A thriller that mixes healthy doses of art, math, and suspense, Turbulence is a screenplay written by David Poulshock.
A political action adventure, Gideon's Revenge is a screenplay written by David Poulshock.
Set in Oregon in 1968, this true crime thriller with have you holding your breath until the very end. Screenplay written by David Poulshock.
A magical reality film, now called "The Empty Sea" Read more here: www.thefixmovie.com
Intrigued by a quirky thriller? Then this film about a wild-haired homeless janitor named Zeke might be for you. Screenplay written by David Poulshock
Shooting a campaign for Good Will Industries
Raw Materials is a story about dedication, hard work, love, life and the pursuit of happiness. Coming soon!
Director Poulshock ponders blazing his own trail for Spirit Mountain Casino's "Mt. Bike" spot.
DP Reed Harkness sets up the shot for Spirit Mountain Casino's "Mt. Bike"
Take a deep breath...ready for Spirit Mountain Casino's "Zip Line"
David Poulshock on the set of Spirt Mountain Casino's "Make a night of It"