Distribution : YouTube is the Taylor Swift of Digital Platforms by Debbie Elicksen

Debbie Elicksen

YouTube is the Taylor Swift of Digital Platforms

Crazy insane revenue numbers are coming out of the first quarter of YouTube.

No doubt, if I'm an advertiser, I would think twice about cable television, radio (unless it's Spotify, TuneIn, etc.). Where your audience lives is a huge component of distribution. It's not easy to get to that point of "YouTuber" where you get the plaque and start collecting ad revenues. God knows, I've been trying for years.

Stage 32 is a good example of how to grow a channel on YouTube.

To qualify to earn on YouTube you need this:

Three video uploads and 500 subscribers

and one of these two...

Three thousand public watch hours

Three million Short views

Do you have a YouTube channel?


Maurice Vaughan

Debbie Elicksen $8.1B! WOW! YouTube is definitely a distribution option that advertisers, filmmakers, etc. should use. I watch a lot of videos on there. Short films, web-series, sports highlights, etc.

Stefano Pavone

Yes, but I never show my face on it.

Sam Sokolow

Yeah - the biggest search engine on earth, the most users, the most content... YouTube is a behemoth. And I gotta admit - just dropped everything and switched to YouTube TV and I love it!

Debbie Elicksen

Sam Sokolow Shorts is really great for growing a channel. Especially if you create them on TikTok, which makes it so easy to do the one minute. Those videos automatically save to your phone and you can upload to YouTube. Then I go into the YouTube Studio and optimize it with tags, etc., and watch which platform gets the most hits. Sometimes it's YouTube. Sometimes it's TikTok. Since doing this consistently, I've seen my lives and videos get more traction. It's still slow as molasses getting subscribers, though. I think once you get to a certain point, the floodgates open.

Still, like everything else, the content is king. The storyline has to attract the viewer. But also the title. I've been using TubeBuddy to help with tags and titles.

Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow I’ll have to check out YTTV Sam. What’s caught your eye, so far?

Sam Sokolow

Hey Geoff Hall - its a combination of things including monthly price, ease of use, unlimited recordings and being to access it from any and every device. Its just cool. You need strong wifi so we upgraded to a mesh system and it's been terrific.

Geoff Hall

Sam Sokolow thanks Sam. We have a 125 mbs broadband service, with WiFi signal boosters in the main room, so I guess we should be okay.

Now here’s a question that’s been burning in me for a while. YT as part of a distribution strategy? Yes? No? Maybe?

Have you used it for any of your projects, Sam?

Debbie Elicksen

Geoff Hall It's the biggest search engine and makes billions each quarter, provides a truckload of tips and resources for users -- of course you use it for a distribution strategy. :) It's where everybody on the planet lives.

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