Identifying a Narcissist on Social Media

Identifying a Narcissist on Social Media

In today's digital age everyone is vying for attention and engagement on social media. Today we're excited to bring you another clip in the 3-hour installment of our Founder & CEO RB's Film Courage interview, which discusses how to identify narcissistic behavior from creatives on social media.
In this 4-minute clip, Identifying A Narcissist on Social Media is Easy, RB talks about the characteristics of a filmmaking, acting, producing, screenwriting narcissist and the mistakes they make by using this tactic. He talks about why the "hey look at me" approach won't work and why the give and take is important for your social presence as a creative.
The wide ranging interview covered a plethora of subjects including filmmaking, acting, screenwriting, distribution, indie film, the state or the industry, crowdfunding, crowdsourcing, social media, and networking in person, online and outside of LA to name a few.
Film Courage has begun releasing the interview in segments and we're happy to announce that we'll be bringing these videos to the community right here on the Stage 32 Blog. If you've missed the other Film Courage video posts so far, don't worry! You can access them here:
- 30 Years Of Chasing The Dream Of Being A Television Writer and How It Came True
- Most Likely Reason Why People Fail At Crowdfunding
- Mistakes Artists Make On Social Media & How To Fix Them
- How Networking Can Help A Screenwriting Career
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About the Author

Stage 32 Staff - Julie
Director, Screenwriter, Editor
With over 400,000 members from every country on the planet, Stage 32 is uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.