Penelope Fox

Penelope Fox


Ramona, CA, USA

Member Since:
December 2023
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Penelope

I'm a retired academic. My experiences include pre-school through university
teaching, Peace Corps speech therapist in Malaysia, radio DJ for children's stories, international teaching in South America and Mexico. I write poetry and children's songs (pertaining to ecosystem science). I have published an historical fiction novel: Daisy in a Gun Barrel: Peace & Freedom, Love & War, Rock & Roll, the 1960s. It can be purchased on Amazon, B & N, or Xlibris. It is a character-driven 108 chapter story based on real events, personalities, events and music 1962-1970, with an extensive bibliography for fact-checking. The sequel, 1970s Aftermath: Where Have All the Flowers Gone? is nearing completion. These 2 works would make a terrific TV series.




  • BA and MA Universities of CA

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