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By Larry Kostroff

GENRE: Drama, Other
LOGLINE: A , surrenders his non-combatant statusreporter, assigned to cover the Spanish-American War, surrenders his non-combatant status when he picks up a rifle and fights alongside an all-woman Cuban Rebel unit, only to have his account rejected when he returns to the United States.


A young reporter, Paul, is sent to cover the 50th Anniversary of the Spanish-American War at the Waldorf Hotel in New York City. He is denied admission, not having the proper. An old porter, Roberto, having overheard Paul's problem offers to help him gain entrance. When this doesn't work, Paul makes the discovery that Roberto was originally a reporter and that he, in his youth, was sent to Cuba to cover the Spanish-American War. Through flashbacks, Roberto tells of his adventures and that none of his accounts which significantly changed the accepted history of the event, were accepted for publication when he returned to the United States. He challenges Paul to accept the torch and follow through in getting the true story out to the public. The screenplay ends with Paul attempting to fulfill the obligation.

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