Stage 32 Member Spotlight: Louisa Kendrick - Writer, Director, Actor, & Producer

Stage 32 Member Spotlight: Louisa Kendrick - Writer, Director, Actor, & Producer

Stage 32 Member Spotlight: Louisa Kendrick - Writer, Director, Actor, & Producer

Karen "Kay" Ross
Karen "Kay" Ross
4 years ago

As the tumultuous year of 2020 draws to a close, it's inspiring to see the hard work and energy generated from Stage 32's 6th Annual November Write Club. So many people from around the world jumped in, set goals, checked in throughout, gave and received encouragement from fellow members, and a few even won some prizes for their efforts! While traction on a project is its own reward, it is also so fun to see those who put in the time be recognized! Do you know what else is fun? Taking that new script that you finished in November and organizing a virtual table read in the New Year! Get inspired to make moves in your creative career in 2021 with our Holiday Jump Start.

Okay, I'm not saying you have to be ready to pitch your script or even share it with anyone beyond your talent. Consider, however, how much you can learn from so many different perspectives, all from one event. While often a director's job, virtual table reads can fall on the screenwriter to host if still in development. Plus, it's incredibly energizing to hear others speak the words you've written. This is precisely why so many Writer's Room members have started groups - Thursday Pitch Sessions, Monday Coverage Report, and Table Read Tuesdays! What an invaluable tool these groups have become!

Today's Member Spotlight delves into how to own the table read, even if you're "only a writer," what instructions can help keep it organized, and what you can do to inspire your actors to make it their own. I'm pleased to introduce to you my new friend and an active Writer's Room member, Louisa Kendrick Burton! Louisa started as a dancer before launching into an acting career - she's even shared a scene with Will Smith! She has since expanded into writing and directing with her directorial debut short film, Our Tent, released earlier this year. Most importantly, she was the first Writer's Room member to host a virtual table read for our inaugural Table Read Tuesday, and it was a smash!

I sincerely hope you enjoy getting to know Louisa and her contagious enthusiasm for bringing the written word to life. With savvy actors and guidance from members like Louisa, I know you can workshop your script with confidence!

Connect with Louisa on Stage 32 and IMDb.

Stage 32 Member Spotlight: Louisa Kendrick - Writer, Director Actor, & Producer

YouTube Video

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About the Author

Karen "Kay" Ross

Karen "Kay" Ross

Filmmaker, Producer, Screenwriter, Script Consultant, Voice Actor, Actor

Kay Ross is an actor, producer, writer, and champion for the "inner teenager.” While being a producer on a television show like Netflix’s “Sex Education” would be a dream realized, for now, she kicks ass on shorts, features, and hosts a weekly IGLive to empower creatives called “The Victory Round.”...

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