymore. I need to put it in something. Rebecca shouting back from the ensuite bathroom. Rebecca I’m almost done sweetie. I wanna make sure my arse is well lubed. You sound like you it’s gonna be ruff. I love it when I’m your ragdoll. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul (To himself) Ragdoll? Fuckdoll! (To Rebecca) Just get your tight ass out here. I need my dick sucked. Rebecca (To herself) Now we getting there. (To Paul shouting from the ensuite) Yeah baby. That’s my porn star lover! David picks up the remote just as Rebecca is shouting her last sentence from the ensuite. He switches off the TV as Rebecca’s last word is shouted out. David doesn’t hear. Rebecca finally returns from the ensuite. Rebecca Give me that dick. I know you want it sucked. We should put on some porn. She walks over to him. They both naked. (She takes his dick in her hand. She goes down on her knees and she starts giving him head – this must be implied without actual visual confirmation) He softly grabs her head and tilts it upwards so they make eye contact. Rebecca’s POV Paul You ready for the fuck of your life? Rebecca can’t talk. David hears something. He listens again. Someone’s mumbling, he can’t make the words out. He goes closer to investigate. We follow behind him up the long passage that divides the living and entertainment area from the bedrooms. He starts hearing sounds he can relate to. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul Oh yes, that’s good. That’s good. A good dirty girl. That’s right take, take it all. Yes, yes. David knows something is going on. He slowly walks up the passage. Out of breath. Rebecca Ah, you going pay for that. Paul You ready again? Suck it like the dirty little whore you are. You know where this is going next? Do you know? Rebecca My arse. Paul Where? Rebecca My arse! David has to look. He can hear everything now. The voice sounds familiar but he can’t believe it. He is at the door listening to his wife giving head and being gagged. He’s had enough. He steps inside the room. His face is in disbelief. He makes eye contact with Rebecca. She half chokes and then refrains from her sexual act (implied by the sounds). David is shocked his ears weren’t deceiving him. Paul is more shocked and absolutely embarrassed as he’s been talking dirty interrupted. The mode in the bedroom has suddenly changed. There is no more animal passion in the air. David storms in and punches Paul squarely on the nose boss or no boss. He then looks in anger at Rebecca. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: David (Shouting) Twenty fuckin years Becca! Twenty fuckin years! Lying on the floor stunned with a bleeding nose. Paul I suppose I could expect that. Rebecca (Almost crying) I’m sorry, I couldn’t help it. David (Shouting) Couldn’t help what? Fucking my boss? Rebecca I didn’t mean to. It just happened. David His dick just popped up in your mouth? You fucking whore. All this (gesturing at the house and lifestyle), I did this for you and you choose my boss? Looking at Paul You fucking dickhead. I thought I could trust you? In my own bedroom. Fucking smooth Paul. Under all that niceness and charm, Mr. Perfect is an arrogant, smug asshole. Paul (In disbelief) You got me. I can’t defend this situation. I’m going to go. David You can’t defend this? You put me on a fucking plane to Cape Town to look after an account I’m not even responsible for when my biggest client just died so you can boff my wife. You God damn right you can’t defend this. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Paul Why aren’t you in Cape Town? David It got cancelled. They need more time to prepare…fuck yooo(shouting).I’m telling your wife. I’m telling Natasha. She’s your isn’t she. Looking at Rebecca with anger. Paul You stupid bitch. Do you know what you’ve done? Rebecca Yes, I’m so sorry Dave. I won’t let it happen again. David Again? Every time I look at this poes (cunt) his face is going to remind me that my boss fucked my wife. And when I look at yooo your fucking face it’s going to remind me that my wife fucked my boss! Paul We don’t have to hurt more people than those that are already hurt Dave. We don’t have drag Natasha into this. Switching his anger back to Paul. David (Shouting) Shut up! You shut the fuck up! And get the fuck out of here. Paul’s naked and wants to gather his clothes. Now! Move! Paul gathers what he can and leaves. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: The scene ends with a furious David staring at his wife. Rebecca is naked, crying and ashamed. She gets up still crying and walks to the bathroom. He has no more words to express his disbelief and anger in possibly, probably the hardest week of his life. He sits on the bed holding his head in his hands. SCENE 28 – INT – NEWS BULETIN – NIGHT Alfie’s Office/ Jurgen Hammer Schmidt’s Hotel room/ Chief Inspector Joseph Maladzi’s Office/ Sandra Kemp’s family at home/ Mohammed in his office at IDOT/ Vaughn in his office at IDOT Everybody is watching a News Bulletin and an Interview with Joseph Maladzi (Head of Police). Another news reel of a completely unrelated event – The Bank Robbery. Various characters are watching the news on television that affects them and commenting to themselves or speaking to someone on the phone. The scene switches from households to offices. This is the last scene which ties the story together. It shows how unrelated events are linked even if some of the people involved don’t know it. It also serves up a twist as the identity of Joe is revealed - identifiable by voice and the long form long of his name. (This is a very important scene. A news bulletin must be shot as well as news a reel interview with Joe) We must be able to watch our characters watching TV as well as just show bulletin and the interview with Joe (chief Inspector Joseph Maladzi)full screen for effect. There is also the other insert – news reel of surveillance footage that has significance in the second part (part 2) of this story. This reel is the one of an unidentified man protecting a woman who one of the robbers try assault. It also shows him killing all 4 bank robbers. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Insert News Bulletin: Introduction music and graphic opens the bulletin. Focus in on pretty African female presenter. In local news: Roodepoort, Gauteng: Two bodies were found today in an unmarked security vehicle, they were strangled to death, the two victims, themselves are suspected of a double homicide and attempted murder were suppose to be in police custody. We’ll have more news about their identities as soon as their relatives have been notified. In Gauteng, A major drug bust was made today at Oliver Tambo Airport in the cargo section, a record amount of marijuana, cocaine, heroin and ecstasy was confiscated. The street value of which is estimated at R400 million. Every suspect in the raid was killed; as a result it will be very difficult to make progress in making further arrests. Earlier SANN reporter Tanya Smith spoke to Chief Inspector Joseph Maladzi about the raid. Insert news reel in News Bulletin: Tanya Smith I suppose congratulations are in order Chief Inspector Maladzi. This not the biggest drug bust ever but it definitely ranks up there. What made this drug bust possible today? Chief Inspector Joseph Maladzi (Smiling) Well Tanya we have take hats off the hard working men and women of the South African Police. Excellence intelligence and crucial timing allowed us to make this massive dent in the drug trade today. I would also like to thank our colleagues in customs that raised some red flags earlier this week when a few questionable declarations crossed their desks. I may also say that this also shows that we are stamping out corruption in the force. In the past these busts amounted to nil because of a ‘leaky’ situation. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Tanya Smith Chief Inspector how is it possible that all 12 suspects were killed in the gun battle that ensued during the arrest? Chief Inspector Joseph Maladzi These criminals will stop at nothing to succeed and I think today the force showed how determined we are in the face of violent criminals. I’m glad to say that we did suffer a single injury never mind a fatality. That in itself tells you how good our training has become. Tanya Smith Once again Chief Inspector Maladzi congratulations on the sterling work by you and your staff today. With that piece of positive news back to the studio. End of 1st news reel insert. Back to the news bulletin. Focus in on pretty African female presenter. Jurgen is watching the news bulletin in his hotel room in Johannesburg. The Chief Inspector is in his plush office. We alternate between the two me talking on the phone. His on the phone talking with Chief Inspector Joseph Maladzi. Jurgen I saw our friends on the news and thought I’d just make sure we got the desired result. Inspector Chief Joseph Maladzi It was perfect Jurgen. I wish I had more people like you. It would make my life easier. It was good of you to step in like that. I appreciate it. This was a good excuse to change some personnel. Too much violence and not enough brains. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Jurgen I’m glad I could help. It was a good opportunity to show you we are committed to our joint venture. I do have my doubts about Alfie’s management but I think he knows this is serious business. Inspector Chief Joseph Maladzi We had had a good chat last night. I think he knows what’s expected. I’ll make sure he get’s your money back. Jurgen I think you did already. Inspector Chief Joseph Maladzi Nothing gets past you Jurgen. The Inspector’s cell phone starts beeping. Sorry Jurgen I have to take this. We should catch up again soon though. Jurgen I look forward to it Chief Inspector. We see the Chief Inspector swapping calls We switch to an excited Alfie standing in his office watching the news on his large LCD television. Inspector Chief Joseph Maladzi Hi Mr. Morgan. Alfie (Excited) Did I tell what a magnificent liar you are? That was fuckin fantastic Joseph. I think we’ll have some change after we put that stash in at a decent wholesale price. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: Inspector Chief Joseph Maladzi I thought I’d give my pension plan a boost. When can we speak about liquidating my stock? Alfie Not tonight, it’s my wife’s birthday but soon. I have to get that guys money back. Inspector Chief Joseph Maladzi I’m sure everything will work out after all the staff deductions and wholesale discounting. We need to speak about those crew bosses and getting some new blood. We can’t slow down distribution now. See you soon Alfie. Alfie You have a good evening Joe, and Joe, thanks again for saving my ass. We go back to the news bulletin. In other news today banking client Robert Winter single handedly killed 4 bank robbers in the Cape Town CBD earlier this afternoon. SANN has obtained the surveillance camera footage. We apologize in advance for the poor picture quality. Insert 2nd news reel of bank robbery. (This reel has no sound. It’s just a black and white video.) [Show footage of a man protecting a woman and killing 4 bank robbers. He disarms one robber and goes on to kill all 4 robbers. No one else is killed] All these are only visuals, no audio, only body language and facial expression. Music might be an alternative as an audio. (We switch to a family living room. The family of Sandra Kemp is mourning her loss. Her parents, brother and sister are crying at another confirmation of her death. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: We switch to Mohammed’s office, he sees the bulletin and immediately calls Vaughn. He is furious. Vaughn has not made the statement available to SANN. We switch Vaughn is watching the same bulletin in his office. He looks at his cell phone, he sees it’s Mohammed number and breathes in deep.) In Johannesburg today the unidentified Jane Dow whose body was burnt beyond recognition in a devastating collision has been identified as the Sandra Kemp. She was the winner of a (manufacturer) 4x4 sponsored by (handset manufacturer) but was ironically killed by an IDOT employee who was drunk according witness’s at the prize giving. IDOT was also a co-sponsor of this national competition. To date IDOT has not made an official statement regarding the unfortunate series of events. We switch back to Jurgen in his hotel, he is speaking in German. He is saying something about what weapon would be appropriate in East Africa and smiling at the bulletin while drinking whiskey in a short tumbler glass. In International News, Liberia, the democratically elected government has suffered another set back today as separatists attacked the mining town of Buchanan about 100km from the country’s capital Monrovia. Very little is known about the separatists but it’s believed they have support from a foreign interest group that want to acquire mining rights in Liberia. We apologize for some of the graphic images that might be disturbing. He is having a drink and watching the news in a luxury hotel while news and pictures of the suffering in Buchanan are being broadcast. THE END

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