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By Debi Yazbeck

GENRE: Thriller

When an anti-human-trafficking activist needs a new heart ASAP, she forsakes all ethics and enters into a deadly game between two illegal donors.


BROKERED HEART Feature | Thriller

Mardi Gras is an integral part of New Orleans and Mexico, full of vivid colors, steamy darkness and excessive decadence, all on heightened display for the parades of gods.

EDIE MAXWELL (40) wealthy entrepreneur, revered founder of CATH (Citizens Against Trafficking of Humans). Edie’s assurance makes it hard to look away, but she allows no one to penetrate her “emotional shield.” She’s dedicated her life to fighting human trafficking.

BEN LEJEUNE (40), IT guru for CATH,rumored best hack in the world. Ben loves Edie from afar. She doesn’t know he exists. Their paths merge and Ben wants to keep it that way.

Fake MESOT MEN (Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation) led by ADAM WILSON (30s), hard-ass broker of deals. These are practiced con men with rare blood types who have confiscated many fortunes in their con games aimed at desperate organ recipients.

--Finding a match for Edie’s specific anti-HLA antibodies before her heart beats its last is nearly impossible. 97% of similar recipients die before a donor becomes available. Edie ignores the diagnosis, but can’t deny the growing symptoms of heart failure. She learns of MESOT. Could there be hope? She visits the website, finds Adam, who has a heart for her.

But what he proposes isn’t legal organ donation. This is the Black Market for organ harvesting - fueled by human trafficking, the very thing she has dedicated her life to eradicating. Adam’s terms: the price for his healthy heart is her wealth to be transferred to his family. Edie is revolted - she could never sacrifice another life for hers.

As she hides her arrhythmia, her work rival PERRY GERMAINE (50), board member of CATH, finally gets his coveted chance to command CATH, schemes to step into Edie’s shoes.

In desperation, Edie and Ben research the dark web and find another donor, DANIEL MCCALL. He claims to have early ALS and wants to die before the disease ravages him. The surgery will be performed in his beloved Bahio Kino, Mexico - a plan Edie can live with. (What Edie does not know is that Daniel is in cahoots with Adam and fake MESOT.)

Ben won’t leave Edie’s side and accompanies her to Bahio Kino. Adam follows them! But the surgery is a HOAX! All her wealth is gone... and so are Daniel and Adam. Perry tips the FBI about Edie’s “trafficking.” Ben’s been preparing for this, so when the FBI accuses Edie of human trafficking, all the evidence points to the fake MESOT men.

Edie accepts she will die. For the first time ever, she’s content. She has no money or power. But she has Ben and peace. Thanks to Ben’s hacking, she is now #1 on the legal donor list. She confides to Ben she would rather have had Daniel’s heart than Adam’s evil heart.

To ensure a heart is available for the woman he loves and that the vile con men are stopped forever, Ben locates Adam and Daniel. He hires hitmen to kill Adam and put Daniel on ice, with a new Donor ID card in his pocket. Daniel is the latest organ donor to hit the registry. Edie wakes to Ben and her new heart. The future is bright.

But newly appointed FBI liaison to NOLA’s law enforcement community, Perry Germaine, is asked to find the next of kin for a recent organ donor whose heart went to Edie!

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