Read a Good Book Lately?

Read a good book about your craft? Or just a good book in general? Share it here.

Zackary Goncz
The Death of Ivan Ilyich - Leo Tolstoy

I wanted to see what all the fuss is about with this Tolstoy fella. I also didn't want to commit to 1500 pages to find out, if I can be totally transparent. This is more of a novella honestly. But Tolstoy packs a lifetime, literally, into those few pages. The title tells you the end but it is no les...

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Rich Terdoslavich

Read Tolstoy years ago,. One of the greats. Have yet to see the seven hour epic film version of War and Peace.

Zackary Goncz

TV series?

Arzu Gökyolcu
J.L. Borges. ''Once upon a time, people and mirrors lived together''

‘’Let me tell you another story, “Once upon a time, people and mirrors lived together. One could go

to that side by entering the mirrors, and from there to this side. There were some differences, of

course, but they weren’t too obvious. As time goes by, the mirrors rebelled and the people who are


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Rich Terdoslavich
Reading This Right Now

Rereading HEGARTY ON CREATIVITY: THERE ARE NO RULES. Highly recommended. There are John Hegarty videos on YouTube. Just started watching them, an interview where he talks about creativity. Check them out if you get a chance.

Dmytro Kosiak
A book that deserves to be made into a film.

2009 – Digital, or Brevis Est, modern take of “world power” seduction theme, second in associative “Metamorphosis” cycle. Authors Marina and Sergey Dyachenko .

I read this book in one sitting, but it was probably five years ago. A light fantasy book with elements of the matrix of this world, that th...

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Hannah Woolmer

Wow, 36 books! That's an incredible accomplishment. Reading is such a vital part of any storyteller's journey.

Reading fiction not only expands our imagination but also helps us understand character ar...

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Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Hannah Woolmer. I think you meant to comment on Ashley Smith's post in this Lounge.

Hannah Woolmer

Maurice Vaughan that happens to me all the time, I scroll down to comment and it goes on a different post....well I'm sure some one will enjoy it, happy new year!

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry that keeps happening, Hannah Woolmer. You might need to email Technical Support about it. Happy New Year!...

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Ashley Renee Smith
36 Books in 2024!

I've always been an avid reader. As a kid, I was buried in a book the majority of the time and as a teenager, I was devouring a book a day. In college, I had to slow down to focus on RA duties, film projects, and script deadlines. Then as an adult building a Development Executive career, my reading...

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Linwood Bell

That's impressive! I do Blinkist with morning coffee. Does that count? lol

Maurice Vaughan

That's a lot of books, Ashley Renee Smith! Congratulations! One of my goals for next year is to read more books.

Billy Kwack

Happy new years, Ashley

Ninia Berishvili
Discovering "The Fatal Stillness of the Sun" by Benjamin Weberink

I recently read The Fatal Stillness of the Sun by Benjamin Weberink, and I can’t stop thinking about it. This book is a hauntingly beautiful exploration of grief, addiction, and redemption that feels both deeply personal and incredibly relevant to the times we’re living in. Benjamin’s raw, evocative...

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John Paul Kedi
Perfect secret love

I think I am falling in love with ebooks especially the perfect secret love; the bad new wife is a little sweet by author Jiong Jiong You Yao. Ebooks might not be for everyone but this specific one really converted my thoughts. It talks deeply about growing up with filmmaking ambitions, challenges i...

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Christopher M. Rutledge
Film Noir by Alain Silver & James Ursini

Beautifully crafted handbook on film noir, with almost 700 pages detailing common themes from popular film noir classics, tons of movie stills, and concludes with TASCHEN’s top 50 film noir picks.

I’m an Indie Filmmaker and voracious reader to improve as a filmmaker and I’m currently developing a fil...

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Chris M. Rutledge, Author & Filmmaker with the Guerilla Film Group
Chris M. Rutledge, Author & Filmmaker with the Guerilla Film Group
Official website of Chris M. Rutledge, Author & Filmmaker, and founder of Guerilla Film Group.
Elizabeth Hocker
A View of the Harbour -- Elizabeth Taylor (no, not the actress!)

I'm revisiting books I read in college. Just before picking up this book again, I had reread (for the hundredth time) Virginia Woolf's "Mrs. Dalloway"  --  only to say, I find similarities in the wonderful humor of these authors! 

In "A View of the Harbour," all the characters have ideas about one an...

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Corrie Legge
Behind the Crimson Curtain

I’m not usually one for high fantasy but I love this one with its theater centric plot and incredibly complicated and nuanced characters

Hannah Woolmer
The Instrumentalist - Harriet Constable

As a film composer trained in classical violin I have always been obsessed with the story of the foundling girls in Venice that Vivaldi wrote The Four Seasons for. They were abandoned children raised by the church who were trained to be virtuoso musicians.

This book is a historical fiction about them...

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Debbie Croysdale

Picked book cos missed the lecture on it at university. Meaty prose opposed to minimum expletives of shorter sentences in recent modern fiction. Follows inner workings of protagonist’s mind in a bonkas sadistic dystopian society & smacks of sinister warnings for the future. Author highlights things...

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Malcolm Johnstone

I recently read Down and Out in Paris and London, which I definitely recommend. All about Orwell struggling to get by in those cities during the Depression. For all that, we see a quite funny side of Orwell and his writing.

Simon © Simon

Debbie Croysdale On that Note- If you look for similarities you can see this one is a current event.

Animal Farm G.Orwell is the Pen Name

Manor Farm is like any other English farm, expect for a drunken...

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Debbie Croysdale

@Simon Thanks for info on Animal Farm. @Malcolm Thanks for info on Down and Out in Paris and London. I've got those two titles on my must read list!

Sarah Jane Mc Carthy

Great review, Debbie, I really enjoyed it. Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm were life-perspective changing books for me. Those, along with Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451...

Michael Dzurak

A great book. I read it when bed-ridden with a flu and I think it made my flu last longer.

Neither Animal Farm nor Brave New World are much more hopeful, but Fahrenheit 451 ends with a tinge of hope.

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