Anything Goes

A free and open forum. The place to discuss anything on your mind film, television and theater related…or not.

Liked by Harri-Pekka Virkki and one other

Mark Deuce
‘John Wick 5’ Confirmed By Lionsgate

This Got Me Excited!!

The R-rated, nearly 3-hour, “John Wick: Chapter 4” grossed almost $200M domestically, and nearly half a billion dollars worldwide. In modern-day Hollywood, a franchise IP not greenlighting another film after those numbers is almost unheard of.

Despite Wick, presumably, dead and b...

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'John Wick 5' Confirmed By Lionsgate - World of Reel
'John Wick 5' Confirmed By Lionsgate - World of Reel
Despite John Wick, presumably, dying in the last instalment, a fifth John Wick movie is apparently happening. Only in Hollywood can the dead suddenly reappear.
Maurice Vaughan

I thought John Wick: Chapter 4 was going to be the last one, but I'm excited for part 5, Mark Deuce!

Liked by Maurice Vaughan

Sherri ZImmerman
STILL TIME!! Love to see what comes from THIS opportunity!! Just reposting!!

Love to see what comes from THIS opportunity!! Just reposting I AM IN NO WAY CONNECTED TO THIS LINK OR ANY OF WHAT IT CONTAINS... just came crossed it NOW...and THOUGHT IT MIGHT BE HELPFUL to repost? If I should not have, please let me know!!

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Walder Martinez
Poker face


It's becoming increasingly difficult to find a good series in this new cinematic "world order," where everything seems forced to follow a certain guideline in terms of plot, script, protagonists, filming techniques, locations, etc.

Therefore, when it happens, it's almost a miracle.

On the ot...

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Nicholas Philippa
Support please


I emailed support a couple days ago and haven’t heard back yet. I purchased a 30 min zoom feedback session with an executive. The time and date passed, can support please refresh it so I can pick a new time and date or do I wait for the exec to read first? Thanks!

Liked by Maurice Vaughan

Oscar Calixto
What do you like to watch in the cinema or on tv?

What do you like to watch in the cinema or on tv? Vote Link:

Oscar Calixto
Oscar Calixto
Bom dia, meu amores!Estou fazendo uma pesquisa para um novo projeto que estou desenvolvendo e gostaria de saber qual gênero cinematográfico vocês mais gostam de assistir no cinema ou na tv?Vota aí no seu preferido?
Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Oscar Calixto. I just voted. Comedy.

Oscar Calixto

Thank you Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Oscar Calixto.

Nick Eff (Mandlamadi)

Liked by Maurice Vaughan

Evan Kimball
First Time Director Seeking Cooperation

Hey everyone, getting used to Stage 32. I've made a list of what I need most for my upcoming first feature, Boof Rock. If you'd like to know more about the project, DM me. I don't have a network here yet. Spent 10+ years in China and just learning the States again.

Evan Kimball

Did my image load...

Maurice Vaughan

Boof Rock. That's an intere...

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Maurice Vaughan

Oh, and you could make a post on the Job Board for a lead actor and crew, Evan Kimball.

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Liked by Maurice Vaughan

Brent Kado
Finalists For The Great American Script Contest

Finalists announced. See the list on MovieBytes -

Or on ISA:

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Register here to receive MovieBytes' FREE email newsletter featuring screenplay contest deadline reminders, news, articles, and much more. Choose a password to access the MovieBytes contest report car…
Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Brent Kado. I’m a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. I wanted to let you know that I moved your post from the Screenwriting Lounge to the Anything Goes Lounge. You can post about outside contests and fest...

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Mark Deuce
'The Last of Us' Releases Official Season 2 Trailer


How About You?

Prepare for more of those clicker sounds bouncing around your brain. After setting HBO viewership records during its premiere in early 2023, zombie apocalypse thriller The Last of Us is headed for a second season in 2025, bringing Bella Ramsey and Pedro Pascal back as emo...

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Stephen Folker

This reminds me, I need to finish season 1, which was amazing!

Maurice Vaughan

I'm so excited for The Last of Us season 2, Mark Deuce! I watched the gameplay, so I know what's gonna happen, but I'm still excited. The series is incredible so far, and Kaitlyn Dever is one of my fa...

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Mark Deuce

Same here!!

Tucker Teague
Article claims the student reviews of Kelly Reichardt’s college film class are "brutal"

I don't know if the student reviews in this article are really all that brutal.

Take this one for example: “Terrible sense of humour. Overarchingly misandric. Stupidly affected. Does not care about you personally, just her own strict, unflinching ethos. Did not instill me with a love for film. Her do...

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The brutal reviews of Kelly Reichardt's college film class
The brutal reviews of Kelly Reichardt's college film class
Kelly Reichardt is a film professor alongside her filmmaking career, with her students leaving some interesting reviews of her classes on 'Rate My Professor'.
Zee Risek
How to handle this

Both my Parents passed away less than a week ago, and I have two pitches coming up in four days. How am I supposed to be 'on''? How am I supposed to be all smiles and charming, when all I want to do is cry? Should I preface my pitch saying my parents just died? Is that considered bad form? Please do...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Zee Risek. I've never had to pitch right after something like that, but I think prefacing your pitch saying your parents just died could help. That way, if you start crying, the people you're pitc...

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Michael David

Perhaps you can submit a written pitch instead of a face-to-face one?

Maurice Vaughan
Wildfire Resources, Donation Links, and Entertainment Community Fund – NC, SC, CA, and Los Angeles

Website to keep up to date on the SC wildfires, find fire safety links, an...

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N.C. Forest Service - Fire Control and Prevention
N.C. Forest Service - Fire Control and Prevention
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