Screenwriting : Up writing and trying to create an evilllllll character !!! this channel helps me alot when i get stuck (: by Chase Cysco

Chase Cysco

Up writing and trying to create an evilllllll character !!! this channel helps me alot when i get stuck (:

Alicia Vaughan

I don't like this guy lol. He should've died at the end of the movie. My most hated villain in a movie.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for sharing, Chase Cysco. It's a great character breakdown! Anton Chigurh is one of the most terrifying villains in movie history. In my opinion, four things that make him so terrifying are he's so calm, he's unpredictable, he's mysterious, and he can't be talked out of something.

Eric Christopherson

Little known fact. No Country was originally a screenplay, which Cormac McCarthy later converted into a novel.

Ashley Renee Smith

I didnt know that, Eric Christopherson! It just goes to show that you should never give up on an idea that you're passionate about, you may just need to find the right path to move it forward towards your ultimate goal.

Chase Cysco

Eric Christopherson yea i didn't no that either !! i always thought it was a novel first

Chase Cysco

Maurice Vaughan right !! and has his own way of rationalizing his own beliefs and philosophies to be right lol

Chase Cysco

Alicia Vaughan awww come on !! HES TO COOL TO DIE ! (:

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