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By Jason Grimste

GENRE: Horror
LOGLINE: Gloria hasn’t sleepwalked for thirteen years. Just as she is about to head out on a college road trip with some friends she starts having episodes again with increasingly menacing and evil results.


“SHE SLEEPWALKS” explores a terrifying new mythology for sleepwalking. In this gruesome tale, somnambulists are psychic conduits for ghosts and demons. Any sleepwalker therefore becomes a puppet for any restless wandering spirit to possess and control. “SHE SLEEPWALKS” opens when our protagonist, Gloria, is only seven. Her parents are enjoying a dinner party with friends when they find her sleepwalking in the cupboard, covered in dirt, and playing with some old grimy bones. The trauma from this experience causes her family to move houses and, curiously, she does not experience a repeat episode. 20-years-old now and in college, Gloria is getting ready to hit the road for fall break. Her friends and boyfriend have plans to camp together at an abandoned amusement park so that they can attempt to record photographic and aural evidence of paranormal phenomena. However, on the night before they depart, while sleeping over at her best friend’s new apartment, Gloria sleepwalks again. In the middle of the night, her best friend discovers her disinterring an old cigar box from behind a loose brick in the basement. It is a child’s time capsule and the sleepwalking Gloria giggles gleefully as she procures the dusty old treasures. In the morning Gloria’s friend reveals the previous night’s proceedings, but their friends (and boyfriends) arrive before they can properly consider the ramifications and they rush to gather their gear, pile in the car and head off. On the road to the theme park, the group discusses Gloria’s episode, but decide it’s less worrying than it is interesting. Gloria is not so sure. At the park, the paralyzed and ramshackle skeletons of the decrepit rides loom in the background as Gloria’s sleepwalking episodes intensify with each passing night. On the second night spent by a broken down carousel, Gloria is discovered scrawling a vague warning on the cement in her sleep. As temperatures rise among the group and intentions cross, one of the members breaks off with the van leaving the rest stranded. It is on this third night at the park that the terror truly begins.


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