Animation : Bluey - a kid’s cartoon show from Australia by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Bluey - a kid’s cartoon show from Australia

It’s strange what your grandkids get you into, isn’t it?

A few weeks ago, I’d never heard of ‘Bluey’, a kid’s cartoon series from Ludo Studios in Queensland, Australia and written and conceived by Joe Brumm.

My grandson, aged four, loves coming home and chilling after a hard day at school and has fallen in love with Bluey. It’s great to hear him howl with laughter, when he gets the joke.

This episode is called ‘Mini Bluey’, which my son raves about because in his words it “deconstructs the narrative and the whole show”. My problem is that after watching it for an hour or so, I begin to sound like the Dad! Dad is known to the kids, when they’re being cheeky, as “big fella”.

Each story has a very clever concept and deliciously written. When Bluey and her sister Bingo try new food, it’s fun to see my grandson try new things, which if offered at home, would be rejected with the eternal “yuck, I don’t like that”.

Watch this episode, I’m sure you’ll see what I mean, but be careful, it’s addictive stuff.

Mike Boas

There’s an episode where the kids meet in zoom chat, then run around the house with the tablet. Hilarious animation. I’ve heard lots of critics talk about how heartfelt the show is for adults too.

Geoff Hall

Mike Boas Yes Mike, I think they call it something like FaceyTalk. Yes, there’s also a little pathos to it all as well, especially when Dad has to go away for 6 weeks with his job. It works so well on many different levels and of course there’s a little humour in there for the parents. Or Relatable Parenting Moments, as we are supposed to call it these days. We love Bluey!

Maurice Vaughan

Haha That was fun, Geoff Hall! "Bluey" reminds me of Nick Jr shows I watched as a kid. When I first heard of "Bluey," I thought it was part of the same story universe as "Blue's Clues."

Kumar Sambhav

It is indeed !! incredibly written, beautiful !!

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan I’ve not heard of “Blue’s Clues” Maurice. It’s probably a generational thing. I’ve not had the need to watch kid’s TV for many years. Bluey for me is special. Thanks for checking in.

Geoff Hall

Kumar Sambhav thanks Kumar. My family is a big fan! The writing is so clever.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall. "Blue's Clues" came out in 1995, but Nickelodeon released a new version of the show in 2019 ("Blue's Clues & You").

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan thank you, Maurice.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Geoff Hall. I'm gonna watch more episodes of "Bluey."

Bob Harper

Bluey is amazing. Audiences, young and old, love it. I tell people who have never seen it that it's like "Seinfeld for the family."

Ashley Renee Smith

Bluey has absolutely blown up over the last few years! It actually has a massive following amongst college-aged viewers.

Geoff Hall

Maurice Vaughan you won’t be disappointed, Maurice.

Geoff Hall

Bob Harper haha, Bob! That’s great, “big fella”!!

Geoff Hall

Ashley Renee Smith so not just kids spreading the love of Bluey, to parents - and most importantly - grandparents! - but college students. That’s an amazing generational appeal. Now, if you had put that in a pitch deck, no one would believe it!

Brian Smith

It's a super-cute and very funny show. My 15-year old daughter loves it.

Sam Sokolow

Thanks for sharing, Geoff Hall - will share it with my godson - I bet he'll love it!

Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow Let me know how that goes. If I had a free day, I think I'd just sit and watch Bluey!

Leonardo Ramirez

My college-age daughter loves this show Geoff Hall. And do I. It's kind of mesmerizing and calming.

Geoff Hall

Leonardo Ramirez yes, that’s cool and you’re right. I’ve watched my grandson when he watches Bluey and he is so calm and reposed. It’s like a short meditative period in time.

Simon Turnbull

Yeah, Bluey totally rocks. The whole Australian animation industry's collective jaw just dropped when the show got so huge. It was like that line from Ghostbusters: "YES! WE GOT ONE!"

Want some inspiration to keep going on your screenwriting journey? I can remember when these developers were just wannabes, with a website and no shows. Not that long ago. Not trying to take them down a peg, just admiring the hustle.

Marsy Robinson

Geoff Hall mandatory Bluey viewing would make the world a better place.

Geoff Hall

Marsy Robinson hey there Marsy, you speak the truth!

Alexander Kalinkin

Absolutely, it's one of my favorite in many ways - great dialogues, kind jokes, and this really animated family-friendly spirit - thanks for mentioning the series here, Geoff

Kevin Jackson

I wish I could meet the writers and lead animator from this show. I really need mentors for the animators I teach as well as some of the boutique studios in my country. This show is a really amazing show.

John Michael German


Marsy Robinson - absolutely. The imagination, helpful inspiration, and creative joy that are found in the little things in life - gift beyond recognition.


Crazy walks (BeeeeeOOP!).


Thank you to each path you root.

God Bless,

John German

Gregory Barone

that was funny!!!

Geoff Hall

Alexander Kalinkin thank you, sir. It’s so good.

Geoff Hall

Kevin Jackson have you tried reaching out to them, Kevin?

Geoff Hall

Gregory Barone indeed it is, Gregory. It is so consistently funny and it’s a family favourite.

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