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By JD Savage

GENRE: Horror

An undocumented teenage immigrant desperately tries to break out of a remote cannabis grow-house where he's been brutally enslaved. But enemies even deadlier than his captors lurk outside, trying to break in...


Metropolitan gangsterism meets rural isolation and folk horror.

Cloudhouse is set in the isolated 'green desert' of rural Wales, where rainwater from the mountains waterlogs the muddy lanes, making running for your life so much harder.

A brutal drugs gang commandeer an abandoned farmhouse with a dark history. They transform it into a cannabis grow-house.

Inside, pollen chokes the air like smoke. Dangerous wires hang low like skinned snakes. Condensation seeps towards overloaded electrical sockets. Blazing floodlights mimic the sun.

The windows are blocked, the doors are locked.

A smuggled over Vietnamese teenager is imprisoned inside this deathtrap, forced to live a nightmare life of modern slavery. A violent and sadistic gang member pays regular visits. The boy desperately tries to break out before one or the other kills him.

Yet even worse things lurk outside. They come at night, scratching at the windows and growling at the doors. They come to destroy anyone that invades or tampers with the Cloudhouse.

Tagline: The Cloudhouse. Remain its prisoner or find a way out. Either way, you die.

A very early draft of CLOUDHOUSE placed Top 10% in PAGE International.

Carl Burcham

Rated this logline

Carl Burcham

looks like an engaging script, JD!

JD Savage

Thanks, Carl - and thanks aplenty for the rating!

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

JD Savage

Thanks for the rating, Nate. Much appreciated!

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