Sinclair Community College

Sinclair Community College

Sinclair Community College

Sinclair Community College is a college located in Dayton, Ohio.

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At least 6 Stage 32 members have attended Sinclair Community College:
Knux Miller

Knux Miller

From Kettering, Ohio
Joshua Lisec

Joshua Lisec

Actor and Author from Dayton, Ohio
Rickey Lee Gwin

Rickey Lee Gwin

Crew and Lighting Designer from North Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California
Adam Cook

Adam Cook

Film/Theatre Journalist, Researcher and Screenwriter from Dayton, Ohio
Johnathan Dion Bracey

Johnathan Dion Bracey

Graphic Designer, Illustrator and Screenwriter from Dayton, Ohio
Hsanni Scott

Hsanni Scott

Author, Creative Executive and Dialogue Editor from Dayton, Ohio
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