Prior to my media production career, I served as a design consultant focusing on the creation of restaurant interiors and family entertainment centers both in the U.S. and abroad. Frequent travel to Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and Hong Kong armed me with a unique understanding of distant customs and cultures. I decided to embark upon an exciting career of new media production that would capitalize on worldwide audiences. This background gives me a diversified vision and approach to shooting and editing in my filming. Since the beginning of the new digital revolution in the last decade I’ve had the goal of creating affordable creative films for my clients. My approach is very simple: passion and creative vision are driving the forces behind my film production. I started filming music videos, documentaries, promotional clips, sizzle videos, TV realty shows and a few short films. Today I am a freelance new media producer/editor/photographer. Having developed strong technical skills and knowledge of Adobe CC; Premiere, After Effect and Photoshop, Final Cut Pro 7, Motion, Compressor, Soundtrack Pro, Color, DVD Studio Pro, CINEMA 4D, I enjoy the production of any length video for online viewing, and continue to use the latest technology and techniques delivering high quality productions.