On Writing : Just released my 41st "Sojourn" book: "Sojourn: Shattered Avarice:" Staying On Target by Steven Gamella

Steven Gamella

Just released my 41st "Sojourn" book: "Sojourn: Shattered Avarice:" Staying On Target

Phew. Back in July, I set a goal that I would have at least one of the two books I was working on finished and published before Christmas, and, against all odds, I accomplished that goal. What generally helps me stay productive is proactive time management. For novels, I try to write at least one thousand words per day, and for scripts, I try to write at least two to three pages per day, but, in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance, I will only write on certain days of the week. I find that sometimes, walking away from a project for a while and then going back to it can help improve the quality of the work. What are some of the methods or strategies that you all use to stay productive on long projects? I'm curious.

Sam Sokolow

That is so cool - way to go, Steven Gamella - love that you set that goal and achieved it!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations on finishing and publishing your book, Steven Gamella! One strategy that I use to stay productive on long projects is thinking about how much I've written in the script instead of thinking about how much I still have to write. Thinking about how much I've written gives me a boost to keep writing. Thinking about how much I still have to write makes it harder to finish.

Kenneth Adrian Ellis


Mario Leone

Congratulations on achieving your goal! Proactive time management, setting daily writing targets, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance are excellent strategies. A little old Italian trick! Good Old Pomodoro technique!

Some people also use techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, setting specific deadlines, or breaking larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones.

Regular breaks, mindfulness practices, and having a dedicated workspace can contribute to productivity. What works best often varies from person to person, so experimenting with different methods can help find what suits you.

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