Welcome to 441 Films, an independent production house based in Cardiff, South Wales.
Established in 2012 by Phillip Escott and Craig Newman, 441 Films Limited is dynamic and driven independent production company dedicated to the development and production of films, stimulating the South Wales film-community and supporting local talents.
The name "441 Films Limited" comes from the début short film "441" and reflects the important lessons that this film taught Phill and Craig. Made for no money - and extremely limited equipment - with a cast and crew of friends and two first-time directors, the experience was one of jumping in at the deep end and learning from the inevitable mistakes that were made. The burning desire to actually produce something spurred them to continue and the final result was a short film that was received well and taught them more about film making that any text book could provide. The impact upon the aspirations of the directors and drove them to pursue the film-making profession with renewed enthusiasm and made them stronger as independent film makers.
The collective mission of 441 Films Limited is to produce daring, thought-provoking films which will work to put Cardiff on the film-making map and give writers, directors, make-up artists, camera technicians and the like, a chance to experiment and create with like-minded individuals.
Currently working on a series of short-films in a number of capacities and in the early stages of embarking upon their first feature film venture, having completed a first draft of the screenplay which has already attracted much positive attention. Future projects will see the company expand their vision to include more feature films, continue producing short films and much more, whilst continually embracing the independent film-making spirit.
Phillip is currently studying his Master's Degree in Newport Film School.