Coffee & Content: Breakthroughs, Brands, & Letting Go of What Holds You Back

Coffee & Content: Breakthroughs, Brands, & Letting Go of What Holds You Back

Coffee & Content: Breakthroughs, Brands, & Letting Go of What Holds You Back

Happy Sunday, Creative Army!

Have you had a creative weekend so far? Whether you’ve been writing, filming, editing, or simply dreaming up your next big idea, I’ve got some inspiring content to fuel your passion and keep you moving forward. So grab your coffee, and let’s dive in.

I want to kick things off with a fantastic video from Vox that digs into how A24 went from a little-known indie film distributor to one of the most influential names in modern entertainment. From Moonlight to Everything Everywhere All At Once, A24 has managed to build an identity that screams originality and quality, so much so that people literally wear the brand. But how did they pull that off in just a little over a decade? This breakdown looks at how A24 challenged the studio system, rewrote the playbook on marketing, and created a loyal following of creatives and audiences alike. If you’re building your own production company, developing your brand, or just love film- this is required viewing.

Next, I want to talk about something that can quietly derail your progress- holding on to old feelings and baggage. Whether it’s a past rejection, a bad meeting, or someone not giving you the time of day, I get it. This industry is tough, and it’s easy to take things personally. But if you’re still carrying those old feelings into new opportunities, you’re only hurting yourself. This business is already full of gatekeepers, you don’t need to be one of them to your own progress. People change. Circumstances change. So let it go. Be prepared, stay sharp, and don’t block your own blessings because of what happened before. Learn more in this video.

At Stage 32, we’re all about growth—creative and professional. That’s why we share content like this every week and show up for each other every day. So I want to know...

What’s one old belief, experience, or fear you’re ready to let go of so you can step fully into your next creative chapter?

As always, here at Stage 32, we love to share stories and knowledge with our fellow film fans. Know someone who would love this content? Share it with them! Tag them below! You can keep up with all of our content by subscribing to the Stage 32 YouTube. For more inspirational, educational, and motivational content on all things entertainment industry, follow me on Instagram and X @rbwalksintoabar.

Wishing you a very happy, healthy, & creative Sunday.



VOX | How A24 Took Over Hollywood

Coffee  Content Breakthroughs Brands  Letting Go of What Holds You Back

RBWalksIntoABar | Stop Carrying Old Feelings Into New Experiences

Coffee  Content Breakthroughs Brands  Letting Go of What Holds You Back

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About the Author

Richard "RB" Botto

Richard "RB" Botto

Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist

Richard "RB" Botto has created the online platform and marketplace designed to democratize the entertainment industry, Stage 32. By leveling the playing field for all film, television and digital content creators and professionals worldwide, Stage 32 provides networking and training opportunities as...

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14 Comments on Richard RB's Article

Maurice Vaughan
Good morning, RB. I’ve been resting and recharging this weekend. I might get some writing in today. How’s your weekend going? Great videos! A24 has some of the best, most unique marketing I’ve seen. I’m always looking for unique ways to market myself and my projects. I picked up a tip from the video I might use for my scripts (make social media profiles for my protagonists). You’re right about letting go of old feelings and baggage. I reconnected with someone a little while ago that I worked with way back. We had a situation in the past, and I thought about it when we reconnected, but then I thought, “that’s in the past.” I’m not gonna let what happened then affect any opportunities now.
4 days ago
Maurice Vaughan
Hi, Anna. I didn't know those things. Thanks for sharing them with me. "And what’s interesting is that these Hungarian authors actually adopt the persona of their pen name..." That is interesting, and I think it's an effective way to market books online. "*In fact, this could make for a great, contemporary-themed movie, with many humorous situations arising.* I think it could make for a great movie too. You could even turn the idea into a book.
13 hours ago
Anna Kiss
Author, Screenwriter
Hello, Maurice Vaughan, I’m glad to see that you also watch videos with an open mind. I’ve had the same experience—one can draw excellent ideas from movies. And often, our professional world offers solutions that we might not have thought of otherwise. I am the founder of a publishing company in Hungary, so I’m in constant contact with people from the book world, especially authors. In Hungary, it’s common for authors—primarily in the romance genre—to publish their books under American-sounding, fantasy names. Readers indeed tend to buy works by authors with English names more, as it better aligns with their interests, compared to a name like Kovács József (for example, John Smith) on the book cover. That’s the most common name here. And what’s interesting is that these Hungarian authors actually adopt the persona of their pen name. They present themselves as if they were real people on social media. They create a website for their character, set up a profile on Facebook, and so on. These “people” live entirely independent lives on social platforms. They behave as if they were real, living individuals. Of course, their “creators” quickly realize the limitations of this approach. For instance, they can’t attend author-reader meetings because it’s awkward when someone completely different shows up from how the online character has been presented to the public. We don’t publish books under a pen name, but I also use this trick in the marketing of other topics, combining a real person and an online character. In fact, this could make for a great, contemporary-themed movie, with many humorous situations arising. I can say this from my personal experience as an author. :) All it needs is a good script! :)
14 hours ago
Jordan Smith 16
Amazing insight. They don't always hit my personal mark or taste. Sometimes they get a bit to 'artsy' for me. I can appreciate that they do know how to captivate audiences, take risks and always maintain a level of quality to their productions. It's amazing how fast they took the industry by storm. I think there is a lot of pressure for them to keep it up, but it's an exciting time to bring an angle that is almost the antithesis of the Marvel/Disney 'cookie-cutter' projects that have become all too familiar as the 'standard' of late. Thanks for breaking it down for us!
2 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
You may not like 'em all, but they get you to watch, right, Jordan Smith? (For the record, I don't love 'em all either, but I do think they're more hit than miss.) At the very least, they've created a brand that piques interest. Can't say that for too many out there. Appreciate you sharing and all the good words.
a day ago
Alexandra Stevens
Actor, Acting Teacher
Another illuminating post RB that gave me more insight into the world of film distribution and production. I felt inspired by A24's original strategy to not spend loads on marketing but to focus on word of mouth and things going viral. It's easier said than done but gave me some energy to consider ways to do that from my projects. And totally 100% agree with you for the need to let go of limiting beliefs, emotions and experiences. I was thinking exactly that today, how we can subtly sabotage our own creative success (whatever that means to us) by having negative beliefs running out-of-awareness in the background. I shared more of my personal experience of this over in the acting lounge
4 days ago
Alexandra Stevens
Actor, Acting Teacher
Hear hear!
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
That's absolutely right, Alexandra Stevens. It's faith in the belief that good storytelling, especially in a vacuum, will win the day.
3 days ago
John Snell
Screenwriter, Actor
Thanks for sharing the experience, Richard "RB" Botto!
3 days ago
John Snell
Screenwriter, Actor
No doubt, you're always on the mark, Richard "RB" Botto!
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
Happy to, John Snell. Glad it hit the bullseye.
3 days ago
William Joseph Hill
Actor, Screenwriter, Filmmaker
This is a great share, RB! A24's rise is a great story -- they've got a clear mission and are executing it awesomely!
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
The confidence is otherworldly, William Joseph Hill. As I mentioned in another thread, Neon is certainly following suit. We'll see if others do as well.
3 days ago
Sandra Isabel Correia
Screenwriter, Executive
A24 is a marketing case study that any entrepreneur or creative must read and get inspired by. Their path isn't new; what's new is how they pick up all the MKT tools, mix them, and create a unique strategy that appeals to the audience's emotions (David Hawkins Scale) with the goal of making them part of the A24 goals. Because they launched a big diversity of films, they appeal to a wide range of A24 audiences, not the common audiences that big studios do. This strategy is very effective. If we want to succeed, we must learn from positive examples, who have experienced both failures and successes. As creatives in the filmmaking industry, we must think of all the processes, especially a successful marketing strategy; we are our brand! Thank you for sharing, RB. Thank you so much! I hope your week gets off to a good start.
3 days ago
Sandra Isabel Correia
Screenwriter, Executive
It is RB ;))
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
They think 360 from the jump, Sandra Isabel Correia, which is a lesson for all.
3 days ago
Thank you for sharing, Richard RB Botto! This inspired me.
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
Glad to hear it, Charmane Wedderburn!
3 days ago
Geoff Hall
Screenwriter, Director, Producer
A24 is I think my favourite production/studio/distro companies, RB. I love the way the think outside of the box when it comes to marketing their films; from Ex Machina’s where you could have a conversation with Ava on Tinder. It challenges me to think how my new fledgling company can work with distributors to promote its films and how I need to think of promoting the company. Thanks for the share, RB.
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
They get a ton of things right. Neon does as well. They're print and digital campaign for ANORA was simple, but impactful.
3 days ago
Kat Spencer
Author, Musician, Editor, Story Analyst
Great article, RB! And very interesting video. Thanks for sharing! A lot of creativity this weekend, and I ran a 5K race today :) As far as limiting beliefs and fears go, I dropped those moons ago. Now, I help people do that too. Life's too short for that. I hope you're having a great weekend!
4 days ago
Maurice Vaughan
Congratulations on dropping the limiting beliefs and fears, having a creative weekend, and running the 5K race, Kat!
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
Congrats on the 5K, Kat Spencer! Healthy body, healthy mind.  And good on you for solving the puzzle and then helping others do the same. Nothing more rewarding.
4 days ago
Pamela Jaye Smith
Author, Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Acting Teacher, Script Consultant, Story Analyst
Valuable insights from both fronts. In these rapid-change and often challenging times, being adaptable is essential. As is maintaining your integrity and reliability for long-term career success. Thanks for putting this out there for us all.
4 days ago
Pamela Jaye Smith
Author, Director, Producer, Screenwriter, Acting Teacher, Script Consultant, Story Analyst
Thanks, RB.
3 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
Couldn't agree more, Pamela Jaye Smith. Adaptability, especially in this market and given the global expansion of the last few years, is a must. So is self-education.  Appreciate you commenting and sharing!
4 days ago
Leonardo Ramirez
Screenwriter, Author, Voice Actor
I love out of the box thinking. That’s what is going to move us into our future. And speaking of future, we can’t move into that until we’ve let go of the past. Yesterday is gone.
4 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
That's a mic drop in 4 sentences, Leonardo Ramirez. Brilliant.
4 days ago
Tom Stohlgren
Author, Researcher, Screenwriter
I’ve always been a fan of the personal style of A24. I like their unique brand. Their strategy works without compromise. I see them as a major part of my future. They just don’t know me yet. I loved RB’s advice not to carry old feelings into new situations. Thanks for posting, RB!
4 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
They established a brand and a feel, Tom Stohlgren. In the trailers for their latest film releases, they incorporate the logo INTO the trailer. That's a level of confidence we haven't seen in some time. And I love this: "I see them as a major part of my future. They just don’t know me yet." - That's confidence as well. Will it into being, my friend. Thanks for the good words on the video and for posting!
4 days ago
Harri-Pekka Virkki
Author, Stunt Performer
Thanks RB! ” Every Moment is a Chance to Turn it Around!” Like one of the 8 Mile movie tagline says! Have a Zen filled (or is it Zenful?) week!
4 days ago
Harri-Pekka Virkki
Author, Stunt Performer
4 days ago
Richard RB Botto
Actor, Producer, Screenwriter, Voice Artist
And every moment is a choice, Harri-Pekka Virkki. Have a zen filled week as well.
4 days ago
Love it!
4 days ago