Introduce Yourself : Hi, hope you are all happy and well :) by Kerin Freeman

Kerin Freeman

Hi, hope you are all happy and well :)

I'm re-introducing myself. I'm currently working on two projects at the moment - writing a novel based on a true story of a wrongful hanging that took place in a conservative, repressed New Zealand in the 1950s, and a script of the same story.

Dar Curcio-Elsbury

Welcome, Kerin. Like you, I've undertaken the same ambition, double trouble, a script based on a true story, and the biographical book about the same family, coping with loss in the wake of the war on terror. Script is done but, the book needs more work.

Kerin Freeman

Hi guys - thanks for writing back :) The life of a writer is hard work, to be sure. I started writing the book 2 yrs ago and still struggling to write it either in the first or third person. Its the story of the man's life, struggles, and finally his last hours waiting to hear when he is going to die. I like the sound of it as a movie, something similar to American Graffiti or the black and white Cathy Come Home. Thanks for your comments and great to meet you all. Sun is now shining here in New Zealand - makes a change from rain and the threat of tsunamis!!

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