Screenwriting : Properly conveying dialects in screenplays by David Chester

David Chester

Properly conveying dialects in screenplays

Hello all: My co-writer and I are working on a screenplay that takes places in the US during the late 19th century. We have source materials and we are doing our best to correctly convey the dialects used during this time period. Question: Does anyone have any suggestions for (produced) screenplays that I can further research to see how other (produced) writers handled this task? Thank you.

Beth Fox Heisinger

Where in the U.S.? What region? Rural? Big city? What genre? More specific information may help with suggestions. :) The first script that comes to my mind for late 19th century is "There Will Be Blood" or perhaps "12 Years A Slave"—although it's set a little earlier, around 1850. I hope that helps!

David Chester

Thank you Beth. Those are great examples. We are focusing on the 1890s and Pennsylvania.

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