Composing : Why I Scored "Daddy" Doc by Fran Harris

Fran Harris

Why I Scored "Daddy" Doc 2022, we found out that my Dad was terminal with esophageal cancer. I'd always wanted to produce a doc about Dad b/c he's such a larger than life character in REAL life. So, I did. It was a literal race against time but I was determined to get it done. While gathering the assets for DADDY, I discovered something magical. Avocado.

Like many who grew up during the 70s, our home was filled avocado colored appliances, tile and fixtures. Ironically, my Dad was also a ceramic tileman -- so I wrote a song called The Avocado -- and within 20 minutes I'd written the song, found the arrangement in a royalty free website and recorded the song. I know. Funny. I'm laughing as I type this. But this is a super true story.

My Dad loved country western music -- and yep, the 'Avocado' song is a country western song! I'll share the link to watch the doc as we get closer to our Father's Day promotion. Hope it inspires someone to do something fun and unique - and without rule.

Get inspired! Write your own stuff! Score your films when you can. You'll have a great appreciation for the craft and pros who live and breathe it. Cheers!

Linwood Bell

Fran Harris Fran, I’m so sorry for your loss. What a way to honor him! I will be sure to watch and listen when you can share the link. I admire that you just went for it and that it came to you. Sometimes the magic just happens. Hugs to you.

Elena Maro

Fran Harris , I am so sorry for your loss, but what a wonderful way to honor your Dad! I am sure you made him proud. Thanks so much for inspiring us with your story.

Maurice Vaughan

My condolences to you and your family, Fran Harris. I think it's great that you produced a doc about your dad and scored it. Your post is inspiring! It has me ready to step outta my comfort zone and do something! Not sure what yet. Looking forward to seeing DADDY!

Ashley Renee Smith

I love that you took things into your own hands and created something to honor him. I think thats really beautiful, Fran Harris!

Kerry Kennard

Sorry to hear of your dad's passing. My dad died almost 30 years ago, so know what you're going through and what perspectives come out from learning what Life means. I'm glad also you're able to write about your Dad and experiences. I mourned a lot and cried for sure. Leave or set aside time for Grieving. May your 2024 be a great year.

K. Kennard

Maurice Vaughan

My condolences to you and your family, Kerry Kennard.

Kerry Kennard

Thank you Maurice Vaughan - it was a while ago. I appreciate the condolences

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Kerry Kennard.

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