Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb, Croatia!

Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb, Croatia!

Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb, Croatia!

Sam Sokolow
Sam Sokolow
a day ago

Happy Wednesday, Friends!

As many of you already know, Stage 32 Certification has been bringing new film commissions, institutes, colleges, streamers, and other organizations into the mix. This week we’re welcoming the Zagreb Film Office in Croatia to Stage 32 Certification!

The Zagreb Film Office and Stage 32 are excited to partner to bring Certification opportunities to creative professionals in the Zagreb, Croatia area. This is their chance to get certified in multiple production skills so that they can take their careers to the next level, give themselves the tools they need to get jobs in the production industry and get their feet in the door.

But it’s not just a great opportunity for them, it’s an opportunity for ALL of our wonderful members here at Stage 32 (meaning YOU) because Stage 32 Certification is for everyone, everywhere!

Stage 32 Certification is working to train crew all over the world, including partnerships this year in Hawaii, Florida, Texas, Oregon, Nevada, Costa Rica, Uganda, Poland, and many others.

What Is The Zagreb Film Office?

The Zagreb Film Office provides information regarding local resources, to advocate for support and growth of the local industry, and to make it clearly understood that Zagreb is open for business. Global hit TV series like Game of Thrones and huge movies like Star Wars: The Last Jedi have shot there and the local industry is fast on the rise. The film office is ready to assist with your film/TV, commercial, photography, and music needs.

You can learn more about the organization HERE.

To learn all about Stage 32 Certification, please check out this video of a presentation I recently gave to Zagreb, Croatia thanks to our partners in the film office there:

Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb Croatia

Once you become certified in any of our subjects or take a full track of courses and become Master Certified, you will:

  • Be entered into a global database searchable by film commissions, streamers, studios, production companies, independent producers, and financiers.
  • Receive a certification badge on your Stage 32 account present and searchable by over 1 million Stage 32 members.
  • Receive credentials to be displayed on all social media channels and resumes.
  • Be recognized industry-wide as someone qualified to be hired and work in your area of certification.

Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb Croatia

There Are Two Types of Certifications Available

Master Certifications: These are a group of courses that make up a master's knowledge of a particular discipline. You will need to take all of the courses in a Master Certification track and pass a test in each course in order to be Master Certified.

Current Master Certifications Include:

Individual Certifications: These are individual courses that focus on a particular skill set in which you will watch the course and then be tested at the end to receive your certificate.

Current Individual Certifications Include:

Stage 32 Certification Welcomes Zagreb Croatia

Get Certified. Get To Work. Start By Tapping Here!

And if you’d like 50% off your first Stage 32 Certification please email me at with the subject line “50% OFF” and I’ll send you a coupon just like I offered our friends in Zagreb.

Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below!

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About the Author

Sam Sokolow

Sam Sokolow


Sam Sokolow is Stage 32’s Certification Producer and is passionate about the role education plays in the entertainment industry. Sam is also a highly respected television executive and 2-time Emmy nominated Executive Producer with deep experience in developing and producing television series. Sam...

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