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By Amber Robinson

GENRE: Comedy, Drama

Three best friend's journey to success, turns into their demise, when they choose to seek sin to fulfill voids.


Zel and Kye are best friends that yearn for success and fame. When their lives intertwine with Dom, a college business majoring drug dealer, who believes in success by any means, all their wildest dreams come to fruition, but not without greed, jealousy and deceit to fill empty voids and break the brothers apart.

Donald Dominguez

Rated this logline

Donald Dominguez

I get the's close to excellent, keep it up! Here's my spin Amber,

"A journey to success for three friends turns to their demise, when their sinful nature takes over".

Amber Robinson

Thanks, I actually realized as I was posting this that my synopsis was my log line and I didn't actually grasp the concept of a synopsis... or a log line. So that's what I wrote in my few minutes of joining. Thanks for the upgrade input.

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