Introduce Yourself : My 3 year journey becoming a screenwriter. by Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

My 3 year journey becoming a screenwriter.

Always glad to share my experience, strength and hope with this community. A fellowship that has given me so much. When I started writing my first screenplay 3 years ago at 62 I did not have a clue. I only knew that I had a great true story to tell that was a major news event back in the 1980s here on this little island we like to call MANHATTAN. As a matter of fact my first scribblings were on 10 memo pads that I bought at CVS Pharmacy for a $1.19 each. I did not even have a computer than. But when I went to my first "Film Industry Event" at the Tribeca Film Festival in 2015 and met Richard "RB" Botto for the first time I knew I was on the right path. As of this writing thanks to the love and support of staff and fellow members I now have (3) copyrighted screenplays. A production company. A 'working network' of METRO NYC/DUTCH Stage 32 creatives numbering 41 strong. They are ready to spring into action once we find funding ( AND WE WILL). So if you NEW to the site or just coming back. Stay. Learn. Grow. Engage. Share. You will find your own success story. I did. I guess you can say I am one Stage 32 "HAPPY CAMPER" Hey BENSONHURST--- "How come no Weekend Blog?--- CANARSIE OUT!!!

Robert Tetteroo

Hi Steven, sounds inspiring, I have started just a couple of months ago, planning to become a self supporting (screenplay) writer within 3 years, so ready to connect and learn about your experiences

Christian Pius

I joined Stage 32, with the same conviction of being on the right path.

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Robert- Thank you for your kind words best wishes for your success.

Christian-Stay on the Stage 32 path it will lead you to success.

Vladislav Nogin

Spot on, Steven!

Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Vladislav- Thank you. It can happen to you too. "Don't quit till the miracle happens"

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