I brought this up in another post of mine. Not sure why anybody wishes to address this but I could use some guidance since SAG is a necessary evil in the world of independent film.
So SAG has a scale base pay for films of $2M and above. Why is the low $2M when we're seeing budgets in over $100M and beyond? Don't know. But SAG has a different pay scale for Premium Talent. How is that defined? Don't know. Can't seem to find a definite definition to the term. It's just something they say is God's word and you must submit to it. Now we have Schedule F. The most common definition of Schedule F is "A Schedule F SAG contract, also known as “deal performer” contract, is used to employ an actor on a film or television show for a specific period of time." A specific period of time? Yeah, it's called the shooting schedule! Once shooting and ADR are finished, who needs them any more. Now if you have to do re-shoots because someone "F'ed up" is that covered? You still have to pay them. Somehow, I don't think it is.
They go to say: "As opposed to a daily or weekly contract, SAG Schedule F deals are usually reserved for lead or supporting actors who are needed for the entire run of a given project." What does "entire run" encompass? From the first day of rehearsals to the induction into the Film Industry Hall of Fame? SAG loves to create sub categories that seem to extort producers, investors and creators to create bigger hardships than needed and don't seem to put any onus on distribution where some of the best book cooking would win you the grand prize on an old episode of Chopped.
So if there is anyone that can explain this to me and why SAG has no guarantees that their union member won't turn their audience against the film project that their member is starring in.They are like, "You HAVE to use our members governed by our rules and pay them what we say you have to pay them and pay our insurance and union fees but if said members says something stupid that makes an entire nation want to boycott the movie you and your investors risked everything on, well....that's not our responsibility."
I would really love to hear your views on this considering there are more out of work actors out there than roles that need to be cast. Please, enlighten me.
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Amazing and helpful! Thanks!
1 person likes this
Thanks for sharing! Will you be attending the workshop?
You're welcome, Kris Keppeler.
You're welcome, Sydney S. I won't be, but it sounds like a really helpful workshop.