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By Adam Harlan

GENRE: Sci-fi, Fantasy

When an intergalactic peace treaty between two rival planets involving Earth is broken, a war is waged and a fighter pilot that was once abducted from Earth but now living with humans outside of our solar system must make a tough decision whether to save his one true love from a pandemic on Earth or return to his new home in this faith-based science fiction epic. 



Present Day: The story opens with a meteor shower that is affecting the planet worldwide, and people are reacting to its beauty.

Six years Ago: Shane Cross, a new wave priest, is giving a sermon on the meaning of the tree of life. Shane Cross preaches that if you plant seeds of happiness and goodwill that the tree that grows will bear fruit that all of humanity will be able to enjoy. Shane Cross believes that if a person affects another person in a positive manner that they will live forever in their goodwill.

Ben Taylor is an abused ten-year-old child at the sermon and he has a crush on Monica Cross. Monica Cross is Shane Cross’s daughter. During the greetings, and introduction portion of the church service, Ben takes the opportunity to introduce himself to a startled but impressed Monica.

During a night when Ben Taylor’s mother physically abuses Ben, he runs off to the Cross house unsure of where to go. Ben sprints into a cornfield after Monica sees him. Monica follows him and notices his demeanor and the bruising on his face. She later throws rocks at his window and throws him up a cross and lets him know it is for protection. This act of kindness is something that Ben Taylor will never forget.

Present Day: Monica is having a bad dream about the night that Ben Taylor got abducted. It happened on a camping trip in the woods. She wakes up to the sound of a spacecraft landing in the cornfield outside of her house. This startles the whole family because it is happening during the time of the meteor shower. Shane Cross gets his family to go downstairs in the basement as he examines the wreckage. Monica goes upstairs to find Rafferty. Monica follows Rafferty’s bark to the garage where she sees Ben Taylor standing in front of her. Ben Taylor went missing six years ago, and Monica has been dreaming of that night ever since.

Recent Past: The planet of Uron makes an entrance. Ben Taylor got abducted by a race of aliens called Taetees and got rescued by humans that call themselves Uronins. Ben Taylor’s name changes to Bengod because of the cross that he wears that was given to him by Monica. The Uronins would say Ben is with God, which got shortened to Bengod. Uronins are humans that have evolved to live on a planet similar to Earth in another universe. The Uronins were slaves of the Taetees until they broke free led by a man named Vosh. They are in constant conflict with the Taetees. When the Taetees break a treaty regarding Earth, it sends the two planets to war.

Malichi Margan is Bengod’s mentor. Malichi Margan is teaching Bengod about The State. The State is a way of thought that believes that in everything, there is knowledge of the universe. The person that can reach The State mentally can acquire the knowledge of the universe. Malichi Margan says, “Each speck of dirt carries the history of the universe because it is all connected. It is all made of the dust of stars. It all comes from the same place, from the same elements, from the same source.” When a person is in The State, they can tap into the history of the time and space that inanimate object or person has witnessed through the energy it has produced. Bengod is also revealed to have a Siri, or Alexa implanted into his nervous system that is called Blix that helps him out through the story by giving him his access to digital information over systems such as the Internet. Taetees direct massive asteroids toward earth. There is a battle where the mission is for the Uronins to break apart the asteroid. They do, but each asteroid is carrying a virus that is engineered to destroy the human race. The Uronins inadvertently destroy the asteroids, but Earth’s atmosphere breaks apart causing a meteor shower that covers Earth in this virus. Bengod is left all alone after the battle in his spacecraft and is suffering injuries to the point of death. He decides to return to Earth to save the only person that ever cared for him.

Present Day: Monica is staring at Bengod and knows that she must get him to the hospital. Bengod was able to create a digital print of the organs damaged during the battle with the Taetees. He injected a syringe of nanobots that are microscopic surgical robots into his bloodstream that will help with his surgery. Monica takes her father’s car, and they go to the hospital. Bengod heads into surgery and survives.

Two Months Later: When Bengod wakes up, The Knight’s Order is waiting for him. The Knight’s Order is a group that holds the secrets of the world and run it through a shadow government. They run The Thatcher Group. The Thatcher Group is the largest asset management company in the world. The Thatcher Group is a large multinational corporation that is the largest military contractor in the United States and specializes in food production, pharmaceuticals, military contracting, and energy services. It would be the equivalent of Monsanto, Halliburton and Boeing combined. The leader of The Knight’s Order and CEO of The Thatcher Group is a man by the name of Elijah Holland. He is the type of man that decides presidents. The Knight’s Order takes Bengod to their complex in upstate New York as a prisoner. This is a heavily fortified bunker that houses some of the best minds to wait out the Apocalypse. They even have an area of the complex called Noah’s Ark because it houses DNA of every species of animal on the planet. This is where Bengod meets Elijah Holland, and they talk about their history. Bengod talks about his past and Elijah talks about The Knight’s Order. The Knight’s Order is a fraction of The Knight’s Templar that’s purpose is to shape the views of the west and destroy the truth of the enslavement of the human race and how they were engineered and bred like dogs to do the work of the Taetees. They bond, but Bengod is still a prisoner.

Meanwhile, the rabid people from the plague are beginning to ravage the world. Shane Cross becomes infected. The world becomes thrown into chaos as the rabid masses become uncontrollable. Shane Cross gets taken to the hospital by his family including Monica, his son, Travis and his wife, Katherine. The power goes out, and the hospital gets overrun by the rabid. The Cross family make their way to the morgue as they hide in a mortuary cabinet. Shane has no energy left, so Katherine is forced to sacrifice herself for her family. As her family fits into the mortuary cabinets, Katherine closes them and tries her best to fend off the people that are infected by the virus but becomes overwhelmed and dies.

Bengod is concentrating hard because he is trying to connect with Monica but cannot. Bengod works on putting himself into The State as his spirit leaves his body and he finds out what is happening to the Cross family. Bengod can see that they are in trouble and realizes that he needs to escape. With the help of Blix, Bengod finds his suit that he was wearing that can be described as superhero skin. Bengod fights his way out of the complex and steals a helicopter and navigates it to help save the Cross family.

Monica realizes that they cannot get out of the morgue drawers. She makes enough noise to get the attention of one of the rabid. The rabid opens up the door, and Monica sticks it in the neck with a surgical scalpel. Monica and the rest of her family escape the hospital and make their way back home to find cover. During this time, they attempt to turn on the radio, and there is only static. Katherine hummed the song “The Entertainer” by Scott Joplin throughout the story. The static from the radio changes to Scott Joplin’s “The Entertainer.” The family is overcome with emotion knowing that the spirit of their mother is still with them. Bengod explains energy can never be destroyed. That is why Katherine is with them. Even when the vessel that housed that energy is gone. The energy is released, and it holds the mark of the person. Time passes, and Shane Cross is beginning to turn. Monica has to make the most difficult decision in her life. She has to kill her father when he turns. Monica points the Cross’s shotgun and is about to end her father’s life when Bengod arrives just in time. Bengod has a plan to go into The State and stop the virus from further infecting Shane Cross. Bengod pricks his finger and then pricks Shane’s finger. Bengod finally brings himself to stay in The State. When their fingers touch causing blood to exchange Bengod is in The State. He is able to use the memory of Shane’s blood, and travel to the source of the virus and destroy it. Bengod escorts the remaining Cross family into the helicopter, and they fly back to The Thatcher Complex. During the flight, Shane Cross understands the real tree of life and where it resides. It is in all of us in reference to DNA. The tree of life that can keep us living forever in ourselves and other people since our genetic code has memory as well. Our history transfers to our kin and our genetic traits live forever.

Bengod returns to The Thatcher complex. Shane” blood now carries the vaccine to save the human race. Word spreads around the world about what Bengod has done, and The Thatcher complex becomes a new religious pilgrimage. Elijah Holland comments on the people that have traveled to see him. “You’re more popular than the Beatles.” This is a reference to John Lennon saying, “We’re more popular than Jesus.” Bengod looks out over the crowd as the first story of this saga ends and the rest of the story of this vast universe begins.

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