Benjamin Tomson

Benjamin Tomson

Director at BhT Films LLC.
Director and Screenwriter

Rochester, New York

Member Since:
July 2020
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Benjamin

Story Time: I grew up in a half burned out double wide trailer not all too far from the east side of Lake Ontario. I was born to a philosopher salesman and a farm raised special education teacher. So that should make me a hard working, empathetic, and deeply philosophical socialite. Right on the money, honey.
The filmmaking side of me is easy to explain, I just enjoy expressing the chaotic and off-beat views I have about myself and the world around me. Creating is fun and enlightening and painful and all the things I've always wanted life to be.
I've come to the conclusion after eight years of filmmaking, that the more I do what I personally find interesting, the more successful I am. If you want to meet up, please keep in mind that I enjoy chicken wings, donuts, and cheap tequila.



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