Introduce Yourself : Hello by Dawn Cobalt

Dawn Cobalt


Hey all I'm a director that was born and raised in Los Angeles. Weird I know. hahaha I do love meeting new people and may even pop up for a chat now and then. I have two shorts that are wrapping up their festival runs, one short in post and two features in pre-production. I'm always looking to add to my team. If you would like to see one of the shorts it's now available on line. It's called Out Smart. What if you had to come out smart the way you come out gay? Looking forward to expanding my network this weekend.

System Admin

Sounds interesting Dawn, I'll check it out. Don't forget you can also upload the short to your Stage 32 reel here:

Dawn Cobalt

Thanks Derrick I will check it out.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi Dawn - great to have you here! What amazing accomplishments! I recommend filling out your profile completely. You introduced yourself and I went to check out more information about your shorts, the festivals you're in that you spoke about, etc. and none of that is listed on your profile. I know Derrick shared with you the link but here's some more info about it:

Dawn Cobalt

Thanks Julie. I will try to find the time this week to finish my profile. Thanks for the link!! I did use the link Derrick shared.

Jack Ritter

Haha that's a funny concept! I'll definitely check it out.

Dara Taylor

Ok...that was fantastic! So well written, acted, edited, etc. It was funny, witty and shall I dare to say..."smart"? (no offense ;-) ) It's so great to have such wonderful talent on the site! I'll be keeping an eye out for your future projects!

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Very funny. Very witty. Church doesn't like smart people they killed Galileo! :D I'm sure he appreciates the dedication! Great job! b.t.w. the website looks great too.

Dawn Cobalt

Let me know what you think Jack Thanks Dara, I'm glad you enjoyed it. Feel free to share. Tomasz, one of my favorite lines in the movie. Thanks for checking out the site.

Emily Schooley

Love the film concept!! I will definitely check it out

Tomasz Mieczkowski

Haha, you bet. Second best line for me: "did someone teach you inappropriately" - had me in stitches. :) You should definitely add this to your videos on Stage 32 to share it with the community. Looking forward to seeing your future projects.

Ann Kimbrough

Very funny concept and well executed! You had me laughing throughout. And I loved the subtext of what their POV said about real life attitudes.

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